

Noah was just stepping out of the bathroom when he saw someone hurriedly step into his room. She stumbled, almost falling to the floor as she stepped in. Noah was cautious to not get close to her, it could be another step up by his sister and her friend. They were the ones who brought him here anyway.

When Cara and Elizabeth left their master's suit, they had followed Kate, Nark and Mack to the new place they wanted. Even if Cara wanted to let them do the work, she didn't like their finish line and wanted hers to stay. If it was up to her she would drag Anna to the edge of the yatch and throw her in the water.

But there's a 50-50 chance she would survive and no one wanted that. Even if she didn't survive, Cara would be tagged a murderer.

Noah has to be the one to catch Anna himself. Pictures and videos can be formulated, but what he sees cannot be. She had called dealer and told him not to come anymore, letting whoever Kate had decided to do the job.

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