
65 Mage association

Ryan stood there with a smile slowly forming on his face.

"The winner is Unrivalled In my rank, winning his twenty-fourth fight. He somehow won the match and remained undefeated." The announcer yelled with enthusiasm.

Alot more people was paying attention to the fight than normal, since the fights lately been more entertaining overall. Most of the audience that have been paying attention didn't cheer, they was to shocked or mad by the turn in events.

The entire fight, Ryan was on the losing end. No one would of had imagined he would find a way to win the match. The people that bet Ryan would lose, was really in disbelief.

Some people was in aww by the way Ryan  brought his opponent into the air. Most understood not anyone could do something like that, or even think of that to win the fight. Everyone knows he is weaker than his opponent still, but they can't help admiring how Ryan didn't choose to give up when things looked impossible.

It takes alot in a person to take a punishment like Ryan did, when they had a way out the whole time. All he had to do was surrender, but he didn't in order to have more time to come up with away to win.

A elegant, beautiful woman had a smile on her face, as her eyes had a certain glint in them watching Ryan limp his way back under the stage. Ryan injuries look worse than what there actually are. There no doubt about it he got beat up to a pulp, but none of his injuries are life threatening.

Ryan made his way to the recovery room where you could pay to get healed. They have talented mages healers here, but it's slightly pricey to request there help. Most people just buy healing medicine they sell or use there own, but Ryan knows he just made alot of mana stones so he wasn't worried.

As he getting healed he started thinking about the fight.

(I can't believe I actually managed to win, I was so close to giving up. He saying something about bones breaking made me internally shudder.)

(Than again I should probably thank him for that, it made me remember something that could help me. Who would of thought watching tv would be the biggest reason why I won today.)

(Jason mom and dad always says watching to much TV is bad. They obviously don't know what their talking about.)

(Thinking back to it i preformed the move very incorrectly, but I can't be to hard on myself. That was my first time trying it after all. I'm glad I didn't have to fight that sand guy that was on the TV though. I would had definitely loss if he was my opponent.)

(I'm low-key mad at myself for not thinking about it sooner, and had to get beaten up first. I may of not been able to punch hard enough to cause him damage but the impact from the fall sure did the trick.)

(I should've of been remember the fight in my dream, our fight was similar in a way. My opponent had a defense so good it was hard to cause any damage just like the sand guy. I couldn't used any spells and the other guy couldn't use spells either. I think they call it jutsus in the show, but i only think about it when I remember bones getting crushed.)

By now the healers treatment was done and Ryan was completely healed. It didn't take to long, alot of the injuries was superficial injuries.

Ryan had already asked the attended to bring his winnings to him, so he could pay for the treatment. She just now came back.

"Here you go sir." She said with a kind smile.

Bag of mana stones appeared in her hands.

"There are a thousand LG mana stones in the bag feel free to confirm it."

Ryan eyes shot wide open, he wasn't expecting this much. He guessed fighting around the time before the entry test have its advantages.

Ryan counted them using his mana senes. Its not that he didn't trust her he just wanted to count it for himself. He couldn't believe he have so much, he already felt rich with just 280 mana stones. Now he feels like he could be compare to a son of a big family.

Ryan left the arena and made his way back to the inn still In a daze. He didn't even think about telling Tom and them about the fight yet.

Little did Ryan know they came to watch the fights today and saw Ryan fight. None of them thought Ryan would of won that fight, but he somehow managed. It had shocked them greatly, and they realized they have to get stronger.

It shouldn't of been possible for a rank 1 to win that fight, but with some thinking and luck he had won. It wasn't even alot of luck at play, it was mostly his opponent arrogance, and his desire to punished Ryan that gave him a chance to win.

They didn't go and try to find Ryan just yet, they stayed there watching fights. Some of these fighters will be at the entry test and they understand they will need every advantage they could get over there opponents.

Ryan was sitting on his bed letting everything that happened digest. It was not every day you would of thought you would lose everything one moment, but in the next you win everything.

(I got more than enough mana stones to make it to rank 2 eventually. I still need a spell to imprint on my core before I rank up, I should check out the spells shop today. I know they won't have anything good, but i may have to buy one from there if its to hard to get one from the academy.)

( I know i will need merit points for everything, but if it to hard to get enough merit points than I will just have to settle to buy a spell. I can't afford to stay at rank 1 for to long.)

(All I can really do now is cultivate and train until its time for the entry test. I have no interest in fighting a rank 2 again any time soon. That beating brought up some uncomfortable memories, I need to get stronger. Oh yeah, Midnight, I wonder how he been doing. Would he remember me if we meet again.)

Ryan shook his head pushing all these unnecessary thoughts away. He focused the remainder of his time on cultivating and stayed in his room. He decided to go look at spells tomorrow.

Ryan went to sleep when it got late.

"You got everything for school, make sure everything in your bookbag." A kind motherly sounding voice was heard.

"I got everything, I'm ready." Making his way to the door.

Ryan vision faded back in and was baffled at what he saw when Jason opened the door. There was white everywhere, on the ground, on the house, and even falling from the sky.

Ryan wasn't sure how to feel, watching it fall slowly inspired a sense of wonder. it was giving everything a unique beauty, but at the same time it was terrifying. One day everything look normal the next day there this, what else to call it if not terrifying.

Although Ryan had many thoughts going through his head he wasn't panic. Not cause he knew it wasn't dangerous but he was aware it was a dream.

"Mom, look. There so much snow."

"Yeah, it must of snowed alot over the night."

Jason grab a handful of snow and mold it into a ball to throw.

(Snow, what is snow exactly. Seeing everyone treating it like its normal, and Jason playing in it, it must not be dangerous.)

"Stop playing in the snow or you will miss the bus." Jason mom yelled as she made her way to the bus stop.

"Im coming." Jason had thrown one last one and ran to catch up with her.

"You shouldn't have played in the snow without gloves on."Jason mom said noticing Jason red wet hands.

(Oh, the snow must be cold to touch. Is snow just cold rain, rain come from the skies too. if it is cold rain than it should be ice, But ice is not white like this. Hum, could that be why it's called snow and not Ice.)

Seeing snow for the first time was an unforgettable memory for Ryan. He spent the rest of the dream trying to understand the mysteries of snow and why his home don't snow. As the dream went on he realize some people love snow while others hate it. Which made it hard for Ryan to come to a conclusion if snow a good thing to have or not.

Ryan woke up pushing the thoughts about snow away as he got ready to start his morning. After a little time pass he went downstairs to go eat breakfast.

"You can't be underestimated, I'm still shocked that you won that fight yesterday." Tom said seeing Ryan walk over.

Ryan raised his eyebrow at Tom as if to say how you know.

"We was watching the arena fights yesterday to get an idea about our competition in the entry test. We saw your fight too. Brian said.

"Oh." Ryan casually sat down at the table with everyone with no real expression, other than a half hearted smile.

"You don't see to excited about the win." Tom said.

"Dont get me wrong i am happy that I won, but what is there to be excited about. Yall was there yesterday, yall saw the matches in rank2 and 3. The people i will have to overcome to get into the academy will not be easy. Even my fight i won, under any other circumstances I would of lost that fight." Ryan said with a bit of helplessness in his tone.

"If you was a rank 2 too, they might not be stronger than you." Brian said, in a attempt to comfort Ryan.

"But I'm not, and won't be a rank 2 before the test. Don't get me wrong I still think I could enter the academy. I had always known I would be fighting a up hill battle if I want to get a spot in a academy, but only now I truly understand what I thought was a hill, was a mountain instead."

No one responded to Ryan words knowing there wasn't much they could say.

"So, what is your plan until the test. Are you fighting in the arena again." Brian asked.

"Nope. I had bet all my mana stones yesterday on that match, so I gained alot of mana stones in return." A light smile was formed just thinking about it.

Everyone eyes went wide, even Elizabeth that usually show no expression.

"All your mana stones, even the mana stones you were planning on using for the entry test." Tom asked


"You, you crazy." Brian said shaking his head. He not even going to asked what he would of done if he had lost.

Ryan just chuckle at them and changed the subject.

"Do yall know any place that sells spells, and around what price they go for."

"There are quite a few places that sell spells, but not every place legitimate. The price varies alot " Tom said.

"Do people be selling fake spells." Ryan asked.

"I wouldn't necessarily call them fake, but the quality could be so bad that it might as well be fake. I know you don't know much about creating spells, and I can't get into details. It just better to only buy spells that have a certified star rating by the mage association."

"It will be more expensive than others, but at least you would know how good the quality of the spell is from the star rating. There are hundreds of variations of a simple fireball spell and all will have there own strength and weaknesses. "

"The mage association, I remember you talking about that the other day. That's the place like a research institute, and it have the power to hold its own against the other top powers."

"Yeah, that is where alot of the formation master or alchemist master go to if they don't want to be apart of a big family or a school."

"If you don't see the mage association seal on the spell manual, you must be careful. You could buy it, its not like all spells are bad, but you must practice with the spell alot to make sure its a good spell before you imprint it to your core."

"Thanks for the advice like always."

"If you truly thankful, make sure you keep an eye out for my kids if you enter the academy." Tom said with a smirk.

Brian and Elizabeth didn't think much about what there dad said and ordered there breakfast.

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