
Chapter 91: Howlers and Lockhart

On the evening of the first day of school, news spread across Hogwarts: Harry and Ron didn't board the train; instead, they flew in a bewitched Muggle car, resulting in a collision with the Whomping Willow.

Much to the relief of the Gryffindors, since Harry and Ron's rule-breaking occurred before the start-of-term feast, Gryffindor wasn't docked any points.

However, Harry and Ron's own mood was far from great. 

Being spotted by Muggles while driving made the news, and Ron's wand was broken in the accident. 

He could only awkwardly bind the two pieces together with tape, leading to frequent mishaps when attempting magic.

Early the next morning, they discovered their misfortune was just beginning. Mrs. Weasley had sent them a Howler, delivered by an owl during breakfast in front of the entire school.

As Ron nervously tore open the envelope, Neville immediately covered his ears. 

Harry was puzzled by their reactions until the tremendous sound echoed through the hall, shaking dust from the ceiling.

"...You took the car without permission, and now if they expel you, I won't be surprised. Wait until I get my hands on you. Did you ever think about how your dad and I felt when we found the car gone?..."

It was Mrs. Weasley's yelling, a hundred times louder than usual, echoing through the hall. 

Plates and spoons rattled on the tables, and the reverberations from the stone walls were deafening. 

Everyone turned to see who received the Howler. Ron shrunk into his seat, only revealing a bright red forehead.

"We got a letter from Dumbledore last night, and your dad nearly died of shame.

We worked hard to raise you, never thought you'd pull such a stunt. You and Harry almost lost your lives..."

Harry had been waiting for his name to pop up. He tried hard to pretend he hadn't heard the ear-piercing noise.

"... It's infuriating! Your dad's now facing a review at work, and it's all your fault. If you don't start behaving, we'll bring you back home immediately!"

The Howler left Harry and Ron exposed in front of the entire school, turning them into gossip fodder.


During their visit to Flourish and Blotts, Alaric had warned Hermione and Cho Chang that Gilderoy Lockhart was just a show-off, and his books had little practical value. 

He wasn't a powerful wizard, and if he became the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor at Hogwarts, students wouldn't learn anything useful.

Back then, Hermione and Cho Chang didn't believe it, thinking Alaric misunderstood Lockhart.

But now, after just one Defense Against the Dark Arts class with Lockhart, his true colors were revealed.

Look at what he taught in class:

After a brief attempt at what he considered a humorous introduction, Lockhart immediately had the class take a thirty-minute quiz with fifty-four questions, such as:

1. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's favorite color?

2. What is Gilderoy Lockhart's secret ambition?

3. What do you think is Gilderoy Lockhart's greatest achievement so far?

And so on, filling three whole pages, with the final question being:

54. When is Gilderoy Lockhart's birthday? What would be an ideal birthday present for him?

It was absurd. He treated the classroom as his fan meet-and-greet.

Reading the original books, Alaric found Lockhart somewhat amusing, but experiencing it firsthand, he felt deceived. 

He tore the quiz into pieces on the spot, then walked out, ignoring Lockhart's cringe-worthy expression.

"Can anyone tell me who that boy was just now?" After Alaric left, Lockhart's face turned somewhat pale. Alaric's actions had embarrassed him.

Upon learning about Alaric's performance in the previous semester, Lockhart earnestly addressed all students present: 

"When I saw him storming out, I immediately knew why he did it—oh, of course, it's all my fault. I really want to kick myself a few times."

He paused, smiling at everyone.

"He wants to be the center of attention, and, indeed, he has tasted the sweetness of fame. 

He's intelligent, handsome, excels in studies, and plays Quidditch well. In Hogwarts, both witches and wizards, be it older or younger admired him. 

Oh, it's a wonderful feeling. 

But now, I, Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin Third Class, Honorary Member of the Anti-Dark Arts League, five-time winner of the Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award, have come to Hogwarts and immediately stolen his spotlight, making him no longer the most attention-grabbing. 

He envies me and immediately storms out. I can understand that feeling. I know, it's rude of him, but I forgive him because I made him jealous. 

Oh, how terrible that emotion is. He should realize he's still young. When he grows up, he'll have plenty of time to become famous. 

When I was twelve, I was as ordinary as he is now. In fact, I should say even more ordinary than him. "

As he spoke, Hermione couldn't hold back any longer. She stood up and said loudly.

"Alaric doesn't need to envy you! His achievements and fame far surpass yours. At twelve, he won the International Wizard Chess Championship. 

No wizard chess player could match him. He invented the moving fireplace at a young age. 

The Ministry of Magic is awarding him the Order of Merlin Third Class, but unlike you, he doesn't brag about it. 

I think he's right; you're just a superficial, boastful person. You're not worthy to be our Defense Against the Dark Arts professor!"

After her words, just like Alaric before, she ignored Lockhart's unpleasant expression and walked out.

Lockhart was again embarrassed in front of the first class, but it only got worse from there.

For this class, he prepared a cage of Cornish Pixies, claiming it was to assess the students' practical skills. 

He released the Pixies, expecting the students to catch them all. However, once out of the cage, the Pixies began wreaking havoc in the classroom, hiding under tables.

At this point, Lockhart wanted to make a grand show in front of the students, capturing all the Pixies at once to salvage his pride. 

Unfortunately, with an empty mind, he waved his wand around ineffectively. Eventually, even his wand was thrown out of the window by the Pixies. 

In the end, the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, Gilderoy Lockhart, Order of Merlin Third Class, Honorary Member of the Anti-Dark Arts League, five-time winner of the Witch Weekly's Most Charming Smile Award, had to hide under the teacher's desk, just like his students.

It was a complete exposure of his true nature. Except for some girls, many young wizards began to believe Alaric and Hermione's words: Lockhart was just a show-off, a braggart.




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