
Chapter 61 Why do you ask?

"You really intend to carry through on that?"

Issei closed the door and leaned against it.

"Never took you for an eavesdropper."

The [Knight] smiled and looked to the roof.

"You are talking about the futures of Akeno-san, Buchou, and Koneko-chan. They are women, near and dear to my heart, Issei-kun so you'll have to forgive me if I am interested in how that goes."

Issei didn't blame Kiba for that choice of conduct.

"I understand. Just a question, Kiba, that I have been pondering about."

The silence was an agreement to ask.

"How long have you been a servant of Rias?"

The [Knight] tapped his finger on the chin. It had been a while since he lived in this life.

"Close to a decade, give or take two years. Why do you ask?"

The thumb went behind the door.

"You have been in their lives for close to a decade. You never thought of making a move. You can't deny they are beauties."

Kiba actually laughed but he had expected this question.

"If you want to know, it's pretty simple, really. I do admit they are beautiful but the problem with me is that I am not interested in them like that."

"Because you see them as sisters?" Issei had to press through.

"Because I don't see women like you do."

The mental gears in his head began to turn into Issei's head what Kiba meant with those words. It took him a full minute to figure it out.

"Ah." Those two letters were the only thing he needed to say.

"Yep." Kiba didn't know if Issei had figured it out or not.

Neither of the two men didn't say anything else. They would wait until the women were done talking and figuring this out.

Scene skip

For some reason or another, the girls found they were duped in this situation.

"Did he just leave us for us to make the rules?" Rias asked the group aloud while all of them felt like that.

"Well, I think we are better to make the rules on this. He is a man, after all. It'll be easier for us to make rules and him to follow."

Rias knew she had reasons to like Raynare and those only grew.

"You have a suggestion, Raynare?"

"More than a few, Rias." No one missed the last name.

"One. Given the fact that most of you are schoolgirls, I'd say you dictate the speed at which you work through sexual matters. Two. Intercourse has to be consented between all parties. Don't make a mistake. All of us like him but there are things you can do with multiple, supple bodies."

Rias and Akeno were already more mature than Koneko or Asia but both wondered about that idea.

That suggestion was more meant for herself than Issei.

"Three. He can't go outside his harem to look for relief. And as he mentioned, before we agree on more women, they have to earn approval. If I am allowed to make a few ideas for you."

Rias nodded as to continue on it.

"You all should try out a few dates with him. You all have seen him as a teacher, trainer, and now savior. But you don't know how he really functions. Therefore, I think it'll be better if you work that through with him on a date."

The [King] had already begun to think about a few escapades that she could do with her newly found boyfriend.

Plus, the note to thank Raynare for her advice would also be high on her list.

Rias was many things and awareness, of herself and her surroundings, were two of them.

She knew that she was an extremely beautiful creature and she didn't miss the looks that Raynare was giving her. And she also saw that Raynare was an extremely beautiful creature herself.

Yes, she was a High-Class Lady but also a hormonal teenager who had ideas about a lot of stuff. It could be because of Issei that she awakened to the ideas of sexual nature.

It was her nature as a Devil to have sexual ideas. She was made to look as seductive as possible.

"I think we'll get along just fine. Should we call him back in?"

All of the women nodded and it came down to Rias for a polite knock.

The door opened and Issei turned back to Rias.

"You came to an agreement." Again, it wasn't a question as he was guided back into the room.

Closing the door, he leaned against the doorframe. He could see all of them, in their beauty.

"So you girls figured it out?"

The six nodded all, in an eager fashion.

"Yes, we did." Rias was the first.

"I believe we'll have fun," Akeno followed up

"You're not getting away from us, chief." Koneko couldn't keep the grin from her face.

"I have waited long enough." Asia joined in the smiles.

"You have given us a lot. Now, it's our turn." Kalawarner leaned against the walls.

"I think you should go out with them and see where it leads, Issei-kun." Raynare had good advice.

"What are the rules, Rias?"

"Your first one is the idea you gave. We'll act as your parameters."

The [King] acted as speaker and Issei nodded to her.

"Two. We'll see how fast we move in relationships." Issei looked understandable in that regard.

"You four are virgins. That is perfectly reasonable." The Dragon had no issue with that.

"We could make perfect teases on you." Akeno giggled when she looked over at him.

"Be careful that you don't bite off more than you can chew. I can deal with jokes but within limits." Issei had no issue with them, taking making the choices but he wouldn't let them just walk over him.

Undisturbed, Rias continued with her talking.

"Three. You'll have to stay inside your harem for sexual urges." The eyes of Issei flattened when he heard that.

"Like I'd cheat on you all."

"As you mentioned, good rules will make this last. We got a tip from Raynare. Namely, a couple of dates to test us out."

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