

Hydra, you wanted to talk to me, about what!, I said when I met with the general seated looking at the sun setting down, which is the most beautiful sight to see in Egypt. Yes, look at the sun, setting down so peacefully and gorgeously, just like your mother, the Queen and Pharaoh of Egypt!, Hydra said a little emotional than her usual strict, strong and composed self.

I love your mother. More than a soldiers love to her queen and leader. She is the rock of our home and she will remain the most wonderful; brave and sovereign queen, Khons of Egypt!

I know and it's a shoe I won't be able to fill, because I can't be my mother. I can only be me, the funny, crazy but loving Jaur who will try her best to lead my country and be the best queen for my citizens!!!!

Hmm…hahahaha! I believe that too! So, believe in you!, Hydra said, waving her hand to seat with her while checking for the sunset. You are lucky that you have your mother to teach and support you all the way. When I was young, I didn't have my mother see me when I am at my highest and in power who wasn't there to assist her in times of her suffering. I always wished that I was older and stronger then that I could've helped her with her misery. Father doesn't have power nor position to pluck us out of slavery, from poverty. It was that bad but I never gave up. So, do you! Though you were brought up with a golden spoon in your mouth, you should always remember that in doubt, you can survive all trials and even in your darkest times as queen and leader of Egypt, the sun will always rise to give you hope, another chance to do better, stronger, smarter, wiser, pharaoh!

Yes, I will remember! Hydra, do I really need to be in a relationship with Princess Yuna? I am a girl and I know I need to marry a king. But I can stand alone and reign without a man in my life!

I know that, Jaur. But we need to consider accepting help or negotiating with foreign countries, making ties with them and their kingdoms, so Egypt will survive and thrive. Our future generation will seize to exist without joining forces, cultures and kingdoms with others. For we can't live alone and moreover, live without the support of our allies. We must make friends and build the connection with different social communities, regions and royalties. So, understand Jaur, your detractors are waiting for you to fail. Not all will like you but you can make them love you. Be the loving, witty and great person first to become the amazing leader you would want to be for Egypt!

I will remember that, general! Hydra! Thank you!...what I can only say, while the sun is already down the red and orange skies, with Hydra's hand on my shoulder tapping it.

In the Swiss Alps somewhere in Meditterranea.

Yuna, Princess Yuna! Where are you?, a teen age boy shouting in the middle of the heavy snowfall in the clear, white, winter day below the Alps.



I'm overrr hereeee!, Yuna shouted from the top of her lungs since she was 50 feet away from the boy calling out for her. Why?????, Baltimore, looook outttt!!!!, Yuna called when she was about 10 feet from him and the ice fell to a 150 feet or something cliff. Baltimore would have fell over but good thing Yuna got a hold of his hand in the nick of time. While hanging in the middle of the Alps, snow fell for the first time. Why on earth have you followed me and not wearing anything, just a filthy coat and boots?

Ah…your majesty, your father…ahhhhh!, Baltimore added while nervously looking down though he is confident that Yuna won't let him fall. The princess might get annoyed and let go because of his incompetence. Aha! don't worry I'm not mad! I just wanted to be alone and think, that's all. Thank you for coming after me. Father might be worried and he asks for me, right?

Yes, your highness!, Baltimore now being pulled up. He is taking off the ice from his fur animal coat while bowing his head to pay his respects to the princess.

Okay, let's go then!, Yuna cried while looking at the icy path they needed to walk through.

Not again, Baltimore replied in his thought, his face in so much dismay. Hahahaha!, Yuna checking out Baltimore's reaction where he is In between vomiting or getting paler by the minute because of the 23 to 27 degree temperature in the Alps. 

I'm used to the cold but I guess I will never get used to how colder the human heart can become. In the world where I only believed that wolves eat wolves and that I needed to be strong to survive the mountains, I still dream of a world which I and my people can live in, peace, harmony and abundance. Meditterranea or what my father calls Geneva is a magnificent place on earth. One of the most sophisticated and grand site I would always want to live in over and over again.

Father wanted me to visit Egypt and get to know the prince there. I didn't know that they have a woman for king and now I need to get close to their future leader to secure my future throne for my country and my people. Hmm….sometimes I wonder how it feels to be ordinary, like Baltimore!, thinking while I battle the high almost hard snow covering mine and Baltimore's path. My horse is the far end and we're at least 20 feet to where Handsome is. Yes I named my horse that because he is indeed beautiful.

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