
Will he come back?

For a moment, rumors of alien invasion on Earth began to spread.

Some cynical people even united with others to form a sect within a short span of a few dozen minutes.

The idea was to welcome the arrival of aliens, eradicate human tyranny, and establish a new kingdom.

Of course, Zane couldn't be bothered with any of this.

The Ark reached its destination in just 20 minutes.

Looking at the Sanctuary of Kamar-Taj, shrouded in the shadow of the massive Ark, and the sorcerers who had already taken out their artifacts and were ready to resist the Ark, Zane, who had just gone through a fierce battle, felt nothing in his heart. He even thought about hitting them with a Death Star Cannon.

Let these people experience the feeling of being obliterated.

Just as Zane was looking at Kamar-Taj, various malicious thoughts surged in his mind.

A bald woman, her eyes full of wisdom, walked out of the Kamar-Taj main hall, and ordered her disciples to put down their weapons.

The next moment, Zane suddenly appeared in front of the Ancient One, ignoring the wary looks of the sorcerers novices who had picked up their artifacts again.

"Ready to leave?" the Ancient One said calmly.

"Yeah." Zane nodded.

Although the Ancient One hadn't participated in the battle against Zane, she had been remotely spying with magic.

Zane had always been able to sense the Ancient One's gaze on the battlefield.

He also knew why this old woman hadn't joined the superheroes in besieging him.

It was simply because she was afraid that Zane would drop a few more super nuclear bombs like last time, completely ruining the Earth.

"Why have you come to me?" the Ancient One's tone remained as calm as stagnant water, without the slightest ripple.

As if the Zane standing before her was not a great demon who had just slaughtered all the superheroes, but a visitor dropping by.

"I want the coordinates of Asgard!" Zane didn't beat around the bush, directly stating the purpose of his visit.

To travel through the universe, you needed star maps; otherwise, it was like being blind.

And as the ruler of the Nine Realms, Asgard definitely had its own star map.

The final piece of Zane's cosmic journey puzzle was in Asgard.

Originally, Zane had planned to wait until Thor, the God of Thunder, was exiled to Earth before making his move, using Thor to enter Asgard.

But plans couldn't keep up with changes, and now he could only ask the Ancient One for it.

He believed that she, who had lived for thousands of years, must have been to Asgard and naturally would have its spatial coordinates.

The Ancient One was also a straightforward person. Without saying anything, she directly used magic to gather a holographic image of Asgard.

After looking at it for three seconds, Zane nodded at the Ancient One, indicating that he had remembered it.

Then he teleported back to the Ark directly.

Looking up at the disappearing Ark in the sky, embedded in a huge space wormhole, complex emotions continued to flicker in the Ancient One's eyes, wondering what she was thinking.

After a while, as if she had made up her mind, the Ancient One directly opened a portal and arrived at the battlefield where Zane had fought before.

This time, she brought the Eye of Agamotto, inset with the Time Stone.

After a burst of the Time Stone's unique green light on the battlefield, the Ancient One's face became even paler.

Even some age spots appeared on her body, which was maintained by dark power.

She had to do this. If she lost these people, there would be no one to defend the Earth after she died...

Under the influence of the Time Stone's power, the river of time on the battlefield began to flow backward.

The solidified rocks and magma lakes began to rapidly shrink in scope until they completely turned into flat ground.

The severed limbs and arms on the battlefield also flew up out of nowhere, piecing together complete human bodies.

After one minute, the entire battlefield was restored to its original state before the battle against Zane.

Of course, such a large-scale alteration of history by reversing time had its price for the Ancient One.

Her body quickly aged and collapsed, and this process was irreversible.

Until the last person was resurrected, the Ancient One immediately closed the Eye of Agamotto.

Of course, the Ancient One could only do so much.

As for the buildings destroyed in New York City and the politicians who had been turned into ashes by missiles...

Who were they, the Ancient One asked?

Sorry, in the river of time, these people didn't even make a splash.

These politicians were not indispensable, and if one wave died, another wave would surely rise.

In other words, none of them were worth the Ancient One's special attention. With or without them, the world would remain the same.

The only exception that the Ancient One did not reverse time for was the Dark Phoenix, who was already sleeping in the red crystal.

Not because she didn't want to, but because the price of reversing time for the host of the Phoenix energy was beyond her imagination.

Even if she sacrificed her life completely, it might not be enough to restore the Black Phoenix to its former state as Jean Grey.

And Professor X, who was still underground at the X-Mansion, the Ancient One made a special trip to reverse time for him.

And brought the still bewildered Professor X to the battlefield.

The Ancient One had some things to explain to these resurrected people.

Iron Man opened the fully restored Anti-Hulk Armor and walked out, hesitantly feeling his body.

"I'm not dead. I remember..."

At the same time, other resurrected superheroes were also puzzled. They clearly remembered being killed by Zane or Zane's army.

Nick Fury looked at the two big bald heads in front of him, and his intuition told him.

The reason why they had been resurrected was because of the bald woman in mage robes.

"Who are you?" Nick Fury asked puzzledly.

At the same time, all the superheroes also noticed the presence of the Ancient One, and their gazes fell on her together.

"You don't need to know who I am."

"You just need to know that the war is over."

After hearing the Ancient One's words, everyone subconsciously breathed a sigh of relief, showing gratitude for having survived the catastrophe.

At this moment, Tony hesitantly asked:

"What about Zane?"

Just as the resurrected superheroes remembered the terrifying existence they would never forget, they all eagerly looked at the Ancient One, afraid she would reveal that Zane was still here.

"Don't worry, Zane Sy has left Earth."

"Where did he go?" Tony asked.

The Ancient One shook her head without answering. Earth wasn't ready to know about Asgard's existence yet.

Otherwise, after being ravaged by Zane and with another higher civilization next to it, Earth, driven by persecution paranoia, would definitely develop weapons like crazy, pulling everyone onto the chariot and heading towards the abyss of destruction together.

Nick Fury had been observing the elegant Ancient One full of wisdom, while also pondering the truth behind the resurrection of his people.

In the end, a thousand words condensed into one sentence:

"Will he come back?"


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