

Just above Alex, the ceiling was adorned with various corpses, all of which had long since dried up, clearly dead for a long time. Most of these bodies were male, but one in particular caught Alex's attention.

It was the body of a young man lying on the ground, his legs bent at ninety degrees, his face pale, eyes wide open, and expression twisted in agony and pain.

"Why would anyone die in a place like this?" Alex muttered to himself, his eyes filled with confusion.

"Huh?" As Alex was lost in thought, he suddenly heard a strange noise.

"Hmm?" Alex turned around to look but found no one behind him.

His eyes flickered thoughtfully as he stepped closer to the body. Alex crouched down and examined it closely. The bodies hadn't been dead for long, likely only a few days. But under his management, how could so many humans have escaped?

Could there be some hidden truth here?

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