
Choose the Organization or Trust Him?

"My time is limited, and now I offer you two choices. First, come with me immediately. I will ensure your safety and provide for your needs, but you must obey me absolutely and dedicate everything to me! Second, continue to stay here and wait for rescue from others. I won't disturb your life." 

Alex had no time for idle chatter. 

The apocalypse coins were about to reach 1000, and he was in a hurry to go back and upgrade the City of Darkness. 

He was interested in the women here. 

But compared to the mutated beauties in the City of Darkness, these women were nothing special. 

If it weren't for the fact that Alex saw among these people a female anchor he liked before the apocalypse, Feng Ningning, and two beautiful, unique foreign models, he might have just walked away. 

He didn't lack women, what he lacked were unique women who could make him feel something. 

The women here, only a few barely caught his eye. 

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