
Useful Name Dropping

~~~(POV: Justin Xander)~~~

~~~(Location: Stables, Geonia City, Aeternitatem Genesis)~~~

~~~(Day, Date, Time: Sunday, April 14th, 9:13 AM PST)~~~

~~~(Current Age: 19 Years)~~~

It's taken me a bit longer than I wanted to get here, but I've reached the stables. It's so much easier finding places thanks to the maps I've got in my head. By the looks of it, there don't seem to be any players trying to get their hands on anything.

While my fellow players are usually checking things out all the time, this is one of the rare instances I don't see a player or group of them trying to talk to the person in charge there.

There is a reason for most things that happen. I go up to the wooden fence line and see no one working the stables. Well, it's not like the stables are open. I can't see what's inside anyway.

My eyes drift to the house attached to the road with a stone path leading up to it. I slowly make my way over and approach the house. I knock on the door a few times, but no sound is coming from inside.

I step back and scratch my head like an idiot would when trying to answer a test question. While I'm usually pretty good at problem-solving, I'm sorta lost on where to search next. It's not like I'm a welcomed visitor.

Searching their property without their permission sounds like a good way to get in trouble with the guards and local authorities.

But I need a faster mode of transportation if I want to reach (Reds Hold) by the evening of today. I feel kinda pathetic for having to do this, but there is one trick that I could try. It's such a pussy thing to do, though.


Not much choice.

"I'm on a mission for Viscountess Eliza Fard Cira Zada!! If you don't wish for a poor assessment of your services, come out now!"

I feel my pride as a man and a general human being drop as the words leave my lips. I shout my crude threat to the people inside the house.

If there are any.

My thought process at the namedrop is a simple one. No other players are likely to know who Eliza Fard Cira Zada is at this point. So, if there is a person inside, it's better odds of drawing them out if they think I'm not a player.

After a few seconds, I hear footsteps approaching the door. As it opens, I'm greeted by an old man. He looks to be in his 70s or maybe even 80s. His eyes land on me as I stand away from the door.

"You can get in a lot of trouble for using a nobles name like that, ya lil shit."

Seeing me, he's likely unconvinced that I'm someone working for the noble I've just namedropped. However, it's worked. I'm now talking to someone who probably owns this place.

"I have half a mind to call the guards for this crap!"

While his voice is a bit croaky, you can hear the experience and toughness. From what I can see, he's a little frail but otherwise healthy. I could use (Eyes of Creation) on him, but I don't think that's necessary.

"You could, but then I'd just show the guards the quest I have from Eliza Fard Cira Zada and tell them you wouldn't help me."

The old man's jaw clenches as I say that. When dealing with old men and women with strong personalities, it's best to meet them with strength as well.

"You're either dumb enough to double down on a lie... Or you're tellin' the truth. And you don't look like an idiot to me."

I watch his gaze shift to (Monument of Sin) hanging from my hip in its sheath. People can't tell the power of my sword by looking at it, thanks to its being in the sheath. The way the man looks at it portrays someone who can guess the power of weapons regardless.

"Fine, tell me what ya need. Just keep my place and name outta ya mouth when you report back about whatever you're doing for the noble lady."

Namedropping isn't a tactic I've used often, but when you're weak and unknown in games like AG. It's a useful exploit to get some of the things you need without hassle.

"Sounds like a deal, old timer."

He steps out of the house, and I follow him around to the fenceline entrance.

"I've got a fine selection of animals that can get you places fast. But that doesn't mean I'm giving you my best mounts."

As we approach the door to the stables, I can't help feeling I'm about to get the bare minimum. I don't like it, but I'll namedrop again if I have to.

However, that train of thought is pretty much put to an end as I see what he's got.

There aren't horses.

Every single pen is occupied by a griffin.

Flying mounts.

"Now, my best griffins can cover about 900 kilometers in the span of 18 hours. You can push that to 13 hours if you run them with no breaks for water or food, but I don't let people who treat my animals that way use them to begin with."

As we slowly walk down the middle path, all the griffins eye me with curiosity. Some tilting their heads from side to side, and others bobbing their heads just a little in excitement.

Seeing someone other than their master must have trained them with the idea one is going on a trip.

Once we're at the very back of the stable house, we stop in front of a pen that doesn't have a griffin acting the same way as the others.

"This here is Roughtail."

Oh, boy.

"He's sorta got an attitude problem. And he's the slowest flier I've got. He can cover about 300 kilometers in 12 hours."

That's more than enough for what I need him for.

"I take it his attitude problem pertains to his riders?"

The question is fair. The last thing I want is to be thrown off several hundred feet in the air and die.

Losing an entire player level and one level for all my levelable skills isn't on my list of things I want to try. Just leveling up (Zophiels Smithing Technique) again sounds like hell. Crafting an Ancient grade item only got me one level.

And that's thanks to the 2x bonus I have for my class.

"He won't kill or put you in danger. He's been trained not to. But that doesn't mean he doesn't have his... Quirks."

I've got a bad feeling about this. Only one question comes to mind as I hear him say that.

"Will he leave me behind at some random point if we land?"

That's the only thing I can't have happen. Losing Roughtail at any point in my trip to and from (Reds Hold) will cost me the quest. It'll take too long to cover 220 kilometers round trip before Tuesday. 

The old man looks away from me for a second, and that tells me I'm right.

"Do I have an option between Roughtail and a griffin who won't leave me stranded? I don't think Viscountess would like the idea of someone doing a quest for her being abandoned by a griffin."

Here I go again, but if I can get a better griffin than Roughtail, then I should at least try. One that won't leave me behind when we land.

The old man takes a long moment of silence before taking a breath and releasing a sigh.

"If you can put up 400 Gold as collateral to use one of my better griffins, then yes. But it's either Roughtail or nothing. Quest for a noble or not."

That's one for two in terms of namedropping. I don't think it'll work anymore with this guy. My attention turns back to the griffin, and it's staring at us. I don't have much choice, bud.

"Fine, I'll take him."

Griffins are genderless creatures in most cases. That seems to be the case as we walk out of the stables, and I get an unintended good look at where the genitals are supposed to be.

There isn't any. Male or female.

Just a flat space.

Every game has a different interpretation of griffins; AG seems to have taken the genderless route. Still, I wonder how they'll explain how reproduction works.

Again, it's different in every game.

I won't bother calling the griffin anything other than he.

It's not like the griffin cares.

"Okay, since Roughtail will be in your care until you're done with your quest for the Viscountess. I need to warn you that death or mis-care of my griffins carries a steep penalty. 350 Gold for any injuries, and 10 Platinum for any deaths."

Well, talk about expensive.

"Here, take this food. He'll need it."

The old man grabs a nearby sack and tosses it to me. I put it in my inventory.

It's called griffin food. The amount I've been given is (5x). Meaning five individual meals. Most likely, anyway.

How generic.

The man walks away without a care in the world, and my head turns back to look at Roughtail. His head tilts from side to side.

Understanding that I'm the one who'll need his ability to fly for the time being. I step forward and gently run my hand up his beak and into his feathered head. He doesn't reject or pull away from me.

Instead, he closes his eyes and enjoys the sensation of being scratched and rubbed.

"Roughtail, if you promise not to abandon me when we take breaks. I'll buy you some actual food with my rewards from my quest."

It'll be better than what I've just been given to feed him.

Griffins are intelligent creatures, or they're portrayed that way, and Roughtail proves to be the same. While it's unlikely he understands me completely, I hope we've come to an agreement.

I move to his side, and I jump on his back. He moves a little as I adjust to a better position, and after a second. Everything is good to go.

"Time to stretch your wings, bud."

I tap the side of his shoulder and talk to him. The next thing I know, he's spreading his wings and getting a running start. I bring myself forward to decrease any drag I might be making. And before you know it.

We're flying through the sky!!

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