
Bringing the Outcasts of Asgard to Atlantis

"So... I guess, do you want to come with me to my home city? Or? Do you want to train a little?"

"You're not rejecting us?" (Hel)

Hel, Hela and Sol looked so hopeful at my next response, a vague sense of resignation being transmitted to me from them as I knew they were feeling that i was a bout to say i was rejecting them.

"Of course not. Why would i reject the advances of three divine beauties of your calibre?"

All of their eyes widened and extreme happiness flooded their beings as they all turned and hugged each other. From what i could feel, there was a massive amount of stress, pain and anger being let go of at this moment as they hugged each other. I waited for a minute whilst they hugged. When they broke off the hug their feelings still weren't dealt with as they charged at me and hugged me too.

'How the fuck are they so sure i am the one?'

I soon stopped caring as the women's breasts pressed into my body from every side. I was in heaven to say the least. 'Did i save a planet in a previous life?' The sensation was crazily good as their domains merged with my subconscious power and transmitted their desires straight into my mind. As it was getting too much I controlled my emotion and quickly pulled back from those input feelings, opting to maintain my faculties.

"Well, let's go shall we?"

They didn't even react as they continued to hug me. I awkwardly shifted amidst their tight hugs. Tears were staining my clothes now as Hel and Sol were delicately crying into my T-shirt, Hela being the only one not crying and simply hugging me.

"What is your name?" (Hela)

"Emelia, Emelia Lionheart."

"Hic...Why are you named Emelia twice?" (Sol)

"n-no, my name is Emelia Lionheart, i was using a Midgardian way of presenting my name."

"Emelia... It's a beautiful name. My name is Hela."

"My name is Sol, Emelia."

"Mine is Hel"

"Its very nice to meet you all. Now, for the third time, would you like to come to my city?"


They were very enthusiastic about travelling with me. Breaking off from me they all ran and grabbed their various belongings in several rings across their fingers, the rings obviously being a lesser form of storage ring compared to mine. On that topic i should really upgrade my spatial ring soon.

Finally after a minute of waiting they assembled in front of me, their weapons shining on their back and their figures wrapped in beautiful armoured-silk dresses; much like the dresses Frigga wore. I spent a few seconds admiring their figures before walking forwards.

"Grab me where ever you want and hold on, were going to be teleporting to my city now. Hel and Hela chose to grab me on the arms and shoulders whilst Sol, someone who I thought was reasonable grabbed me right down below. I felt my insides seize a little at her provocative movement, she was slightly moving her hand around much to my enjoyment and chagrin when I teleported all of us to Atlantis, my inner demonic side wanting to devour her through these moments.

We appeared in the control tower of Atlantis when the trio finally let go, Sol bringing her hand to her nose and mouth, licking it a little before looking around as well. Her actions turned me on somewhat but i decided not to disturb anything right now, i had only just met them and as Hela said, i needed to court them.

"Welcome to my kingdom, Atlantis. This is the control room of the city. Come with me if you want a tour... Also, we will supply you with sleeping quarters within the tower so you aren't left to find your own sleeping arrangements."

"It looks so pretty!" (Hel)

"The magic is definitely impressive." (Hela)

"Can't we stay in your abode?" (Sol)

"Unfortunately the privilege is reserved for my wives. Speak with them if you want to join my harem." 'Hehe, more chaos... Once they are all at each other's throats or pissed off i can come in and mediate by fucking them all silly.'

"I see..." (Sol)

"How large is the kingdom?" Hela and Hel were both distracted with the scenery around them and the new sensations and feelings coming to them now that they had found their 'one'.

"Why don't you all check out for yourselves?" I walked out to the balcony and revealed the entirety of Atlantis to them, the city just as large if not larger than Asgard's city. There were now sprawling lines of ship entering and exiting the city as my girlfriends had obviously been working with Emma to get her company here to Atlantis, soon i would have to meet with her to talk about the relocation and the possible government contracts that could be formed. It would be much appreciated if they could deal with more of the nuts and bolts of the problems whilst we completed the harder more complex components.

"Wow! This is all yours?" (Hel)

"Impressive." (Hela)

"We are floating on the Ocean are we not?" (Sol)

"Yes this city floats on the surface of the Pacific Ocean on Midgard. We are currently the most powerful nation on the planet with regards to military force and capability."

"Nice!" (Hel and Sol)

"Adequate." (Hela)

"Well, lets start shall we?"

Over the next two hours i introduced them to Atlantis showing off the teleportation functions, medical areas, entertainment district and the views, keeping them out of any areas that are sensitive; at least until they became my women.


Last chapter of the day! Thanks to you all for the Power Stones! Have a good day/night.


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