
Chapter 11 - Back Home

Shortly after Grandfather left, Eolande came back from her trip. She had a smile on her face, making Lilly feel incredibly relieved. She still had to ask, of course. "Is everyone fine?"

Eolande nodded. "Totally fine! Mia was the target, but she had taken care of all of them when I arrived. The protection necklace combined with her strength was more than enough to defeat some amateur kidnappers, and they're all in custody now."

Lilly could only imagine the scene of Mia beating down a bunch of kidnappers, totally impervious to their simple attacks. But she was still worried. "Who was it then? Surely any big player would send someone stronger for such a job."

"A guard said they bore an emblem from a noble family in Dortfell, so the most likely scenario is that some private actor blindly sought revenge and hired some amateur spies. We'll be rooting out their group before the day is over."

Lilly sighed, thinking back to her argument with Grandfather. But she didn't care to doubt herself right now. "... Do we know if any nobles were on the ships I sank?"

"... As you may know, I haven't been around much after the attack. But it's not unlikely."

"Of course, sorry, I'm just… Not thinking straight."

Eolande looked worried now. "Did Grandfather say anything weird?"

"Well, we had a discussion around his ideologies. Although it was more like a constant attack from his side than a discussion, bringing up my actions during the defense. I guess my view has become a bit more nuanced, seeing more of the greys than just black or white."

"You should be careful, Lilly. Any conversation with him could be layered with traps and hidden motives. Remember to stay calm whenever you talk to him."

"I'll keep it in mind. Are Mia and Gramps home now?"

"They should be, they were escorted by guards after the incident. Want to join them?"

"Yeah, let's. Kneel, my trusty steed."

With a playful bow, Eolande obliged. "Of course, My Lady!" 

She bent down, letting Lilly climb up again. As soon as she felt secure, Eolande took off again- at a slightly slower speed this time, Lilly noted gratefully.

"Hey Elly, do you know of any good spots where I could use my flame at full power?"

Eolande took a moment to think about it before replying, "Full power might be hard inside the city, but there's an old quarry not far from the walls. There you could use as much power as you want."

"That sounds perfect! Could you take me later today?"

"Looking to get rid of some frustration? I can take you whenever you want, Lilly."

That was indeed her plan, letting some frustration out by unleashing her powers without restraint. Of course, she would also be training using the method they had found yesterday at the same time. She was itching to get stronger.

"Thanks, Elly."

A few moments later, they got back home. The guards stationed outside appeared taken aback by the sight of their city's savior being carried, but Lilly was too preoccupied with her thoughts to care. She climbed down again, thanking Eolande for the ride.

"I'll be at my place if you need anything Lilly, just shout out."

Lilly hesitated a bit before asking, "Hey Elly, did Mia seem okay?"

Eolande mulled it over briefly. "She did, but I think she might have been putting on a brave face. Something like that could be traumatizing for anyone, regardless of the outcome."

"Yeah, that makes sense. I'll check on her properly." Lilly waved as she opened the door. "Thanks again, Elly, I'll see you later."

"See you later," Eolande called out as Lilly disappeared inside.

When Lilly entered, the house seemed empty, but she soon heard sounds from the living room. As she was walking up the stairs, she saw a sign with the words 'Go Lilly!' on it, making her chuckle. Mia and Gramps were sitting on the couch, but they got up excitedly when Lilly entered the room, eager to congratulate her.

"There's our champion! That was a good speech, Lilly!" Gramps exclaimed, looking nothing but excited.

"Did you hear us cheer?" Mia asked, also looking fine on the surface.

"Thanks Gramps! I heard a lot of cheering so I think you did a good job. But what happened Mia? Are you okay?"

Mia brushed it off, maybe a bit too fast. "Psh, I'm fine. They were just some amateurs looking for a fight with the wrong person. They didn't even attack me since they needed me unharmed, so it was a breeze."

"I get that, but I meant emotionally. Even an attempted kidnapping must be terrifying."

Mia hesitated slightly before answering again. "Not at all, I'm perfectly fine. Some protection in the future might be a good idea though."

Lilly approached Mia and gently cupped her face with both hands, looking deeply into her eyes. She noticed Mia reacting strangely to her touch, and a slight trembling in her eyebrows. 

Mia wasn't some experienced warrior, she was a young woman who had grown up inside city walls. Thinking she would be fine after an attempted kidnapping was stupid.

"Mia, no one is expecting you to be fine after that. I should have thought more about the danger being close to me has put you in, and I'm sorry this all happened."

Mia's façade shattered at Lilly's earnest words, revealing the vulnerability she had tried to mask. A single tear escaped, tracing a path down her cheek. "It's… I was just so scared of what could have happened. I didn't think anyone would be serious enough to actually try something like that out in the open."

Lilly drew Mia into a comforting embrace, gently stroking her on the back. "I won't let anything like that happen again. I don't have any guards at Elly's level, but I'll find someone capable who will be able to keep you safe. Are you fine with getting escorted to and from the smithy?"

Mia nodded enthusiastically. "That sounds perfect. And… could you have guards at my home as well? If I'm a target, then they might not be safe either."

Lilly ended the embrace, sensing Mia was feeling better now. "I will surround it with soldiers, don't worry. And once I get strong enough to keep myself safe, I'll tell Elly to follow you instead."

Mia's protest was immediate. "No, you're by far the biggest target. I wouldn't feel safe unless she's with you."

"But I feel the same way! And of the two of us, I would be the safest in most scenarios."

Mia was about to argue back, but she seemed to have an idea. "Would… Is it possible to build a smithy at the barracks, next to your office?"

The idea caught Lilly off guard, yet it made perfect sense. If they both were at the same place most of the time, then Elly could watch them both. "Of course! There is already an armory, but I can have them install a proper smithy next to my office, combined with an enchanting room!"

Mia's face brightened, her spirits visibly lifted by the thought. "Really?! That would be amazing!"

With a playful grin, Lilly turned to Gramps. "I could maybe even install a bakery if I asked nicely."

Gramps just laughed. "Hahah, that won't be necessary. I'll keep using this old bakery as long as possible. The guards outside are plenty for me, and the customers are getting used to them now."

Lilly nodded, not surprised by his response. "Did Mia fill you in on everything that happened yesterday?"

"Yes, she did," Gramps replied, his expression turning somber. "Staying silent about it all seems like the wisest course for now. I understand you feel betrayed by the king, but I hope you'll think about it more before deciding to act on anything."

"Of course I will. I won't fight a losing battle for justice or revenge. I'm mostly looking for a diplomatic solution."

"That's the right choice! I don't know what to tell you in relation to the Vermilion family, but I imagine your nightly visitors will have some strong opinions. And you obviously need to be careful around that new teacher of yours. I honestly think you should end the lessons before they begin."

"Doing so now will raise suspicions, both from him and people who don't know his real identity. And I really want to learn more enchanting."

"Of course you do," Gramps said with a resigned smile. He knew her well enough to know she was eager to learn more.

"I wanted to have Elly take me somewhere I can try a new training method outside the city later. Is that fine?"

Gramps chuckled. "Does the Enchantress of the Vermilion Flame, hero, and Lady Protector of the city really need her old grandfather's approval?"

Lilly's reply was sincere. "Yes, I still trust your judgment more than my own."

His smile was tender and full of pride. "Well then, of course you can. As long as you're careful."

"Are you fine with it Mia?"

Mia seemed to hesitate slightly, but she tried not to show it again. "Sure, just be careful, as he said."

Lilly felt torn. She wanted to train, but she also sensed that Mia needed some comfort right now. 'Well, the day is still rather young, ' she thought.

"And until then, we could sit in bed and talk about our day. Sound good?" Lilly didn't want to say she would hug her, snuggle her, and make sure she was okay in front of Gramps, but she assumed everyone understood what she meant.

Mia's face brightened, looking like Lilly had read her thoughts. She nodded with a slight blush on her face.

Lilly took her hand and led her up the stairs, excited to be the comforter for once in this relationship.

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