
81 Eating breakfast together

Ryan and the siblings had all ate breakfast together and had to pay 1 merit points for the food. As they were eating they started talking about there plans for today.

"I had gotten invited to join a group of 7 to do a mission in the dungeon yesterday." Elizabeth said.

"You shouldn't just join any random group of people on a mission. It could be extremely dangerous." Brian said with a concerning tone.

"What else can I do? I don't think I should go in alone or have it only be just me and you in a group. I feel like it may be dangerous to go in with a random group but its safer than my other options. The classes I want to take is expensive, i need more merit points to take them."

"But what if they try to take advantage of you or have you do the dangerous tasks during the mission. You don't even know what to expect in the dungeons."

"I can only handle the problems as they come. I can't be afraid to take risks sometimes, how else will i get stronger. They didn't seem that bad. One of the members actually recommended me to take a 3 hour class course about permanent dungeons before I join them on a mission too. I had looked it up and over 500 students took that course. All the reviews and ratings about it is good." Elizabeth responded.

"But still, it could be dangerous. Try to see if I can join the mission too. I won't take any rewards of the mission." Brian said after a little hesitation.

"They only let me join because I am D grade talent, and there are only 2 other people that D grade in the group. I don't think it will be that dangerous for me, they probably wouldn't intentionally put me in danger. Most likely they probably see me as a valuable new member to the team." Elizabeth said in a softer tone, to convince her brother she will be fine.

She knows he would probably be in more danger if he come on the mission with her.

"I think you should let her go. Like she said earlier, this is probably the safest way to complete missions for now. Even if she wait to get to know her team better, It won't matter to much. My dad told me people will only show you the side of them they want you to see. Only when thing's get serious you will get to see a person true nature." Ryan said after seeing the conflicting thoughts in Brian eyes.

Brian sighed to himself hearing Ryan words. He knows what Ryan said was right, this is probably the safest way for now.

"Just be careful, and never let your guard down. If you see any signs or even have a gut feeling like something is off. Leave the group as soon as you can."

"Alright." Elizabeth gave a kind smile to her brother to ease his worries.

"So what is your plan for today." Ryan said looking at Brian.

"I need to find a way to increase my combat power. I know I need to do more than just ranking my mana core to rank3. So I was looking at classes to take yesterday, and saw a class course for earth and fire element users. Apparently they are a good combination to use together and the course will teach you how to use them in combination more effectively. There are 5 courses and the instructor will teach you a gesticulate spell to use at the end after completing all the courses." Brian said.

"How much each courses cost and how long the class last for. And what is a gesticulate spell?" Ryan asked.

"Each course cost 50 merit points and the class last for 4 hours. I can do 2 hours a day and split it up or learn everything in one day. There was only around 50 people that ever paid for the class but I'm not surprised. The class only useful for certain people. The reviews and ratings was good for the most part. One review said think about it another way. You just paid 250 merit points for a useful gesticulate spell and that alone would be worth doing."

"I still don't know what a gesticulate spell is?" Ryan responded.

Its a spell that can still be used without having to imprint it on the core. You have to perform hand signs to activate the spell. Of course they're alot of down sides of gesticulate spells like longer casting speed, less powerful, how high your affinity to certain element play a big part in how effective the spell is, and its way more difficult to master compared to a imprinted spell. All you have to do is charge the imprint in your core with mana and you can release the spell whenever you want."

"Oh, i didn't know you can cast spells like that. Well I did know but I was told it was useless to do it. It could take over 10 seconds just to do a spell and it's much weaker."

"It depends on the person using it on how useful it could be, and how well the spell was created. At least that what my dad told me, I actually don't know to much about it myself. But seeing a comment saying the spell was useful than it probably a good spell to learn."

"How you going to get the rest of the merit points for the courses." Elizabeth asked.

"I saw a mission for a forger assistant to heat up metals. Apparently it cost alot of mana to keep a fire going, they even said in the description that you got to be able to control high temperature heat for over 3 hours. I can heat up things with my aura to a high temperature over time and Its way more efficient than using a fire spell. Plus i have good control over the heat. It will cost me 10 merit points if I fail and waste there time, but I will get 5 merit points per hour if everything go good."

"Oh, that's not bad at all. You can earn merit points without putting yourself in danger." Elizabeth said in a happy tone.

"What are your plans for today." Brian asked Ryan.

"I am just going to spend most of my time cultivating. There is no point to do missions or take classes just yet if I can't rank up in time. I will check out the spells they have today and if I can't buy none here I will just fine a decent lightning spell to buy in the city."

"Try to make sure its a decent spell, you can't undo it." Brian said with a hint a concern in his tone.

"It will be a waste to have a bad spell for my first imprint, but my options are limited right now. What can I do." Ryan responded.

"I honestly wouldn't even waste my time at this academy, if I could just enter the dungeon. I was thinking yesterday and I don't understand." Ryan said thoughtfully.

"What don't you understand." Brian asked.

"If academies is only made to be resources miners, so people can have resources. Why do they stop people from entering and getting there own. When you're dad told me I can get home if I can make it in a dungeon, I tried asking around how to enter the dungeon."

"The big factions have to pay alot to enter and the others smaller academies only get a few slots to enter. If they want people to have more resources, wouldn't it be more efficient just to let people get there own."

"I don't know maybe they have reasons we don't know about." Brian said

"My guess they just doing it to keep all the resources for themselves. I remember reading yesterday, anything you find in the dungeon must be given to the academy for merit point when you exit the dungeon."

"You could be right, but does it matter. You are to weak to change anything." Brian said.

"You are right it don't matter, but I can't help to feel like something is off. I understand people have greed but we are literally surrounded by beasts. Our only hope in fighting them back is having more strong people. Why not just let people go in the dungeons to build up there strength."

"People are free to enter the instant dungeons though." Brian replied.

"Yeah, they are free to enter the most dangerous type of dungeons, that's great." Ryan said sarcastically.

"Why not let them enter the ranking dungeon that is literally meant for training each individual."

Brian and Elizabeth had a confused expression after Ryan words.

"What is a ranking dungeon?" Brian asked

"Is it really meant for training people." Elizabeth asked.

Ryan frowned. "Yall haven't heard about the ranking dungeon. That's odd. Yall know everything else about dungeons but not that one. Maybe yall don't have it here." Ryan spoke out loud mostly thinking to himself that it was strange.

"I learned about it from my parents, but my city didn't have a ranking dungeon near them. Maybe it's the same here." Ryan said looking at Brian.

"What is a ranking dungeon, and if you didn't have one why you would think it's weird for us to not have one." Brian asked

" The Ranking Dungeon is a dungeon that give you rewards for clearing the mission for that floor. Just by entering the Dungeon on floor zero you will receive a technique on how to cultivate a mana core. My dad told me that was how people started learning how to cultivate. The reason I thought it was strange because you didn't know about it and I haven't heard anyone talking about it. This look like a powerful enough city that would know about the ranking dungeons." Ryan said

"Oh, maybe we don't have it here. You came from far away." Brian said.

"Maybe, or there could be something else going on." Ryan replied.

"Like what."

"I don't know, just a random feeling I got. You remember the conversation with the vice principal."

"Yeah. What about it."

"That when I was getting a bad feeling, something had seemed off when she was talking to us. It could definitely be nothing too though. Never mind let's not talk about this anymore." Ryan said as he try to end the conversation.

"No, you could be right, actually. I been already having that same gut feeling about the cities. Do you remember why we left the city Brian." Elizabeth said hesitantly looking at Brian.

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