
Chapter 12

Naruto had a calm, and indifferent expression on his face, as he sped from tree branch to tree branch. On occasion, a tree branch he would step on would creak, and shatter once his feet on left them, proving that despite not looking like it, the blonde was generating powerful force in the power of his steps.

While on the inside the blonde was calm, and in control, in the inside however it was entirely different.

Kyuubi narrowed, his eyes upon a swirling mass of anger, and hatred that was directly right in front of him. The swirling mass of darkness, conversed, and twisted until it started to take form.

It grew arms, and legs, a head, a body, and finally color began to seed into it. This continued until the coloring of the body was complete.

The dark figure stepped into whatever remaining light that was in Kyuubi's prison. It was revealed to have dark golden blonde spiky hair, with two bangs framing his face, and a low ponytail. It's eyes were a bright red with no pupils, and black sclera. Dark, and defined whisker marks on his cheeks, robes very similar to Naruto's own robes with the only difference is them being black, with with a red scarf around his neck, and a purple sash around his waist.

A sword was strapped into his sash. The swords pummel was that of a Raven's head, with a ominous red glow in the eyes of the Raven, black raven wings as the guard of the blade, and a dark red leather cloth wrapped around the handle. The sheath was that of a dark purple, with a menacing feel to it.

All in all, this figure was almost a carbon copy of Naruto.

The carbon copy of Naruto grinned in a feral manner, revealing sharp wolf like teeth.

"So you finally finished forming into a physical shape... Yami." Kyuubi muttered, gazing upon the dark side of Naruto.

The dark side of Naruto gave Kyuubi a dark grin, one that was borderline insane. "Yo Fur-ball, nice to... 'Meet' ya." Yami said, doing a mock bow.

Kyuubi narrowed his crimson eyes on the darker Naruto. "I don't care for your mocking tone... Filth. You are merely a dark aspect of Naruto that was forgotten and thrown away, isn't that right?" The giant fox mocked.

The dark Naruto scowled furiously, and within a second he drew his blade revealing the blade inside the sheathe to be pitch black, and blurred towards Kyuubi's cage.

Within an instant the dark Naruto's blade was merely touching Kyuubi's elbow, while Kyuubi's clawed finger was but an inch away from Dark Naruto's eye.

"I see what your trying to do." Dark Naruto stated, surprisingly calm. "Your trying to rile me up aren't you? You are trying to get me angry enough so that I may enter that blasted cage of yours, than you'll sue that chance to destroy me in my current state, so that Naruto wouldn't have to worry about me being a danger to him... Not that he would find out so quickly." Dark Naruto assessed.

Kyuubi's eye narrowed at the darker version of Naruto "I could care less what happens to that kid. My only concern to killing you, so that I wouldn't have to worry about you when I take control of the kid's body." Kyuubi responded.

Dark Naruto smirked "Oh really?, well that was an interesting thing to say. So if I were to attempt to take over my other half's body right now-" Yami paused as the Kyuubi gave off a low, and menacing growl. "-Well... It appears you do care for the gaki after all, Kyuubi." The darker Naruto said, a Cheshire grin on his features.

It was an tense and rigid atmosphere, as the Kyuubi glared darkly at the darker half of Naruto. After two minutes the Kyuubi finally spoke "I do not care what you say. I do not care what your goals are. I do not care if your dream is to destroy this world... But if you ever threaten my kit again... I will find a way to utterly destroy you." Kyuubi stated in a low, dangerous, and silent whisper.

The dark version of Naruto broke out in cold sweat, and he inwardly wondered if pissing the Kyuubi was a wise thing to do. Yami shook his head lightly, and slowly sheathed his sword, as he did so, the Kyuubi slowly retracted it's claw back into it's change.

"Be gone now specter. You annoy me, filth." Kyuubi coldly ordered the dark Naruto.

Yami gave Kyuubi a withering glare, before he, or rather it, slowly faded into the shadows of Naruto's mind.

The Kyuubi kept it's steely gaze upon the exact spot of where the specter was, and the fox narrowed his crimson eyes... Kyuubi waited for several moments, and when it was sure that the specter's presence was gone, he laid his head on his forearms and lazily kept his eyes half-lidded.

The Kyuubi mused on when exactly this dark Naruto began to form. Originally, Naruto was always an angery child deep down. And for the Kyuubi this was good, as it would mean that it could escape because of his container's anger. But than the Sandaime Hokage came, and Naruto learned patience for the village he called home.

Than Naruto developed that mask of stupidity because it would help serve that he wasn't a real threat to the villagers. But as Naruto spent more time with that mask of stupidity, the blonde actually began to fall for his own mask.

Than the blonde completely forgot he had the mask on in the first place, and that was when the dark side of Naruto began to form.

As the years went by, Naruto subconsciously suppressed his anger, fear, sadness, and hatred, until it just began to form into one another aspect of Naruto's personality.

The Kyuubi realized the potential threat to it's containers sanity, and promptly locked it away deeper into Naruto's subconscious. And it worked for a excellent period of time. However when Naruto met Shiroi, and as they spent time together, as they began to interact more, and as their love for each other grew... So did Naruto's subconscious anger with Konoha as they denied him all these feelings related to Shiroi.

And though Shiroi did not know, she had been indirectly helping the darker version of Naruto grow stronger. With each time she bit into Naruto's neck to drink blood, or because she just wanted to taste her mate in any way besides in sexual activities. The dark subconscious of Naruto would steadily, and almost unnoticeably take a small amount of Shiroi's youki.

However it was 'almost' unnoticeable,, as sometimes Shiroi would remove herself from Naruto's neck, and give it a strange look, before she would lightly shrug and continue drinking the blondes blood.

Kyuubi himself could remember just how, and when exactly he himself had noticed this development.

Kyuubi lazily opened his eyes, and the giant fox released a long, and drawn out sigh as he looked around the sewer that was Naruto's mindscap. Seriously he had seen rats with better mindscapes, and that was saying something.

The Kyuubi mused on what it could do. Perhaps it could day-dream about being released from the seal again? Or perhaps maybe it could just see if it could mess with his container for a little while.

So the Kyuubi decided to look through his container's eyes... Only to see his container on yet another date with Shiroi. The Kyuubi felt his maw twitch upwards, before he forced himself to scowl. Though it didn't stop the feeling of pride to well up in his chest.

The Kyuubi cut off the link, as it decided it's container deserved whatever privacy he had. Kyuubi once again looked around his containers mindscape, inwardly hoping to find something to do rather than sleep.




Kyuubi twitched as he gave that constantly dripping pipe a dark and withering glare. One of these days he was gonna destroy that damn pipe, even if it was the last thing he did. It was always there mocking him, taunting him, calling for him to destroy it. Oh how Kyuubi wanted to destroy that pipe so badly, as a matter of fact the first thing Kyuubi is gonna do should he get out of the seal is destroy that damn pipe!

Heck he pratically had that fucking thing memorized by now! It was the same, never ending pattern.




Drip, drip, drip , drip.


Oh the impure and inhumane torture!

Kyuubi was about ready to begin pacing around the cage, before he caught sight of something interesting. A steady line of youki that was being almost unnoticeably redirected. Kyuubi hummed for a moment, before curiosity getting the best of him, and he decided to see where it was going.

He created a small crimson red eye with a slitted pupil out of his Chakra, and sent out of his cage. He telepathically ordered the eye to follow the stream of youki. After several minutes of navigating through the sewage maze that was Naruto's mind, the Kyuubi finally found where the stream of youki was heading towards.

And the gigantic fox rose an eyebrow at what he saw. It seemed as though the stream of youki was being steadily absorbed into a... Blob of dark mass... 'Interesting.' Kyuubi thought, staring intently at the dark mass. However the Kyuubi blinked as the mass began to twitch, and than it slowly took on a form. The form of a hand... A hand that was currently giving him the middle finger.

Kyuubi blinked, before he gave off a low growl, and unleashed a small amount of his killing intent. The dark mass shivered in fear, and Kyubbi gave off a pleased smile. He lost his smile however as he noted how familiar this area of Naruto's mind was. As a matter of fact this place looked just like the place where he... Sealed Naruto's dark half.

Kyuubi blinked, before he paid more attention to the blob of darkness with more intensity. He spread out his Chakra in order to feel out the blob's presence. And to his grim confirmation, the blob's presence was almost exactly similar to Naruto's... Only much, much darker.

The Kyuubi telepathically ordered the eye he created from his Chakra to get closer to the blob of darkness. And than the dark mass twitched, and lashed out against the Chakra eye, attempting to devour it. Kyuubi rose an eyebrow, before he unleashed more of his killing intention, and the dark mass twitched, and shivered in pure fright.

Once again the Kyuubi grinned in a pleased manner.

Kyuubi mused on what he should do with this... Detestable aspect of Naruto's persona. Ultimately, the Kyuubi decided it was best to simply destroy it and be done with it. With that thought, the Kyuubi form a claw made entirely of Chakra, and attempted to crush the blob... Keyword being 'attempt'. As the blob of darkness immediately lashed out and tried to devour the claw.

However the Kyuubi instinctively pulled his hand back, and he growled at the blob, making it shiver slightly. 'So it appears that I cannot just destroy you... hmm I should have destroyed you long ago, now you'll only prove to be a annoyance at best in the future. Teh, I guess this is what they call karma... Damn you karma, if I ever meet you... I will kill you.' Kyuubi thought.

The Kyuubi gave the blob of darkness one last glance, before he telepathically ordered the Chakra eye to dispel. "Naruto-" Kyuubi softly began "-You better get strong quickly... For you will not only have Akatsuki to worry about... But also this doppelganger off yours." The massive fox uttered.

Giving the blob of darkness one last glance, the Kyuubi's chakra constructed eye slowly burst into small particles of red Chakra, and were absorbed into the red pipe above.

Kyuubi snorted at the memory, and he curiously began wondering what would have happened if he didn't repress Naruto's dark half? Maybe the blonde would have been more violent?

Heck Kyuubi suspected that the only reason Naruto didn't have such a violent reaction to his father sealing him inside the blonde was because Naruto subconsciously repressed it. If the blonde didn't repress his anger, and hatred than the Kyuubi had no doubt that Naruto would have been much different.

The Kyuubi would have definitely wanted to see that. He could imagine it now, Naruto his kit, the fox assassin of the elemental nations, glaring, and fighting back against the very villagers who abused him.

Kyuubi resisted the urge to grin in absolute pride. Instead he merely laid his head back down on his arms, and he slowly closed his eye to get some sleep. There was nothing else to do after all.

Though the Kyuubi's eyes snapped open when he felt Naruto subconsciously channeling his Chakra. 'Heh, this will be amusing to watch.' Kyuubi thought.

Meanwhile outside the seal, Naruto, who was subconsciously using Kyuubi Chakra's, speed suddenly increased by a small margin. The branches he was landing on instantly creaked at the force of his landings, and when he propelled forward they shattered completely.

Kakashi who was falling behind Naruto for the past several minutes, increased his speed to match Naruto's. When he reached the same speed as the newly promoted Jonin, he opened his mouth to speak once he reached him.

But he snapped his mouth shut when Naruto snapped his head towards him. All Kakashi could see was the blonde's lower face, which had a deadly scowl on it, and the whisker marks more pronounced. And the bright, but dangerous crimson red eye with slitted pupils that were glowing inside the blonde's hood. Kakashi felt a shiver run down his spine as he stared into Naruto's eyes.

Just by looking into Naruto's now cold, and demonic crimson red eyes made him shudder in slight fear... It reminded him of the Kyuubi attack sixteen years ago. And Kakashi for a small moment pitied the other Akatsuki... But it was only for a moment.

"Yes Kakashi-senpai?" Naruto asked, his voice gruff, and beastly.

"Naruto, I'm thinking we should take a little break. I mean Sakura, and Shiroi must be feeling exhausted by now seeing as we've been moving for six hours." Kakashi explained.

The blonde and his masked senior spared a glance towards the other two trailing behind them. And to Kakashi's surprise Shiroi was merely keeping pace with them with a bored expression on her face. The masked Jonin noted how she would glance at something in the forest before she lost any interest in what she was seeing.

The little doll on her head seemed to be sleeping, though Naruto knew Chachazero wasn't really sleeping, as the little doll's hand would twitch to her back at random intervals. And to Naruto and the Kyuubi... That meant that the little green haired doll was getting 'twitchy', meaning she wanted to kill something.

And as for Sakura... Well she was panting a little, but that was easily solved as the pink haired girl pulled out a soldier pill, and promptly ate it, giving her a much needed boost... Is Sakura turning into a drug addict?

Kakashi sighed slightly, it seems the only one lagging behind is actually Sakura. Though Kakashi knew he shouldn't judge much, he couldn't stop a feeling of disappointment from welling up in his chest.

If you think about, Naruto spent three years with Jiraiya of the Sannin, and the blonde was now a S-rank Shinobi for sure, possibly even higher than that. And as for Sasuke... Kakashi had no doubt that the second to last Uchiha had gotten powerful as well... The only one who didn't seem to improve much was Sakura.

And that was a bit of a disappointment. Kakashi expected Sakura to be at least a low level S-ranked Shinobi, or a high A-ranked Shinobi. But it was not to be, as the pink haired girl was merely a low level A-ranked Shinobi.

The masked Jonin sighed, and he dismissed the thoughts of his former pupils from his mind. Instead he returned his attention to the task of speeding through the forests and reaching Suna. Naruto seemed to be reading Kakashi's mind, as the blonde returned his attention ahead. And his eyes grew even coldler than before.

Kakashi knew that the blonde was completely focused on Gaara's rescue. And the masked Jonin respected that. Though before Kakashi returned his gaze ahead, he noted Sakura sending Shiroi a almost glaring look. The masked Jonin narrowed his single visible eye towards the pink haired girl... He would have to keep a close eye on Sakura it seemed.

Meanwhile Sakura grit her teeth as she struggled to keep in pace with the others. The pink haired girl glanced towards Shiroi's direction, and her eyes hardened slightly in slight anger. How could the White haired girl keep up with this pace? And the girl looked so bored as well, she just kept that blank look on her face.

Almost as if she was just bored with all this running. And that was something that Sakura couldn't understand, how could all this running not tire her out? How could she be bored with all of this? It was like she didn't even care about this mission in general, it was as if she was only coming on this mission because she wanted to.

To Sakura, it seemed as though she could care less about what happens during this mission. The look she had was uncaring, bored, and indifferent. The pink haired girl noticed how Shiroi would snap her head at attention, apparently when something caught her interest. Only for her to turn her attention back to the path ahead as she immediately lost interest in whatever she was looking at.

That pissed Sakura off. But her held her tongue as Tsunade's threat echoed in her mind. She still couldn't understand why Tsunade wasn't trying to pound the white haired girl. It didn't make any sense to her. Also the pink haired girl did not trust Shiroi at all, she noted that before they left the village, Shiroi gave the village a judging stare... Almost like she was deciding if the village was worth existing.

And that made Sakura very wary of the girl.

Honestly, the girl seemed like she could destroy the entire village, and not feel a hint of remorse about it. And that scared Sakura... That girl was a monster in human skin.

Sakura was suddenly brought back to reality when she saw Shiroi glance her way. The two stared at each other for a few moments, before the silvery white haired girl grinned darkly at the pink haired girl. Sakura shivered, and Shiroi seemed to notice as her grin widened slightly, revealing her fangs. Making Sakura gulp nervously.

Yeah... Shiroi seriously unnerved Sakura to no end.

Meanwhile Shiroi, who was grinning darkly at Sakura. Finally decided to leave the girl alone. Though she made a mental note to do that again. The only reason she even grinned at her in a dark manner was because she felt the pink haired girls eyes boring into her.

Although it had nothing to do with the fact that she wanted to scare the pink haired girl shitless, oh no not at all... She just wanted to get the girl to stop glaring at her. (We all know that's a lie.)

Even so, something told her that she was gonna enjoy tor-uh-chatting with Sakura during this mission. Shiroi gave a low malicious and dark chuckle that only Chachazero heard. The little doll giggled almost uncontrollably, and a dark grin crossed the dolls features. Something told her that Shiroi was planning on doing something to the pink haired girl.

She couldn't wait to find out what it was.

Naruto who was running ahead of everyone glanced behind him, sensing another person tailing behind him. Kakashi having saw Naruto sharply glance behind him, moved his head to see what Naruto was looking.

Soon the unmistakable form of Temari showed itself to them. The sandy blonde quickly caught up with the two Jonin's ignoring Sakura's suprised face, and Shiroi's curious one.

"Yo where's the fire? You guys ran past me pretty quickly, it took me at least thirty minutes to even catch up." Temari asked, beginning the conversation with a question directed at Kakashi.

Kakashi grimly sighed "Temari-san.. I'm afraid our current mission isn't one of good news." Kakashi stated his visible eye darkening slightly.

Temari raised an eyebrow "Oh really? I don't suppose you can tell me?" The Suna Kunoichi idly asked. To her surprise, Kakashi gazed upon Naruto's hooded visage with a questioning look in his eye.

Temari saw the blonde nod slightly, and Kakashi turned his attention back to her. "Actually, our mission involves Suna Temari-san." The masked Jonin answered, after receiving Naruto's approval. Hey the blonde was in charge of the mission, so it would make sense for Kakashi to seek Naruto's approval about speaking telling someone their mission details.

"Why? What's wrong with Suna!?" Temari asked in a demanding tone.

Kakashi opened his mouth to speak, but Naruto beat him to it. "To be it bluntly Temari-san." Naruto began, his voice cold, and indifferent. "Akatsuki has finally made their move. They've attacked Suna... And Gaara has been captured." The blonde finished.

Temari's eyes widened, before she grit her teeth, and channeled more Chakra into her feet. "If that's the case, than I'd like to ask... As the ambassador of Suna, I would like you to save my brother." Temari said.

Naruto mentally scoffed "I was planning on saving Gaara anyway, I didn't need you to ask me that. I'm saving Gaara because he is my friend... And also my brother in all but blood. For not only is our past similar... But also our burdens." The hooded blonde answered.

Temari gave Naruto a stunned look, before her expression softened. "Thank you." She whispered.

Her words were heard by both Naruto, and Kakashi. Kakashi settled for giving a small pat, and eye smile. While Naruto gave her a small smile, before his face blanked out again. The blonde glanced at the sword at his side.

'Altair... Why is it that I've been sensing you become a bit uneasy?' The blonde mused, what he didn't expect was for the Kyuubi to answer.

"Naruto, there are only two reasons why Altair would be feeling 'uneasy' as you put it." The giant fox commented.

'The way you said it... You say it as if Altair isn't uneasy.' Naruto responded with a raised eyebrow.

"That's because Altair isn't uneasy. Altair is more excited, than uneasy."

'Excited how exactly?'

"Altair is only this excited for two reasons. One: He's excited about drawing the blood of your enemies. And the final reason... You might be close to 'his' grave site."

'And what did you mean exactly when you said 'his' grave?'

"... The grave site... Of Uzumaki Arashi."

The blonde's eyes widened slightly 'W-What? Isn't he...?'

"That's right Naruto... The creator, and first wielder of Altair."

'What!?... You mean to tell me that Uzumaki Arashi's grave site is somewhere around here?'

"No of course not. What I'm saying is that you are nearing Arashi's grave site. I don't know where it's at exactly... But judging by how Altair is getting more and more excited... I would bet that Arashi's grave site is somewhere in the desert near Suna."

'Near Suna huh?' Naruto mused.

"That's right Naruto, now do me a favor, and focus on your objective. You can worry about Arashi's grave at a later point in time. Your friends come first do they not?" Kyuubi asked.

'I understand. I was planning on investigating the grave site after I saved Gaara anyway.' The blonde responded.

Kyuubi gave a small snort, before he retreated back into his cage.

The blonde focused his attention back onto the path ahead of him. He would save Gaara, he had to. He wouldn't give up on Gaara like how some villagers had given up on him the second they heard of his burden. He would be there for Gaara. As a friend, brother, comrade, and... Family... He would fight to save Gaara, he would be there when Gaara woke up. And he would most definitely be there before the members of Akatsuki could say Bijuu.

He slightly fingered Altair. Oh how he wanted to cut up each, and every member of the Akatsuki... Maybe a little bit of Chachazero has rubbed off on him.

Meanwhile, Chachazero suddenly felt the urge to stick her chest out in pride.

Regardless, Naruto didn't think much about his new apparent anger. His mind was only focused on one thing after all.

Saving Gaara.

The atmosphere was tense, and strangely... chilling. So chilling in fact, that it could have made a shiver of slight fear to run through your spine. Honestly, Ino never thought that she would have such a feeling, as she was escorted down the halls by a Hyuuga branch member.

The reason why she was in the Hyuuga manor. Home to one of the most powerful clans in Konoha was simple. She wanted to speak with the heiress of the clan, Hyuuga Hinata.

The platinum blonde haired girl wanted to speak about the matter of Shiroi... No, 'Uzumaki' Shiroi. And see if they could do anything about the white haired girl. (Foolish little Yamanaka. You can't do anything about Shiroi, it is very stupid to even try. Heck! She's my OC and I'm fucking scared of her!)

The blonde haired girl glanced at the Hyuuga branch member. Whom, was escorting her down the hall with a blank expression. Even with the blank look on his face, Ino was able to detect a small glint of fear run through his eyes as they got closer to the main branches living room.

It made Ino raise an eyebrow, just why was this Hyuuga so scared? If she heard correctly, the clan head, Hyuuga Hiashi never used the caged bird seal on any of the branch members... So why was he so tense?

She was shaken from her thoughts when the branch member tapped her shoulder. "Yes?" The blonde asked, turning her head towards the Hyuuga.

"We have arrived Yamanaka-san." The Hyuuga emotionlessly answered. Even though the Hyuuga's entire stance was impassive and stiff, Ino, being a Shinobi, was able to detect the slight tenseness of his shoulder blades. It was almost as if he was preparing for a life or death battle with the way his eyes were slight glancing at every direction every few seconds.

Ino didn't know what could make him so tense, but something told her that she was going to find out soon.

The Hyuuga branch member opened the doorway into the main branches main lobby, and Ino was treated to a sight that nearly made her choke in shock.

There in the middle of the room, was Hinata. The raven haired Hyuuga was sitting across from her father, and the clan head. Hyuuga Hiashi, was wearing a blank and impassive face, though Ino could see a cold sweat break out in the back of his neck.

The reason for this was simple, Hinata, the timid girl that everyone knew... Was glaring at her father. And on the table, was a drawn picture of Shiroi... And Ino had no idea how they had such an accurate picture of the white haired girl.

The two of them didn't seem to notice her presence, and Ino idly noticed that the Hyuuga who escorted her here. Had already hightailed it outta of here. (Man what a coward right?)

The platinum haired blonde decided to wait for a few more minutes before she let her presence be known.

"Tou-sama." Hinata began coldly "Why have you not yet began a search for a girl of this appearance?" The raven haired beauty said, a harsh glare on her face.

The head of the Hyuuga clan gulped slightly. "I told you dozens of times Hinata. I cannot simply send Hyuuga Shinobi to find out about a girl who does not exist." Hiashi sternly said.

Hinata's eyes narrowed "Tou-sama, I'm telling you that this girl does in fact exist! she's been inside my head Tou-sama!" She exclamined anger lacing her voice.

"And as far as I'm concerned, that was your imagination!" Hiashi snapped back.

Hinata girt her teeth as she glared balefully at her father. "She is real Tou-sama!" She shouted.

"And yet you have no proof of such a claim!" Hiashi shouted back, giving his daughter a stern, and clam glare.

Hinata glared at her father in anger, and rage. Couldn't he see that this girl was a clear and dangerous threat!? That and she had the feeling that this girl was close to Naruto. Call it a intuition. But she received a mental image of the girl when she was daydreaming about Naruto, when suddenly. The image of a silvery white haired girl, with pink slitted eyes appeared in her mind.

And the girl seemed to be glaring at her, before she merely disappeared. Hinata didn't know who the girl was, but she was determined to find out... By any means necessary.

"She does exist Tou-sama! I know it! No! I can feel it! It's like she's standing right next to me! Mocking me!" The raven haired Hyuuga yelled.

"And I say this is all just a figment of your imagination!" The clan head shot back, with equal intensity.

Finall Ino decided to make herself known. By softly clearing her throat. Even though she it done softly it had the desired effect. Both Hyuuga's stopped their glaring contest, and glanced in Ino direction.

Hinata neutrally glanced at Ino, before she gave her a nod of acknowledgement. Hiashi narrowed his eyes at the Yamanaka heir, before he slightly nodded his greeting to the platinum haired girl.

"Yamanaka-san. What brings you here?" Hiashi asked. However, Ino knew it wasn't a question... It was a demand.

Ino bowed politely, and she spoke with as much respect, and humbleness as she could. She was talking to a clan head after all. And she was taught to respect all clan heads, and clan elders. "I was hoping I may speak with Hinata on a private matter. Hyuuga-sama."

Hiashi glanced at the Yamanaka for several moments, before he nodded slightly. "Very well, I will allow it." Hiashi answered "However, Hinata... We will continue this conversation later. Understood?" The Hyuuga clan head gave Hinata a stern glare. And it was clear, that it was not a request but a order.

Hinata nodded at her father. She very much intended to continue this conversation with her father. No matter what her father said, she refused to believe this girl was a figment of her imagination.

Hiashi gave her eldest daughter a final glance, before he left the room. Slightly narrowing his eyes at the Yamanaka, before he shut the door.

With her father now gone from the room, Hinata turned her attention to the blonde Yamanaka standing before her.

"Hello Ino-san. It's been awhile hasn't it?" Hinata greeted, a small smile appearing on her face.

The platinum blonde smiled at the raven haired Hyuuga "Yeah it definitely has been awhile huh? Hinata?"

Hinata giggled lightly, before a soft frown made its way onto her face. "So why are you here? If I recall, you said you wouldn't enter the Hyuuga compound even if the world should come to an end." She asked in confusion, and no small amount of interest.

In response to Hinata's question, Ino pointed directly at the well drawn picture of Shiroi, and spoke. "Who made that picture? I... Met that girl before." She said in a vague manner.

Hinata's eyes darted to Ino's form, and the drawing of the girl in front of her. Her eyes slightly narrowed... How had she met this girl before?

"I drew the picture of this girl. I don't know how, but all of of sudden the image of this girl came to mind. And oddly enough, a type of chill went down my spine... The type of chill that said I was treading on dangerous grounds. The thing is... I don't know what grounds I was treading on." Hinata surmised.

"However-" She continued"- I had a feeling that this girl existed, and I told my father of this... However, as you can see... He refuses to believe me." She finished.

Ino pursed her lips, and she debated on whether of not she should tell Hinata about the the white haired girl she was talking about. The pros and cons of the information she could share with Hinata would be useful, and quite possibly useless. However Ino only knew one thing.

She wanted Shiroi out of Konoha.

With that mindset she quickly told Hinata what she knew of the girl. About how they first met inside her mind. Her possessive personally when it involves Naruto, her frightening, and animalistic rage, her superior and arrogant attitude when she met her in person. And finally... Her apparent engagement to Naruto, making her his fiance.

When Hinata heard that, the poor tea cup she held in her hand suddenly shattered into millions of pieces. Showering the floor, and couch with shards of glass, and tea. And even though Hinata kept a blank expression on her face, Ino could detect the raging malestorm that was boiling beneath the surface.

The only thing Hinata could think about was finding this Shiroi, and... 'chat' with her. She wanted to meet this girl in person, wrap her hands around that delicate neck of hers, and choke the life out of the white haired girl. She didn't care if she could face a life sentence in prison. She wanted that girl dead!

No takes away her Naruto-kun and gets away with it!

So she would bide her time, and wait for the perfect opportunity to meet with the girl, and politely ask/demand that she renounce her relationship with Naruto. And than just as she had been dreaming for so long, Naruto would be hers. Forever.

However a small part of Hinata told her that she should stop what she's doing. As it would only end badly for her, but she didn't listen to that small part of her. In her eyes... That... White haired slut was getting in the way of her and Naruto, and she wouldn't allow that.

With that mindset, both she and Ino began to brainstorm on ideas on how to get Shiroi out of the village. Never noticing a pair of Byakugan eyes narrowing at their intentions.

The owner of the eyes quietly stepped away from the door. And quickly, but silently moved down the hallway in a steady, and urgent pace. Hyuuga Neji scowled at what his cousin was planning to do, and he wouldn't allow it to happen.

After all, Naruto was the one who freed him from his obsession with fate. And saved him from a life of pure hatred for his clan. He owed the blonde a great dept that could never be repaid. As such, if it was between his cousin, and Naruto. He would pick Naruto's side on this matter. If Hinata truly loved Naruto, than she would let Naruto chose who he wants to be with.

And if she couldn't accept that... Than he would have to make sure that Hinata stayed as far away from Naruto, and this... Shiroi as possible. And the first step to this, was telling his uncle about this matter.

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