
Just Ten Years

A tall figure stood on a rooftop staring at the city below.

He had long blonde hair that fell down till his shoulders while blowing in the gentle night breeze, a short scruffy beard on his chiseled jawline, and deep yellow eyes.

On his side, a busty woman covered in moving shadows, a tall werewolf that seemed to be made of stone, a dragon covered in fire, and a zombie-like creature stood silently in the darkness.

Xavian had said already all that needed to be said, and done all that needed to be done.

He had ended the war, lived a fulfilling life, he had three kids with Anais to carry on his legacy, and had even gifted his system to someone who would need it.

Now, he knew it was time to leave.

Time to set things straight.

Behind him, Max, Elena, Stepha, Nein, Twilight, Anais, Wolva, Dren, and Zen stood in grim determination.

They would support him no matter what he did.

Anais tried to hold back her tears.

"D.. Do you really... have t-to...do....this?

What about the kids ... what about me?

What...would we do....without..you?"

Xavian grunted.

She had hit him where it really hurt.

"Annie, dear. You know it must be done.

The mistakes I..we made in the past caused the problems of today.

We may have ended one war, but another would start someday.

I must make sure that nothing of this sort ever happens again.

So, I've made up my mind.

I must do this."

A brown haired man with a pair of harry potter-like glasses finished up on a strange device he was working on.

"Alright, Xavian. I've set the time back twenty years into the past.

Stay safe bro."

Xavian smiled.

"You're a good friend, Bob."

Turning over to his cohort standing silently in the distance, Xavian frowned.

"What?, Nothing sad to say?, Really guys?"

Max sighed.

"I always knew you were special, have fun in the past."

Dren folded his hands.

The dragon man was not at all sentimental.

"Make sure to give my past self a beating and ask him why the hell he joined you guys in the first place."

Elena shrugged.

"Just don't do anything crazy like telling your past self about how our lives ended up."

Zombies did not show much emotion, so Zen just nodded.

Nein wiped a tear, Twilight looked away, Wolva sniffled, and Anais cried.

There was nothing more to say.

Steph, however, walked up to the blonde man and gave him a big hug.

"We'll all miss you, Xavi."

With a sentimental sigh, Xavian turned and walked into the device.

Before he teleported back into the past, however, he gave a few words to his Slavi.

Zim, make sure to look over the kids.

Black fangs, I assign you to the X Dhampirs Faction as a whole.

Fyre, you watch the vampires, and Breanne, please watch over these three fools.

All the Slavi bowed.

"Yes, Master."

Flashing a slight smile, Xavian turned to Bob.

"I'm ready."

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