
Meeting Luffy

Garp led me off the boat and through Foosha Village. He was recognised all around and from everywhere people greeted him with respect. He was the Marine Hero after all. Foosha Village resembles a typical rural community, with rustic wooden houses, docks and a few windmills. It is located to the east of the Goa Kingdom capital. We reached Partys Bar, which is a bar where Makino works as a bartender. Garp must have found Luffy here with his Kenbunshoku Haki. 

We enter the bar and there I see a small boy stuffing his mouth with meat and speaking with a full mouth. He wore a white T-shirt and red shorts. On his feet were a pair of sandals. Makino is a young woman of average height with brown eyes and dark green hair that goes up to just above her shoulders. She wore a yellow handkerchief, an orange blouse with black sleeves and a long light blue skirt. She seemed to be amused at the nonsense that Luffy was saying. 

"Oi! Luffy! Grandpa's back!", Garp says with a loud voice and instantly all movement stops from Luffy. He doesn't move and Garp is confused. I think his brain just short-circuited. Garp seems to be annoyed about this and bonks him on the head.

"Look at me when I talk to you Luffy!"

"AAAHHH, it hurts. Grandpa?! What are you doing here?!", Luffy screams like he just now noticed that Garp was here. This seems to annoy Garp even more and he hits him again. 


"You brat! Is that what you say to your Grandpa when you see him again?!"

"Noooo.", Luffy screams and tries to run away. But it's no use. Garp is faster than him and reaches him. He lifts him up by his shirt and then delivers another fist of love on his head. These two go back and forth until both of them ... fall asleep. 


Garp's bubble pops and he wakes up. He sees Luffy sleeping during his 'lecture' and gets mad again. 

"You brat! How dare you sleep when I'm talking with you?!"




"What an energetic family this is.", I say to no one in particular. But Makino laughs when she hears this and agrees with me.

"You're right, they are. Hello. My name is Makino. Who are you then? Are you also connected to Garp-san?", she asks me. 

"He took me on his boat after I fought against a pirate. My name is Bad, nice to meet you, Makino."

"Bad? What a peculiar name you have. Well, it is nice of you to be here. Would you like something to eat?", she asks me with a smile. 

"I don't have any money.", I say. 

"That's alright. Garp-san usually leaves some money for Luffy, so don't worry about that. And since it's your first time, I'll invite you. It's on the house."

"Then I won't say no. Thank you.", I say and sit down at the bar and continue to watch the Grandfather and grandson pair go back and forth. It is very enjoyable to see people after this time staying alone. 

After 15 minutes the two come back and both sit at the bar next to me. Makino then brings me the food.

"Enjoy it, Bad."

"Thank you.", I say and begin to dig in. It is so much better than the food I prepared myself. So I experience pure bliss for a moment. Makino sees the smile on my face and then smiles as well. She is a good person and enjoys it if others are happy. 

"Do you like it?"

"Very. You are a good cook, Makino.", I tell her.

"OF COURSE. Makino makes the best meat! More meat!", Luffy says. 

"Haha, of course, Luffy. I'll bring you more meat. Would you also like some Garp-san?"



As all three of us were eating, Garp began to tell Luffy who I was and why I was there. 

"Oi Luffy. This here is Bad. I found him on a ship. He'll be living with you from now on. So better get along."

"Eh? On a ship. You were on a ship? Are you a pirate?", Luffy asked me.

"No, I'm not a pirate. I just set sail because it was getting boring where I come from.", I say between eating. 

"Where did you come from?"

"Oykot Kingdom.", I say and then notice that the others, except Luffy stopped eating. 


"Yoiu are from Oykot Kingdom? How did you survive there?", Makino asked me with concern. 

"I hunted food and some berries. But it got boring after a few years and now I decided to leave there and see other places. That's when a pirate ship took me and wanted to steal my bat. But I refused so we fought. And then well, I'm not sure. I think Garp took me here."


After eating, Garp took both me and Luffy to the house where we would be staying. It was a small house that barely fit more than two people, but it was enough for us since we were both very young. 

"This is where you'll be staying from now on. So you better get along. Now come, it is time we continue your training Luffy. Bad, you can come as well. You must also become a strong Marine.", Garp said and picked us both up and dragged us into the woods. I'm not sure, but this might be one of those trainings that Garp put small Luffy through to make him strong. But this is just bad parenting. 

After a while of walking he just ... threw us further in and yelled after us. 

"Make sure to come back with food. If you don't make it, you'll meet the fist of love again!"



So there we were in the middle of this jungle-like woods, on our own. Two 4-year-old children. But I wasn't worried. I was actually rather happy considering the circumstances. I was not alone anymore. The small Luffy was full of energy and a happy-go-lucky boy. He was almost always smiling and that energy seemed to seep into me as well. Luffy was scared right now. I couldn't imagine what he had to go through when he was alone. Garp was a monster. This is not how you raise children. 

I touched Luffy's shoulder and made him look me in the eyes. 

"Luffy, calm down. Look at me! I am here now. We are together, ok? We are going to get out of here and maybe even get some meat while we're at it. So calm down and we will make it ... together."

This seemed to calm him down when he saw that I was serious. He just nodded his head and put on a serious face. 

"Alright then. Let's first find shelter, where we can spend the night."


Luffy and I walked through the woods until we found a tall tree that was rather straight with a good crown to make a treehouse. I have experience with that because I made one in Oykot over a year ago. So I tell Luffy that we'll be staying here for a while. 

"Luffy, look up there. That's where we'll be staying for a while now. What do you say?"

"Eh? That's too high. I can't get up there."

"Don't worry about it. Since I am now here, I'll help you if you need help. That's what brothers are for, Luffy. They look out for one another."


"Yes, brother. Now let's go find some wood and then food."


We gathered some wood to build a small base for use. The house would have to wait for now, but we could make a platform. After that, we went hunting. I told Luffy that I knew how to hunt meat and he was instantly on board with that. 


After 30 minutes, we found a big boar. 

"All right Luffy. This is our dinner. Are you ready?", I asked him.

"Eh? B-but it's so big."

"But just think about all the meat you can eat after we catch it."

This gives him stars in his eyes and he instantly agrees. I have to laugh and then focus again. I should be able to kill this boar easily. After hunting for this long, I'll kill it with no problem and then we'll eat. 

"Ok, Luffy. Let's attack it. I go over there and you attack it from here. Are you ready?"


"Good. Then wait for my mark and we'll attack."

I move to another position and then give Luffy the signal. We both attack and scream loudly. It is custom to do that. Luffy screams at the boar and throws stones at it, which enrages the boar. 


The boar squeaks and then runs towards Luffy. He begins to scream again and runs away. I use this distraction and appear between Luffy and the boar. I swing my bat as hard as I can and smash it into the boar's head. 


The impact is heard and the boar instantly dies. I have come a long way. I remember when I first tried to hunt a boar and lost badly. And then the other times when I lost as well. But now, I can one-shot a boar of this stature. 

"Oi Luffy! Look, he's dead."

Luffy comes running out of the woods and sees the dead boar. He has big eyes and looks at me with wonder. 


"Haha, yes Luffy food. Come help me carry it back, so we can eat it.", I tell him and he grabs one of the legs and begins to pull.

I also grab a leg and pull. But I make sure to not use too much strength so that Luffy has to use his strength. I want to make him stronger and he can start by carrying the animals we eat. He uses all of his strength and slowly pulls the boar along towards our treehouse. 


Once we're there, I begin to skin and eviscerate the boar. Luffy watches me closely as if he doesn't want to miss the point when the food would be ready for consumption. I just smile and explain things to Luffy, so that he can also do that in the future. He will learn to fend for himself this way. But I know that Luffy has supernatural luck, so this isn't really necessary. 

I cut big pieces of meat and put them on a stick. Then I light a fire and begin to roast these pieces. As the aroma fills the air, I see Luffy salivating heavily with stars in his eyes. It would seem that the way to Luffy's heart is truly through his stomach. Luckily I know how to hunt and cook food. 

After the food is finished, I put some spices I found in the woods on it, to make it better than just the bland meat. I learned quite a lot of things during the time I was alone. But it wasn't for nothing. I don't have supernatural luck, so I'll have to be ready for any situation that I might find myself in. 

"Here Luffy, enjoy."

"Ahhhhhh, thank you Bad. Shishishishishi my brother is the best. He knows how to hunt and cook. Shishishishi.", Luffy smiles and then digs in. And I mean literally. He bites whole chunks of food out of these pieces. If I want some, I'll have to guard it with my life. This boy is dangerous. 

As we were eating, I heard movement and stopped for a moment. I take my bat into my hands and look around. My instincts have been honed during my time alone in the woods. I can feel that something is there. I prepare and then swing my bat as hard as I can. But the expected impact doesn't come. I find myself in the air facing a displeased old man.

"G-Garp? What are you doing here?"

"You brats!", he says and bonks me on the head, "You were supposed to come back and not camp here."

"Grandpa?! What are you doing here?", Luffy asks the same question.


"Ahhh, it hurts!"

"Are you hungry Garp? You can take some, but be quick. With Luffy, I don't think there will be much left.", I tell him and hand him a stick with meat. He looks at it and then sits down and begins to eat as well. 

That's how the first day with my new sibling, comes to an end. 

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