

The next morning.

The morning sunlight reflected directly into the room through the widely opened window space. Only sounds of tweeting and chirping snowbird overshadowed the place entirely.

In the room, it was thoroughly mute and quiescent. Flower was still asleep on the bed, reticent and silentious.

Everything seemed fine in the room.


"No no!" The once amiably sleeping lady fumfered whilst sleeping.

Her head fidgeted away from the pillow, moving left and right as though she was having an unpleasant nightmare. Her forehead was aggregated with warm liquids.

"No no no!" 

Flower exclaimed once again, as she panted immersely. Her body was trembling in pure sensation of shock and nervousness. 


She rooped out loud. Then her eyes flung themselves open with profound haste. 

As soon as she opened her eyes. She could see a tall figure towering above her, casting an huge shadow upon her body. 

Flower couldn't decipher what she was seeing at the moment.

Thus, on impulse.


Flower lifted her folded fingers upwards, forming it into a fist. She delivered a formidable punch on the person's face without a second thought.

"Ouch!" The man whimpered in pain. He was surprisingly shocked that such a fragile and frail lady could be able to embody such an outstandingly, meticulous punch, unbelievable.

Flower swiftly claimed a sitting position. She stared downwards at her body with pure astonishment.

'I'm alive?! Wow! I'm a alive,' she pondered. 'My heart is beating perfectly fine, my body isn't aching anymore. I can move my body again. It isn't dark anymore again, I can see perfectly fine."

'I'm alive!' 

Flower smiled, partly in happiness and partly in confusion.

'How is this even possible. It's absolutely incredible. Perhaps, Amanda and Julius too could still also be alive just like me,'

'I need to find out.' She concluded inwardly.

Glancing down at herself, she could clearly discern that her clothes had been changed. It didn't look too bad for a lady.

Shoving her thoughts aside. Flower raised her head upwards to look at the person in front of her whom she just punched not too long ago.

Flower glanced at the man's appearance from head to toe.

The man appeared to be slightly old, he had gray hairs mixed together with his black hairs. He was dressed in black set of suit and a white shirt as his inner wear, including a black tie. 

His hand was unyieldingly holding onto is broken nose which was bleeding trivially, due to the punch that greeted him early in the morning.

Flower looked further into the room, then she noticed that an old woman was also present in the room. Sitting at some point in the room where a white sofa was situated. Although, she didn't look too old to not be able to move herself around as she pleases. And she wasn't too old to the extent of needing a wheelchair. The old woman still looked considerably agile and elegant.

The old woman was transferring tea from a teapot into a teacup. 

Flower immediately assumed a standing posture.

She stood barefooted on the floor, looking directly into the man's eyes. 

'I've never seen him before in my life. This place doesn't even look like an hospital. Could it be that they abducted and are planning on keeping me captive here?' She thought. 'No that can't be.'

Flower heaved a sigh.

"Who are you people and why have you brought me here?" She snapped. Then she kept quiet, patiently awaiting a suitable response. Still staring fiercely into the man's eyes.

The man reached for his pocket, he brought out an handkerchief, then he wiped the bloodstains away from his broken nose.

Trying his best to sound polite and calm a the same time, eventhough he had been viciously attacked;

"My name is Horatio Jonathan. I'm a butler," he uttered. Shortly after, he added, "Young Lady, I'm sorry for scaring you. I don't have any malicious attempt towards you." Horatio bowed slightly.

Flower didn't know how to feel about this. Since Horatio had already apologized for his wrong doings, Flower calmed herself down a bit.

'A butler? He seems nice. He even bowed, but still, I don't know who he is. A mere apology wouldn't do the trick, I need to know more.' She thought.

Tersely after Horatio's replies, Flower fired another question at him. She was determined to know exactly what had happened and how she was brought here. Besides, this didn't look anything like a city hospital. Although it seemed magnificently luxurious, but then, what would a butler be doing in an hospital? Weren't butlers supposed to be found in a restaurant or perhaps a castle?

"Where am I?" Flower frowned.

The butler glanced at her for sometime. Probably thinking about something best known to him. He didn't want to be too presumptuous, neither did he want to be crude towards the young lady. 

"You're in Alaska," Horatio stated. "Young Master brought you here two days ago. From my point of view, you were in a crucial state and was badly injured. You were scrutinously emerged in blood all-over."

He paused. Then he continued.

"He told us to take good care of you and attend to your every needs. That's why we're here, Young Lady. Please feel at home and rest for a while, you aren't completely healed up yet."

Flower listened, attentively harkening to Horatio's words. As much as she wanted to doubt it, she couldn't do that just yet. She had to admit that the explanation was smooth and thoroughly well said.

'Young Master? Did he just say Young Master saved me and brought me here. So it has been two days. This must mean that he might have also came across Amanda and Julius. Hopefully he would be kind enough to have save them too. I need to know who this Young Master is.'

'I need more information about my colleagues from this man. Perhaps I should be more nicer to Horatio instead of being angry at him. He seems nice afterall, I shouldn't hold onto any grudges,' she thought.

Flower cleared her throat with a bit of pride.

"Horatio... I'm sorry for attacking you out of impulse," Flower stated casually.

Horatio smiled mildly. "It's Alright Young Lady. Don't feel guilty, I would have probably done the same if I was in your shoes," he said. "Young Lady, please have a seat and relax yourself. Young Master wouldn't be pleased to see that you're stressing yourself whilst ill."

Flower couldn't help but wonder who this Young Master was and why Horatio seemed a bit scared of him and what he might do. Since he is supposedly young, therefore, why should Horatio be afraid of him like so.

Gathering her thoughts aside.

"Okay then," she complied.

Flower claimed a sitting position on the edge of the bed tenderly.

This was when Flower's body began to acknowledge the excessive bone-chilling glacial weather of Alaska, Juneau wildlife reserve.

She shivered sheepishly. 

'I'm still in Alaska. No wonder it's still very cold.' 

Rubbing her palms together. She tried to create heat in her palms, then later on, she placed her slightly hot palm on her cheeks to preserve her skin from experiencing coldness. This was a method thought to her by her father when she was a child. Unfortunately, her father was dead now.

Flower sat down calmly. Knowing that there was still a ray of hope in Julius and Amanda's wellbeing. Perhaps they were placed in separate rooms different from hers.

Looking up at Horatio.

"Horatio, Er, did Young Master saved anyone else other than me. A lady and a man to be precised," Flower stated, doing her best to sound exceptional and kind. She continued; "The lady resemble me very much, we share absolutely the same figures and features, she is my sister. The man is quite tall, with brown hairs and a muscular figure..." She halted.

Then continued.

"Does any of you possess a phone? I can search for their pictures on Instagram on your behalf. Maybe you will be able to recognize them if I show you their pictures or videos perhaps." Flower offered.

Both Horatio and the old woman glanced at eachother as soon as Flower said those words. Probably wondering what she was trying to insinuate.

Flower caught sight of them staring at eachother. For some reason she felt a little bit embarrassed, thinking that they were making fun of her. Then a thought popped to her head.

'They're old people. Of course they don't know what Instagram is. They're completely clueless about the outside world. Well I don't blame them, all I have to do now is explain to them.'

Flower furrowed her eyebrows trivially.

"Let me explain. You may not know what an Instagram is," Flower proposed. "An Instagram is an app on the phone used for…"

Realizing that Flower was about to start lecturing them about social media. The old woman who had been sitting idle and hasn't said anything throughout Flower's conversation with Horatio, finally stood up.

Interrupting Flowers sentence in midway.

"That's not the case Young Lady." She said curtly, with a delicate smile manifesting on her wrinkled lips.

Walking more closer to Flower.

"Have this, Young Lady." 

The old woman aimed the little teacup which she had poured not too long ago towards Flower. She was waiting for the tea's hotness to reduce before she offered it to Flower.

Flower noticed that they were both ignoring her request and convering it up with silly excuses. Just to switch the topic away from the real deal. 

But then, Flower wondered, 'Why would they both be ignoring my question. Did I ask for too much? I only asked for a phone, and I would definitely give it back when I'm done. Do they think I'm a lowlife thief?"

'Or… could it be that someone had ordered them not to render to me any information and help. But why? Only someone with utmost power could have done that.'

'Could it have been Young Master…? of course it's him, who else could it be?' she concluded inwardly. 'Have I ever done anything bad towards him? Does he knows me from somewhere? I need to know who this person is, if not, I don't think this people would give me anymore information.' 

Flower scorned her face.

The old woman sat beside her, 'You're still unwell. Have this, I've mixed your medicine with the tea. That way it would be easy for you to swallow," she prompted.

Flower clicked her tongue in fury. How could this old woman offer her tea in a situation like this. And what if the tea had been coalesced with poison for all she knew. 

She scowled.

"Argh! Are you going to tell me if you both have seen them or not?!" Flower blurted menacingly, she couldn't hold back herself. Amanda and Julius were utterly important to her, she had to find out if they were alright or not, that was the only thing that could calm her down. But this people were being reluctant.

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