
The Fard Cira Zada Estate

"When we began our efforts to organize and recount the origins of Primeval Angel Zaediel's life here, we started in the wrong place. His journey truly began in the city of Geonia, an important location in the Kingdom of Edaria. He still visits the city today."

-Elder Alzecks Zere, Holy Record Keeper, Church of Ziranda

~~~(POV: Justin Xander)~~~

~~~(Location: Outside, Geonia, Aeternitatem Genesis)~~~

~~~(Day, Date, Time: Monday, April 15th, 7:12 PM PST)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 19 Years)~~~

The streets are still occupied by players, but NPCs have turned in for the night. I'm almost to the estate of Viscountess Eliza. Even from here, all the way down the street, I can see a large property surrounded by tall walls.

Eliza is one of two nobles at the Viscount/Viscountess level in Geonia. A few days ago, I was told that these ranks of nobility are some of the highest you'll find outside the capital of a Kingdom or Empire.

I don't know the entire ranking system for nobility in AG, so I can't speak confidently about it. What I do know is time isn't on my side. So I kick it into gear and make my way to the large metal gate that allows access into the compound.

Upon approach, I'm stopped by two guards. Each of them is wearing armor far better than the city guard I'm used to seeing around. It's easy to deduce these are private forces for the estate. I'm half tempted to use (EoC) on them, but I suppress the urge.

"The estate of Viscountess Eliza is closed to all civilians. If you wish to enter, you must gain permission from the Viscountess herself or have the rank of nobility of Knight or higher."

The one speaking to me right now is the taller of the pair, and he's got a more bulky build. His voice is deep and authoritative. If those are the only two ways for me to see Viscountess Eliza at the moment, then I'm screwed.

There is only one play I've got, and that's showing them the quest I've got from her. I really hate how often I have to resort to less-than-convenient means, but I have no public power in AG. I'll just have to deal with it for now.

"How about this?"

I open my system interface and move to the quest tab. After I pull up the quest, I enable others to view this specific quest. Showing them I've got a completed quest for Viscountess Eliza. They look at each other for a moment, starting up a conversation.

"The quest is legitimate. No way around it. Says the due date is tomorrow."

The smaller one speaks first, giving me some hope that I'll actually get inside tonight. Once I've finished this quest, I can start on the other one I've got.

"Yeah, Lady Eliza said to expect a boy coming here to turn in a quest tomorrow. Looks like he's early."


Well, I'm pretty young compared to them. Maybe I'm just sensitive to the word. I didn't like that. At all.

It's not like I can complain about it—not when these guys decide if I get in or not. As I finish that thought, the bigger of the two looks at me again.

"Alright, you're allowed inside. Lady Eliza knows you're on your way in, so don't try anything funny. If you draw your weapon, it'll be taken as a threat, and you'll be killed."

The guard steps to the side, and the large gates open. I'm glad they're letting me keep my weapon, and the fact they brought it up informs me that there will be times when I'll be asked to hand over my armor or weapons.

Can't say that I'll ever be comfortable giving up any of my weapons and armor. I'll have to find a way to avoid that. It makes sense that you can't put it in your inventory either since you can just take it out.

If I give up (Monument of Sin), people will become greedy. Especially the people I'm talking to that ask to give up their armor and weapons. It's a dangerous game indeed.

I walk through the gate and start making my way to the large house and the front doors. As I make it up the staircase to the front door, it opens, and a butler in very fine and clean clothes greets me. He has a very well-kept mustache and has a single monocle.

"Greetings, new arrival."

There it is again. That moniker that players have. New arrival. I want to figure out more about why we're called new arrivals in AG, but it's always falling out of my mind due to everything else I'm focusing on.

"Lady Eliza is waiting for you in her study."

He welcomes me inside the large estate's mansion, and I follow him upstairs. Down several halls, and eventually, reach another set of extravagant doors. I've never found taste in displays of wealth, maybe it's because I'm not uber rich.

The butler opens the doors and motions for me to enter. As I do, he closes them behind me. I look around the room without moving from my spot.

The bookshelves reach to the ceiling, and the stained glass windows around the room depict battles, events, and even a wedding. I don't know what they're from, but if I use (EoC) on them, I know I could find out.

"I honestly didn't expect you to finish the quest. Let alone turn it in early."

Eliza's haughty and feminine voice grabs my attention from the windows. She's sitting behind her desk, and she's wearing informal clothes. They look mighty expensive. Even nobles sleep and rest in fine clothing.

She waits for me to respond, and I take a second to find the right words. She's a woman of very high nobility, and I don't want to do anything to upset her. Before speaking, I give a slight bow with my eyes closed for a second.

After I do so and raise my head, she looks at me with curiosity and satisfaction. Seeing that, I know I'm doing something right.

"You'll have to forgive me, Lady Eliza. I'm unfamiliar with the proper etiquette when dealing with nobility of your status. In fact, it's quite rude I'm here at this hour. For that, I apologize profusely."

I watch her lean back in her chair with a subtle smile on her lips. If you weren't paying attention, you wouldn't be able to see the turned corners of her mouth.

"I'm glad that you're aware of your uncouth visit this late at night. You may not be aware of this, but a young and handsome man like you visiting a lady this time of night can send the wrong message. Something my enemies will try to use against me."

It seems that what happened at Haleen is happening here—just in a different way. Eliza knows I'm here to turn in the quest, but everyone looking from the outside in sees it as she described it: a booty call.

"I'll forgive you this transgression. Now, from what I've heard about at the gate, you've come to turn in the quest. Here, let me see it."

I waste no time accepting forgiveness. She waves me closer to the desk as she finishes speaking. I make my way over and bring up my system interface, doing the same thing here as I did at the gate.

After a second of reading through everything, she motions for me to turn off the system interface, which I do. Without saying anything, she stands up and moves to a rolling tray full of desserts and drinks.

"Would you care for any refreshments?"

At this point, the normal tone and attitude I'm used to hearing from Eliza have started to melt away. I can't help looking a little confused at this sudden change. I can only think it's because I've proven I'm somewhat competent in her eyes.

"Umm, yeah. I wouldn't mind a piece of cake and some tea."

She spends about half a minute getting everything ready and then places the small plate with a cake on it in front of me, along with a cup of tea. She moves back to her side of the desk and sits down, sipping from her cup.

"I know you're eager for your reward, but before we get to that point, I'd like to hear the tale of how you completed the quest. I find it hard to believe you did all of it on your own."

I suppose it was too easy. Nowhere in the quest does it say I must do it alone. I could've hired someone to help me or formed a large group.

She's asking this to ascertain my value, but I have no earthly idea why. I can only speculate at this point.

"Do you want me to start from the beginning? Cause I did quite a lot. I actually finished the quest yesterday. I took some time today to rest and sort things out."

As I say that, she raises an eyebrow, expressing curiosity, suspicion, and interest. She simply nods her head in response to my offer to recount the story from the beginning. Of course, I'll omit some details to save face.

It's not like I did the most honorable things to complete the quest.

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