
88 Starting class

"It's not often that beauty and genius come in such a nice package." As Ryan vision started to clear up from darkness, he heard a vaguely familiar female voice.

As his vision fully cleared, he was looking at a TV with a blue hair girl on the screen talking. He realized why the voice sounded familiar, it was bumla voice.

(Im pretty sure this show is called dragon something, Jason been watching alot of this show lately. This will be another uneventful dream, but I guess its not to bad. Now I get to have time to think about what had happened earlier.)

(I don't know why i didn't listen to my gut feeling, I knew there must of been a reason why it was called a Demonic apple. Nothing can't be that simple if you have to used the word demonic in its name. That silver hair beauty did say demon trees got its name from making sinister traps.)

(Its pretty obvious if I ate that while still in the forest I would try to head back for more. Or even convince other people to come with me to get more. It had probably wanted me to spread word about it, that could be the reason why it let me take away the fruit without attacking. It must not get many visitors. If I manage to get it and get away once, I should be able to do it again. Bam, and I fall into a trap. That's a crafty tree.)

(When I asked if its okay to eat, did they not think to mention the after effects of eating it. Technically no one had lied to me, I only asked is the demonic fruit harmful to the body.)

(Its clearly not harmful, I had ate... let see, one, two, three, of them. And nothing harmful happened to my body that I know of, but it have some kind of mental persuasion mix in with the fruit. I can't help but feel like that type of after effects should be included in being harmful.)

Ryan stop thinking about the incident for now, because all it was doing was just making him more frustrated with everything. He started to pay more attention to the tv, to keep his mind off it.

"We still have to find all the Dragon balls first, i got the dragonball radar."

(If only we have Dragon balls here, I would not hesitate to wish for all the beasts to die on the planet.) Ryan sighed to himself as he continued to watch TV.

When the episode was over Ryan went back to thinking to himself.

(I just realized im not mentally tired anymore every since this dream started. From how tired I was before I fell asleep, I would of thought I would of been tired here too. But I feel just find mentally. I wonder how that works but since now I got free time to think, what should I do tomorrow. )

(When I wake up I should probably cultivate, I still have alot of energy in my core. It will take a few days to properly use up all that energy. Ah, I can't do that, I got 2 classes to go to about spell creating in the morning.)

( And I need to schedule a class to learn more about the dungeon wild life. I would not had wasted  2 demonic apples if i knew more about demonic trees. At least I still have 9 left.)

(I will have to come up with a plan to eat them without risking eating more than one at once. It probably be smart to wait for like a week before eating another anyway.)

Ryan went back to watching TV as he periodically thought about what he will do when he wakes up. Time went pass and something interesting caught Ryan attention on TV. They was talking about something similar to his element.

"This gravity machine allows the user to train under Earth's gravity multiplied by a certain number. The increased gravity increases a person's body weight, which they must build up their muscles to deal with, lest they have a hard time moving. Once the user returns to normal gravity, they enjoy the increased muscle they built up, and they feel much lighter and faster compared to how much they weighed in the increased gravity."

(Is what I'm doing increasing the gravity on things or is it something else. Do gravity only make things heavy or can it make things lighter too like how I do. My element must be related to gravity in some way. I need to find out what gravity is exactly, than I could tell if my element is related to it. They didn't really explain it that good.)

Ryan spent the rest of the dream watching TV.

Ryan woke up in a pile of clothes feeling much better. His body wasn't as sore as it used to be and he didn't feel mentally exhausted anymore. He check the time on his skynet and he still had 2 hours before his first class.

(My dream was definitely shorter than normal, I wonder will i stop having dreams like that after a while. I guess there no point to worry about it, i can't do anything about it either way. Its better to not over think it.)

(I need to start cultivating and strengthening my core. I have less than 2 hours before class start.)

Ryan spent the morning cultivating and left to head to his class. The skynet made it easy to find out where to go and he showed up 10 minutes early.

The teaching system the academy got set up is pretty simple. Since alot of students have to take time out there day to cultivate, take missions, have different learning speeds, and many other things. It would be hard for them to stick to a schedule together and be at class every day.

So the academy thought it would be better for them to buy and schedule the classes they want to take. To make sure everyone teaching properly, the skynet have a image recording feature. So If a student buy a class and the teacher do a bad job at teaching. The students can send the recording to get reviewed and if it was truly the teacher fault, the teacher will have to face punishments.

At the end of the class, students are forced to write a comment and give a rating on the classes they take. It helps other students know the good teachers to learn from.

Ryan went into the building with the word academy above the door. The inside was big enough to get lost in, and this was the only place Ryan been to so far that gave off a school vibe. He went to the room number it said to go to and tap his skynet to unlock the door. Ryan skynet started automatically recording the surroundings after unlocking the door.

The class room was mostly all white with the bare minimum of decoration in the room, the room wasn't to big or to small. There was 15 chairs in the room for the student to sit on and a board on the wall at the front of the room. Ryan sat down and quietly waited for the teacher.

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