
Queen Hostage

Arrrrrgghhhhhhh…. I should have killed that General Ur, whoever he is. I know that I'll have his head on my golden platter, soon!!!!, Hekanefer thought angrily while throwing all he could find in his chamber. Then, he heard someone talk in her sister's bedroom. He always had this tiny hole made to see what his sister is doing. He is somewhat a pervert that he even lusts for his own sister especially when she just came out from the bath. He loves seeing women's bodies and their abundant bosoms. His sister has beautiful ones so he loves seeing them tumble and toss up and down. Then, his eyes widened seeing someone he hates most with his sister. His sister didn't know that he came home from this palace and this is his first time in almost a year to visit it. So, Sakhbe doesn't have any idea that he is home after all.

Henshupta?!, aha, my sister is so wise that she held her captive here. Wise choice my little sister. Now, I can have my revenge from my ruined victory over Egypt. How you wished that you have never been born, Queen Henshupta!, Hekanefer told himself while laughing his heart out, which Sakhbe felt chills over her body when she heard the strong but scary laugh from somewhere. Oh, no! my brother is here, hide, Henshup...., Sakhbe hasn't finished her line warning Henshupta when two palace guards barged inside the princess' room and seized Henshupta.

You think you can hide her here! My dear sister, you are so naïve! Guards bring that puny girl to my chamber. I'll deal with her later! Now dear sister what can you say about this prolonged betrayal, befriending an enemy Much worse, Henshupta, queen of Egypt. Sahkbe, are you out of your mind!!!??? Hekanefer shouting at his sister who is now thrown off balance on the ground and crying her heart out fearing the rage of his evil brother. Please, she is not what you think she is, she's just a child!, Sakbe added pleading for Henshupta's life. Aha, you are in love with that…that….hoax of a leader, a pharaoh who pretends she is all powerful and mighty but just a seventeen year old baby. I will not kill her, not yet. I want to have fun with her while I plan how to attack Egypt and seize her kingdom. For now, I have a pharaoh to play with! And she is mine now, if you fancied her, after I am done with her, no one will ever even bother to look at their wasted and broken queen. Haha..ha..hahahahahahaah!!!!!, Hekanefer added devilishly.

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