
Chapter 30: Unexpected Reward

- Route 239

The following day, the trio and their Pokémon set off for Solaceon Town, their tasks now behind them. Tyson, having acquired the Razor Fang from the Gliscor leader, could evolve his Gligar. Yet, he chose to first concentrate on enhancing her stamina and mastery of moves before her evolution. The recent battle against the Skarmory had given Tyson valuable insight into Gligar's combat style. Armed with a variety of hazards, Gligar was adept at setting traps throughout the battlefield to ensnare or disrupt her adversaries. Tyson's current goal is to train Gligar in flying and weightlifting to enhance its maneuverability and stamina, enabling it to sustain close-range combat for extended periods.

As the group journeyed, time passed swiftly with Alice and Tyson frequently engaging in conversation, while Leo interjected with his queries occasionally. Tyson observed that Leo was reserved, speaking up only when necessary. This contrasted with Alice's vivacious demeanor; she relished asking numerous questions and seemed to thrive on interaction.

"So, Tyson, what are your plans after the Breeder Exam? Are you considering employment with a company as a licensed breeder, or perhaps you're thinking of opening your own daycare?" Alice inquired, bombarding Tyson with questions much to his chagrin.

"One question at a time, Alice; you're doing it again!" Leo interjected, noticing Tyson's struggle to keep up with all of Alice's questions.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to," Alice replied, scratching her head sheepishly. It was always a bad habit of hers during conversations.

"It's okay, Leo, I don't mind answering her questions," Tyson replied before continuing, "I intend to enroll at Coronet Academy and sign up for their Breeder and Battle courses."

The revelation astonished the two young people. Coronet Academy was well-known, yet it had a notably low acceptance rate. Graduates often became prominent members of Sinnoh society. Among such distinguished individuals was Tyson's grandmother, Bertha, who served on the Sinnoh Council and was the most formidable of the current Elite Four. (A/N: This is before the time of Lucian, Flint and Aaron)

"I hadn't realized you were planning to enroll in the academy as well," Alice remarked, piquing Tyson's interest.

"Are you also planning to join the academy?" Tyson inquired, his gaze alternating between the two youths.

"No, unfortunately we already attempted the admission last year when we began our journey. Leo was close to passing, but the requirement was a bit too high for us at the time" Alice explained.

"It's true, back then my Infernape was still a Chimchar, and Prinplup hadn't evolved from Piplup. We were at the beginning of our journey, equipped with little more than our Pokémon. Our knowledge was rudimentary, having just graduated from the trainer school," Leo added, contributing to the explanation.

Upon hearing their explanation, Tyson gained some insight into the entrance exam. Ordinary trainers would struggle to apply for entry whether it be due to lack of backing or simply bad luck on their part. Even those with talent would fall short if they hadn't prepared thoroughly. This also accounts for the low number of students, as the rigorous entrance exam and intense competition eliminated those less prepared and favored the talented individuals who manage to pass the exam.

'With the letter from Professor Carolina, entry should be guaranteed, but I will also request to participate in the assessment. Even though a free ride seems appealing, I want to know that my efforts are meaningful,' Tyson thought as he continued his conversation with Alice and Leo.

The trio stopped in a clearing to rest, having reached the halfway point of their journey. They could make it to Solaceon Town by nightfall if they kept their current pace, but Leo proposed they camp out to avoid any unforeseen incidents. Tyson, sitting under a nearby tree, let Trapinch and Pupitar out to stretch and feed. Gligar, in particular, was famished, displaying her typical ravenous hunger.

"A Pupitar, that's quite rare in Sinnoh" Leo commented as he continued to feed his Infernape some Pokeblock.

"Well, he's my partner and my first Pokémon; I've had him since I was eight, so it makes sense," Tyson remarked as he polished Pupitar's shell.

"And a Trapinch too," you say you plan to become a Pokemon Breeder Tyson. But what will be your specialty? Many breeders focus on a Pokémon's health or diet, while others concentrate on their life cycle and the care of their young. Some even specialize in move mastery, eventually becoming Move Tutors" Leo questioned. (Note: Occupations such as Move Tutors, Pokemon Nurses, and Daycare workers are categorized under breeding. Other professions like Fashion Modeling, Electricians, Builders, and Archaeologists fall under Trainers, Researcher, and Coordinators).

"Hmm, I intend to concentrate on Pokémon Heritage, Move Mastery, and Pokémon Diet. These three subjects will complement the Battle Course well, enabling me to fully develop my Pokémon's potential," Tyson replied, finishing the polish on Pupitar's shell and looking down at the content Shell Pokémon. "There you go, buddy."

"Tar, Tar," [Thanks, that's much better] Pupitar spoke expressing its gratitude. Then, it floated away to practice controlling its sandstorms and to refine its rock-type moves and control of rock type energy.

Tyson had mapped out Pupitar's training regimen prior to the start of their journey, directing it to concentrate on mastering its vent usage, rock-type moves, and sandstorm manipulation. Until its evolution into Tyranitar was complete, additional physical training would be limited to utilizing its vents to enhance control and agility.

As Pupitar wandered off, Alice pondered, "Where is Pupitar going on its own?"

"It's going to train; I usually train my Pokemon during my breaks from travel" Tyson explained earning a nod from Leo and an impressed look from Alice.

Many trainers utilize the downtime during their travels to improve their Pokémon's abilities, a practice more frequently observed among those who have already earned a gym badge or participated in tournaments. Observing Tyson's commitment, Leo smiled, realizing that if they had shown the same level of practice and dedication, their entry into Coronet Academy would have been guaranteed.

As the trio savored a brief respite, the moment soon arrived to resume their adventure. Tyson, having returned Pupitar and Trapinch to their Pokéballs, led the group onward into the dusk, now inquiring about the gym battles they had experienced. As nightfall descended, it signaled the necessity to establish their camp. After setting up their tents, the group settled in for the night, determined to complete their journey with the coming of morning.

- Solaceon Town

The next day, the group made their way back to the Solaceon Town Pokémon Center, concluding a long journey. After finishing their quest, Tyson, Leo, and Alice awaited the arrival of the mission issuer in the lobby. Leo and Alice had already submitted their mission at the desk and collected their rewards. Tyson, on the other hand, was told to wait for the reward issuer who would personally hand him his reward. Leo mentioned that jobs lasting over three months often come with special rewards. Thirty minutes later, the Pokémon Center doors swung open to reveal a woman clad in traditional ranger garb, her black hair setting off her hazel eyes. Floating beside her was a spherical robotic Pokémon, its sides adorned with blue-and-red tipped horseshoe magnets and a distinctive, central eye.

'A Magnemite, huh? Quite a unique choice for a partner Pokémon in a rural town,' Tyson mused as he gazed at the two newcomers.

The female ranger's eyes scanned the room before settling on Tyson's group. As she approached, she spoke quickly and with an anxious tone, "Are you the ones who found my ring?"

"Indeed, it was Tyson who discovered it," Alice affirmed, her face beaming with a radiant smile.

"Thank you, thank you so much," the woman exclaimed with joy as she clasped Tyson's hands, an action that surprised him. "My husband gave me that ring, and after his passing three years ago, I've held onto it as a keepsake. When I misplaced it last year during the egg incident, I was devastated. I searched the mountain range but to no avail."

"Well, I'm pleased I could assist in its recovery," Tyson responded with a kind smile, then added, "Even though the mission didn't mention a financial reward, I understand that several others have attempted the quest before me."

"Oh yes, the reward!" the woman exclaimed, then added, "My apologies for that. My son was responsible for setting the reward, and he didn't provide explicit details to those who accepted the task. He only specified that the reward would be substantial." After finishing her explanation, the female ranger introduced herself as Adelia, a seasoned member of the Solaceon Town ranger corps. "Please, follow me to the local daycare; that's where your reward is," she said, leading the group out of the Pokémon Center.

As the group journeyed through the town, Adelia began to detail the reward. Her son, an adept Pokémon trainer, was employed by the Devon Corporation. This industrial powerhouse, headquartered in Hoenn, specialized in mineral processing and the manufacture of appliances. It was renowned for mass-producing most mainstream Pokéballs and various Pokémon training equipment. With such a vast array of products, the corporation was regarded as a leading producer and supporter of everyday items utilized by both trainers and the general populace.

"A year ago, when the egg incident happened and I lost my wedding ring, my son found out about it. Despite my insistence that it wasn't a big deal, he declared he would handle the reward," Adelia explained as the group approached a moderately sized building. A sign suspended from the building's roof identified it as "The Champ Builder," one of Solaceon Town's premier breeder farms responsible for the care of trainer Pokémon, adorned with the image of a flexing Machamp as its backdrop.

Upon entering the daycare, the group made their way to the front desk where they watched Adelia engage in conversation with the clerk as he vanished behind a nearby closed door. After a moment, she turned back to them and resumed her story, "Four months ago, my son emerged victorious in a competition held by the Devon Company. The prize was a rare Pokémon egg, a generous donation from the Littleroot Research Center. They're responsible for awarding Hoenn's Royal Trio to a select group of trainers—those who excel in nearby training schools or those children of affluent parents who can afford the steep price." With a frown, Adelia added, "The egg was entrusted to me, intended as a reward for the return of my wedding ring."

The revelation particularly astonished Tyson and his companions, as the Royal Trio were emblematic of each region's unique identity. They symbolized the new trainers who would travel their lands and participate in global tournaments. The use of the Royal Trio as a prize for a competition was a rare event, typically reserved for League-endorsed tournaments. As the Clerk came back, the group observed an incubator in his hands, cradling a Pokémon Egg. Tyson examined the egg, noting its predominantly blue color with orange patterns along the sides and at the center.

'I'd recognize that design anywhere; among the Hoenn Royal Trio, there's only one predominantly blue Pokémon... Mudkip!' Tyson mused as he stared at the egg.

Adelia turned to the group and explained, "This Mudkip egg was the prize from the Devon Company employee tournament. My son sent the egg about a month ago to serve as the reward for retrieving the ring."

"Wait, if the egg was only handed to you a month ago and the mission has been active for nearly a year, what was the original reward?" Leo inquired, puzzled by the discrepancy in the timeline.

Adelia chuckled sheepishly and said, "I had initially planned for a monetary reward, but at my son's insistence last month, we opted to use this egg as the prize," as she handed Tyson the incubator.

Grasping the incubator, Tyson felt a surge of excitement for the Pokémon that would hatch. Mudkip, along with its evolutions, was renowned as a powerhouse among the regional starters in his former world. Acquiring a Mudkip egg as a reward for a ring retrieval quest was a significant advantage. Considering the challenges he faced to retrieve the ring, it was no wonder it had remained undiscovered until now. With the ring secured by the Gliscor herd, reclaiming it necessitated invading their territory and plundering their hoard—a feat that would be unfeasible without commanding a strong team of Pokémon.

"But isn't it a bit much to reward a random person with such a rare egg?" Tyson questioned as he looked at the incubator in his hands.

"Well, that's what I said too, but my son insisted that he would pay any price to recover the ring. While I'm pleased, he would go to such lengths, it still troubles me that he gave away such a rare egg. He could have sold it or even trained it himself. However, he countered that Devon Corp holds contests like this occasionally, so it wasn't an issue... the nerve of that boy," Adelia complained before adding, "Please ensure you take good care of the little one that hatches from that egg."

"Don't worry, Tyson here plans to become a Pokemon Breeder so if anyone will take good care of the egg its him" Alice commented earning a smile from Adelia.

After saying goodbye to Adelia, the trio departed from the daycare, discussing their future journeys. With the adventures at the Michina ruins concluded, their paths no longer required them to journey as one.

"Say Tyson, since were both planning to head to Hearthome City why not travel with me and Leo. The three of us hit it off really well during the mission and I'd enjoy someone to talk to with Leo always being so quiet" Alice asked while directing a pout at Leo who simply shrugged.

"I have no problems with travelling as a group, but what about you Leo, any objections?" Tyson asked directing the attention to Leo

"I have no complaints; now Alice can pester someone else with her endless stream of irrational questions," Leo responded.

"What was that! I want you to know that I ask valid questions that make complete sense," Alice protested as the argument between them escalated.

Tyson stood to the side, holding the incubator in his arms and chuckling as he watched the two bicker. Perched on his shoulder, Gligar looked at the egg with anticipation. Tyson said, "Well, girl, you're about to become a big sister. Make sure to look after the little one when it hatches," which earned him a grin and a nod from Gligar. Tyson then turned his attention back to the arguing youths, thinking to himself, 'The journey to Hearthome City will be anything but lonely or dull.'

Pokémon Team:

Team Rank: 3


Gender: Male

Type: Rock/Ground

Abilities: Shed Skin

Held Item: None

Moves: Rock Throw, Bite, Payback, Leer, Scary Face, Dragon Dance [Inherited], Ancient Power [Inherited], Stomping Tantrum, Sandstorm, Iron Defense, Outrage, Rock Slide

Custom Moves: Sand Shield

Moves Learnt:


Gender: Female

Type: Ground/Flying

Abilities: Hyper Cutter, Sand Veil, Immunity [Undeveloped]

Held Items: None

Moves: Thief, Knock Off, Poison Tail, Quick Attack, Wing Attack [Inherited], Toxic, Spikes, Toxic, Rock Slide, Stealth Rock Spikes, Venoshock

Custom Moves:

Moves Learnt:


Gender: Male

Type: Ground

Abilities: Hyper Cutter, Sand Trap [Undeveloped] Sheer Force

Held Items: None

Moves: Astonish, Mud Slap, Sand Attack, Bite, Crunch, Bulldoze, Dig, Sand Tomb, Bug Bite [Inherited], Rock Slide

Moves Learnt:

Custom Moves: Sand Trap

Pokemon Egg(s): 

Mudkip Egg (Gender Unknown)

I back! hope you all have been ok in the week I was forced to go MIA (Real life stuff)

Though I finally got to this point in the story its egg time!

MugenStrifecreators' thoughts
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