
Roman Liberator

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Destruction. Death. Ruin. Plunder. Eradication.

Those were the sole objectives in the mind of the ancient war machine the Huns of old had come across and activated, swearing fealty to her cause and revelling in the glory of a slaughter that would be remembered for all days to come.

Those were the sole objectives a warmonger labelled the Scourge of God who burnt through the world.

That was all that was supposed to be until the end of her own days... but, walking through the arid, unpopulated land of a Roman Empire she hadn't faced... Altera felt something else, she 'felt' for once.

The dry wind against her skin felt new, the searing rays of the star in the sky tingled against her bare skin, the chirping of the occasional bird was... pleasant.

That was strange.

What was stranger still was the pale haired young man approaching her off all people with what she could recognise as intrigue and... happiness?

The last time that had happened was-... wait no, it never happened at all.

People feared a killing machine and rightfully so. Thus Altera concluded that the man she was staring at was strange.

"What up? I'm Nicholas. Am I tweaking or are you..."

She was tempted to ask him about himself but unfortunately, her body wasn't her own at the moment.

Her grip around the Photon Ray Sword tightened as she raised it to point at Nicholas. The blade pulsed with raw destructive energy.

Words weren't needed, her men responded to the gesture and charged ahead with swords raised high.

Clearly, they hadn't been expecting for him to literally slap them all simultaneously after their swords shattered against his body, "Hey, I just wanted to talk. Stop being difficult."

Altera was 'intrigued', which was again, very strange, to the point where she would've considered his request. Her mind instantly recognised the seemingly stupid and incompetent man to be a threat and her body responded accordingly.

She appeared next to him with her blade held to the side and sliced, aiming to cut him from waist to shoulder.

"Holy shit that stings... Nice. Haven't been feeling nothing for a while now."

What the fuck?

"...Holy... shit it what?"

Utter shock momentarily overpowered the command imprinted into her by her summoner, and Altera became very dejected when she realised she used that opportunity to just repeat what he said... Though none of that showed on her face.

Wait no, she was getting distracted!

The young ma-... Nicholas had grabbed the Sword of the War God Ares with his bare hand and all he had to say about it was that it stung?! What?!

Ugh... she wasn't very used to all these feelings and thoughts.

Calibrating quickly, Altera ripped the sword from his grasp and raised it overhead as all magical energy in the vicinity was sucked towards her.

"So you can talk... Tell me, are you really Attila the Hun?"

The white tattoo-like markings all over her body funnelled magical energy, pulsing with power as she smashed the blade down with enough force to part the land... Only for him to kick at the blade from the side and deflect the attack entirely, opening a massive rift in the Earth when the blade met the ground just beside him.

This was a first for her, there were none, not even Gods, who could manage such an act of power.

Used to his absurd strength, Alter didn't stop and punched him in the face. When he moved to block her hit, she used the one hand still on her blade to swing it at him again, releasing a wave of destructive energy that should've evaporated his very being.

All it really managed to do however, was ruin his black t-shirt. So, with righteous fury in his actions, he clocked her in the chin, knocking her back, "Man, that was my favourite shirt. I'm starting to think you don't wanna talk to me."

Altera wanted to talk to him.

But her mouth wouldn't open and her body moved to obey the commands it always had, to cause death and destruction.

Magical energy swirled as she raised the Photon Sword overhead once again, this time, with completely different intentions. Pointing the hilt of the blade at the sky, she drew all the remnant energy in the Holy Grail her summoner had embedded into her.

"I have to tell you, I'm powered up like Ichigo right now... You should probably stop." Nicholas offered calmly, poking the torn bits of his shirt with a listless expression, "And talk, I feel like I'm carrying the conversation. France's head honcho was way more fun."

Altera wanted to talk.


Nicholas stared at Atilla the Hun in mild confusion, it was a hot chick like he'd expected but said chick wasn't even talking to him... All she seemed interested in was attacking and while he was all for a good scrap, he hadn't been able to do all that much in this singularity.

He learned that wars were kind of boring so at least that was something?

"Senpai, she's getting ready to deploy her noble phantasm." Mash's concerned voice spoke into his ear via comms, making him smile faintly, "The levels of energy are beyond anything we've encountered so far."

"Tell me something I don't know." Nicholas spoke plainly, it was a given that each level would have a harder boss than the last one.

Mash paused for a moment before continuing, "If you don't stop her, she'll wipe out everything in the vicinity... including us."


"That's a nuke she's pointing at us... do something responsible and rip her heart out." This time it was Gudako who talked.

Followed by Yu, "That's a servant, we've registered her saint graph. You can summon her easily once we're back at Chaldea. This is like a Berserker ruined by those Demon Gods."

"This isn't the real her?" Nicholas asked curiously, watching on as a number of circles appeared in the clear blue skies, forming a strange matrix, "Fine... I guess."

Part of him wanted to try parrying the nuke but, as a good boy, he knew that men had to make sacrifices sometimes... It would put his folks in danger.

"It's Kakashi time."

So, with a heavy heart, Nicholas shot at Altera, slamming his fist into her chest so hard he pierced through it, "Fastest way to chick's heart I know."

Altera shifted though, slightly surprising him, and grabbed his arm with both her hands, "N... Not Atilla... Altera." She whispered weakly.

"Wut?" Nicholas tilted his head, confused again... Hell, the way she was trying to smile at him was kind of making him feel bad.

He did not like that.

Standing in the middle of barren land, with a girl held up by his arm piercing through his chest, an army staring at him in awe and shock while another observed him from a nearby city... Nicholas Martel did not know how to feel about his situation.

This was NOT the kind of stuff he'd imagined he'd be doing.

And as Atil-... no, Altera's body began to fade away, "I tried... to hold myself... But, thank you... for stopping me..."

"Goddammit why did they have to make everyone so good?" Nicholas wanted to cry.

"Uh, sorry if this is a bad time but, congratulations on retrieving the Grail. Now I'm sorry if I'm being a bother but... get back here quickly and stop your servants before they damage the rayshifting system permanently."


Hope you enjoyed the chapter.


You can find up to 9 chapters ahead at patre0n.com/Bleap

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