
Materials Auctioned Off & Suspicious Information

~~~(POV: Justin Xander)~~~

~~~(Location: Outside Auction House, Geonia City, Aeternitatem Genesis)~~~

~~~(Day, Date, Time: Saturday, April 13th, 9:38 AM PST)~~~

~~~(Age: 19 Years)~~~

It's been a little over an hour since the auction started in this auction hall. Different types of items have been auctioned off so far. The wildest was an entire airship. That went for 34 Platinum. Someone at a different Auction House got it.

Nothing has piqued my interest so far. All that's been offered are weapons, armor, and some skill books. All of them are clearly out of my price range.

The current item being bid upon comes to an end, and it's sold for a whopping 17 Silver. In the course of watching the auction, I've learned the denomination of currency.

It works on a scale of 100. When you're in possession of 100 Copper, you can transfer it into one Bronze. This continues with all denominations of currency. You're also able to keep more than 100 of a given denomination. You don't have to transfer if you don't want to.

Someone was bidding a few million Copper earlier. So, you can compete with larger denominations of currency with an amount of approximate value at lower denominations.

As the next item comes up, I can't help raising my eyebrow a bit. I've been using my (Eyes of Creation) whenever something interesting comes up. But I haven't used them for a few items now. That changes as I see a chunk of metal being auctioned off.

---[Adamantine Ore]---

[Grade: Epic]

[Store/Shop Cost: Depending on market demand, ranges between 50 Gold and 50 Platinum. (Unlikely to find in Material Shops.)]

[Info: Adamantine Ore is a scarce resource that's extremely difficult to mine. Not only that, you need a skilled smelter and blacksmith to use the resource. Even then, the material is challenging to use.]

[Zophiels Smithing Technique Bonus Info: Given your bloodline and limitless potential as a Primeval Angel, Adamantine Ore is a metal you can easily smelt, shape, and blacksmith with.]

[EoC bonus Info: Adamantine Ore is usually found in deep mines within mountain ranges. Dwarves are known for being able to find Adamantine Ore within their Kingdom's mines.]


There is no way in hell I'll be able to afford Adamantine Ore. It's a material that someone with significant funds can procure, and that someone isn't me. I can't help letting out a small groan. It's not like I was gonna be able to buy anything.

But seeing something I need for my smithing blueprint and not being able to get my hands on it is such a tease.

"I wonder what the starting bid's gonna be..."

I don't have to wait long as the bid counter on the stage starts climbing to 76 Gold. I didn't get to see the starting price since it's moving so fast.

I take my mind off what's happening with the Adamantine Ore and think about what I read in the info when I used (Eyes of Creation) on the Adamantine Ore. There is a specific line of text that stands out to me.

'Given your bloodline and limitless potential as a Primeval Angel.'

That right there sets off alarms for me. Does this mean my race inside AG isn't human, but instead Primeval Angel?

I mean, the system interface doesn't tell you what race you are. When I was pre-loading into AG like everyone else, I was informed that certain items, objects, magics, clothes, etc, can permanently change how I look.

Does 'etc' stand for Class changes as well? And when the game meant 'how I look,' does that mean only outward look, or does it go beyond that?

My curiosity is officially rising on this particular train of thought. Sadly, I won't be leaving the Auction House with a new weapon, but I did learn.

And came away with some more questions.

Instead of staying here, and watching the auction continue, I stand up and leave the auction hall. Entering the lobby of the Auction House. Seeing there are just as many players here now as there were earlier.

Since it'll be a long time before I get my hands on Adamantine or any of the other materials needed for my smithing blueprint, I should put that on the back burner.

First things first is getting my hands on a new weapon. Anything that's capable of cutting, I can use (Zophiels Eternal Edge) with it. So, it doesn't have to be the best weapon in the world. And I should also look into upgrading from the shitty armor I've got on.

Leather isn't gonna cut it when I start leveling up.

Not wasting any more time, I leave the Auction House altogether and start walking down the street. I still haven't explored most of Geonia City. There are a lot of shops I still haven't checked out yet.

"Maybe visiting a blacksmith isn't a bad idea..."

It can't hurt. Maybe I'll even get a chance to learn something there as well. I make my way through the streets of Geonia and eventually find myself in front of a blacksmith shop.

NPCs and players are looking at the weapons on display. Others are entering inside. They have the right idea, so I do the same. Once I'm inside the shop, the clanging of metal rings in my ears.

It's almost like music to me, but there are errors in the lovely tune. Mistakes that hinder the end product. All the while not totally ruining it. As players in front of me talk to the desk clerk, I'm distracted by a new system message.

[The Primeval Angel blood within you amplifies. As the Last Descendant of Zophiel, your talent and potential in smithing is unrivaled.]

[The next item you craft will be of Epic grade quality or higher.]

As I read the lines of text from the system message. A feeling of tingly energy spreads through my body. A desire to craft is starting to spring within my mind.

I walk up to the desk clerk now that players have been rejected. The man looks me up and down. He's wearing a white bandana and a black front body cover for smithing. There is grease and charcoal spotting parts of his face.

"How may I be of assistance."

You can hear the unpleasantness in his voice. He's not happy to be dealing with players. They refer to us as new arrivals.

"Um, I was hoping I could try blacksmithing. I recently unlocked the ability to smith and want to try it out."

Simply saying I want to try blacksmithing won't allow me any attempts. However, providing minimal information explaining why I want to can be effective. He now knows I have a skill that will enable me to be a blacksmith.

He won't know what that skill is. It's not foolproof that he doesn't ask to see the skill, but if he does, I can decide not to try out here.

A curious and thoughtful expression appears on the man's face. Rubbing his chin as he looks me up and down. He's probably looking for a reason to reject me like he has everyone else. But that's gonna be harder since there are reasons to let me try.

"Let me ask bossman, kid. If he likes ya, then you can try crafting an item based on some blueprints we've got on hand. Made for beginners."

He spins around without my reply and enters the back of the blacksmith shop through a curtain. It takes a few minutes, but eventually, he makes his way back. Only this time, a larger and stronger-looking man is following him.

"This the one wanting to try out blacksmithing, huh?"

His voice is rough and thick. His beard is almost black with flecks of white here and there. His eyebrows are large, and sweat is dripping from his forehead.

"Yeah, he said he has a skill that unlocked blacksmithing. Told me he wanted to try it out."

The two seem to be master and apprentice. Maybe even father and son since they share some features about them. The senior of the two rubs his beard a few times in silence. Staring at me as he does.

"What's your name, kid."

It's not a questioning tone but one of demanding authority. Showing me that he's the master of this blacksmith shop, and if I want to do anything with smithing in here, I've got to talk with him about it.

"My name is Zaediel, sir. Mind if I get the name of you two?"

Politeness has gotten me pretty far with the NPCs in Geonia so far. It helped me with Rehan, and it helped me with Haleen. I don't see why it couldn't help me with these two. However, maybe they won't like it.


Or maybe they'll find it funny.

The older of the two start laughing outrageously. What I said wasn't even remotely funny, so I don't understand why he's laughing.

He stops after a few seconds and places his hands on his hips.

"You're polite for a new arrival. I thought you'd demand and throw a princess-level fit like everyone else who's come through here."

My fellow players haven't been making it any easier on each other.

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