

Her eyes look so pretty when she's all asleep like this. And her lips, oh my god. They're parted, taking tiny little breaths, with her body moving up and down as she lay beside me. It's like they're calling out to me to give them a taste. Bringing my fingers up to the side of her face, I start to trail down, feeling her gentle skin. She twitches just a tad bit as I get to her lips. Twitching from my touch, she nuzzles her face even deeper into my side, almost tickling me at this point. I hold back a giggle as I run my hands through her hair, scratching her scalp as I get deeper.

Letting out a deep sigh, I close my eyes, letting them rest temporarily while feeling up the bandages on my stomach. I've been getting a lot of vivid dreams as of late. I let out an embarrassed sigh as I rub my head. Those damn pills. I DID read somewhere that taking some supplements could enhance your dreams. Didn't think it'd affect me this deeply though.

My thoughts are interrupted before I realize today is a weekday.


My eyes snap open, and I slowly free my hand from her hair. With careful movements, I rise from the bed, gently placing her head on the pillow. Evading her grasp, I silently tread to the kitchen, ready to kick-start my day.

The aroma of the coffee fills up the entire kitchen, as I prepare a serving for myself, and for her. I've gotta leave early, so I'm planning to make breakfast for two as well.

As the eggs blister on the pan, I sprinkle in a bunch of water droplets and cover the pan with a top, before I dash to the sink trying to wash my hands. After I'm all done, I take the lid off and serve two separate plates, one of which I hold in my hand while taking a large sip of coffee.

My favorite combination: Coffee with Eggs. I just love how these two compliment each other, as if they were made for one another. This feeling of waking up early and cooking in complete peace is something that I've missed. But Anita hasn't been so bad recently, has she? Ever since that night, she's been quite...tame? Let's just call it that. I start to check my emails on my phone, purely out of habit and I scroll past a mind-chilling headline that makes me stop in my tracks. Amazing. I knew everything was going suspiciously smoothly for me.

Finals are starting next week.

Great. That just meant more time away from Anita, which is a blessing and a curse at the same time. Remembering how mad she used to get when I used to come home late starts to insinuate a headache etched deep into my mind. I wonder if she'll still be upset with me considering how docile she's been as if late. I start to down my breakfast quickly, noticing the minutes going by faster as I start to get lost in my thoughts. The sound of footsteps, however, catch my attention.

Anita walks in with curly hair strands sticking out the sides of her head and rubbing her eyes in a cutesy manner. Her skin is almost glowing as the sunshine hits her through the glass panels. Basking in the aftermath of what was last night. Was sex really that good that it made her face radiant or something? Hm. That's a phenomenon I've gotta look up and research on.

"Morning, honeybee~", she mutters with a soft voice, still weary.

"Morning, morning!", I reply with enthusiasm.

She sets herself down on the chair across me almost in a dreamy state. Squinting her eyes and looking around the room, she probably doesn't even know what planet she's on.

"I've cooked you breakfast. Oh, and gotta leave early today."

"Reaaaally??", she whimpers with a slight hint of genuine sadness in her tone. " but I wanted to be with you..."

With a smirk, I pat her head making circular motions,

"Don't be silly. Finals are coming up, too. You know what that means, right?"

Anita now has an evident frown on her face as she nods with displeasure.

"I'll have to stay late at the library for the next week to study with my friends", I reveal to her. Anita grunts as her head starts to bobble before it falls right down into her arms down below on the counter. I hold in a big laugh in my mouth seeing this childish behavior of hers.


My head snaps onto Anita as her tone grows louder, yet still almost inaudible.

'So unfair...'

"Speak up, honeybug. Use your words.", I request her with a teasing voice.

She brings her head up in a single moment and slams both her hands on the counter like a little girl throwing a temper tantrum


I recoil, but I quickly regain my composure.

" Calm down. It's only just a week. Actually two weeks, counting the prep time AND the actual exams." Her face turns even sour.

" It's not like I'm just gonna stop existing"

" BUT you'll be too tired to come cuddle with me when you come home or even spend time with me on the regular! You'll just be cooped up in your room!!", Anita cries out.

"That's a given. What do you want me to do, fail my exams, drop-out, then become a full-time house-husband for you?"

Ah. That's definitely something she would love, as a matter of fact. I shake my head and continue before she starts to get any weird thoughts;

"Look, after I'm done, how about we go on a vacation, hm? Just the two of us."

"J..Just, the two of us? L-Like a honeymoon?!", Anita yells out with a blush.

"Exactly." I look away and start thinking. "Come to think of it, we didn't have a proper honeymoon, right? We'll make up our lost moment in that one week then. How does that sound, hm?"

Anita's eyes light up and I can see her neurons going ballistic. She has the biggest smile of her face and her sad and angry demeanor has completely vanished, only to be replaced with a joyful mood.

"A honeymoon! That sounds amazing!"

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