
Do not eye my woman

''Mm… If you have plans tomorrow, then maybe…'' 

''No plans,'' Why in the world would he have plans when she was in front of him? 

''Then, you can come with me tomorrow. I will take you with me to everywhere I go…'' Her voice was growing softer and softer as she spoke, ''And we will talk about anything and everything…'' she trailed off. 

The sound of her even breathing told him that she was fast asleep but he knew that there was no sleep for him that night. 

Daisy Chen was not even aware that she was recklessly muttering sweet nothings and soft promises to him and she was more unaware of what those careless whispers did to him. 

Hell, she was out for his life and she was clueless about that. 


The next day, by the time Daisy got ready for work and stepped out of the bedroom with Angel, she found Ryle near the dining table, going back and forth as he arranged the plates. 

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