
Early Graduation

In the bustling atmosphere of the academy, where students were diligently preparing for their end-of-year exams for their second year, Ryuji Mataka, their homeroom instructor, dropped an unexpected bombshell. The announcement rippled through the air, causing whispers and exchanged glances among the surprised students.

Ryuji stood at the front of the class, his presence commanding attention. He cleared his throat, and the room fell silent.

"Good morning, class. I have an important announcement," Ryuji began, his tone carrying a mix of gravity and excitement. 

"The village has decided to open the option for early graduation to exceptional students who show outstanding progress. This is an opportunity for those who feel ready to step into the next phase of their ninja careers ahead of schedule."

The unexpected revelation hung in the air, and a murmur of surprise and curiosity swept through the students. Renjiro exchanged glances with his classmates, uncertainty etched on their faces.

Ryuji scanned the room, gauging the reactions of his students. 

"This isn't a decision to be taken lightly. Early graduation means you'll be entering the field sooner than your peers. It's a chance to prove yourselves as capable shinobi and contribute to the village's well-being. If any of you are interested, there will be an application process. Discuss it with your families and guardians."

As the realization sank in, questions and whispers filled the room. Renjiro, like the rest, found himself contemplating the unexpected opportunity. The prospect of early graduation added a new layer of complexity to their already challenging journey at the academy.

Amidst the buzzing excitement and uncertainty, Ryuji left the room with a parting message, "Think it over, discuss it with your parents and guardians and let me know if you choose to pursue this path. The choice is yours, and it's a significant one. Good luck."

The academy classroom, once a space focused on routine studies, now crackled with a newfound sense of possibility and potential change. Renjiro, along with his peers, faced a pivotal decision that would shape the trajectory of their ninja careers.

Renjiro's mind was a battlefield of conflicting thoughts, each vying for supremacy over his decision-making. On one hand, the allure of early graduation beckoned with promises of utilizing his advanced skills and making a tangible impact on the village. The notion of stepping into real-world challenges sooner resonated with his eager spirit, urging him to embrace the responsibilities of a shinobi ahead of schedule.

Yet, amidst the allure, a nagging doubt whispered within the recesses of his mind. The academy, with its structured curriculum, offered more than just practical skills. It was a crucible of emotional maturity and strategic thinking, aspects Renjiro feared he might miss out on if he chose the path of early graduation. The prospect of entering the field with incomplete training left a lingering unease, a concern that the foundation of his abilities might be somewhat shaky.

The dichotomy of his inner conflict played out like a silent drama within Renjiro's thoughts. On one side, the eagerness to embrace the challenges of the real world, and on the other, the recognition of the academy's role in sculpting a well-rounded shinobi. The decision, it seemed, was not merely about skill and speed but a delicate balance between the allure of the unknown and the comfort of familiar grounds.

'Am I ready to be a genin? Well, I am sure My power level is genin level or even higher. But sparing and training is one thing, fighting in the field is a whole other thing. The risk is just too much!'

'I can't keep talking about risks, I should have already made peace with it when I realised which world I had gotten into. Delaying this won't help as eventually I will have to do what I gotta do to survive. Hopefully, I do get a good Jounin Sensei when I become a genin.'

Renjiro shared the tumultuous thoughts wrestling within his mind with Miwa. The rustling leaves and the distant sounds of the village provided a backdrop to the profound discussion.

Miwa, with her characteristic insight, listened attentively as Renjiro laid bare his conflicted emotions. The allure of early graduation and the potential for immediate contribution tugged at him, but so did the reservations about incomplete training and severed connections. As he spoke, Miwa's gaze was steady, understanding the weight of the decision at hand.

"It's a tough choice, Renjiro," Miwa began, her voice carrying a gentle wisdom. "But remember, every path comes with its challenges. Early graduation may mean stepping into the unknown sooner, but it also signifies your confidence in the skills you've honed. The academy has indeed shaped us, but there's a point when we outgrow its walls."

Renjiro nodded, absorbing Miwa's perspective. Her words resonated with a certain truth, a truth that beckoned him to embrace the uncertainty of the future. 

"The real world doesn't wait, and neither should you," Miwa continued, her eyes reflecting a mixture of encouragement and understanding.

As the conversation unfolded, doubts began to dissipate, replaced by a growing certainty. Renjiro found clarity in Miwa's words, recognizing that the decision to apply for early graduation was not a betrayal of the academy or the bonds formed within its walls. It was a step forward, a leap of faith into the vast expanse of possibilities.

With a determined glint in his eyes, Renjiro made up his mind. "You're right, Miwa. I've trained for this, and I want to make a difference now."

Renjiro joined the small cohort of aspirants for early graduation as they submitted their applications to Ryuji the following day. The list comprised the determined individuals ready to step into the challenges of the shinobi world ahead of schedule.

"How are you Renjiro?" Aiko Nakamura greeted Renjiro upon seeing him joining them.

The group consisted of Hayate Nara, Aiko Nakamura, Hiro Hatake and Makoto Inuzuka.

"I'm doing well," Renjiro replied back similarly before asking,

"Is this everyone?" 

'It's surprising that Kenta and Haori are not applying for early Registration. But then again, Sora and Kaito too, aren't applying for it.'

"Yes, we are just waiting for Ryuji-sama," Aiko replied.

"What about you Makoto, are your siblings not joining us?" Renjiro asked Makoto seeing that her siblings, Mitsuki and Siba were not there.

"They're just a bunch of sissies, too afraid." 

''Plus delaying will just be a drag. It's better to just be done with it.''

Nara Hayate Interjected.

'Is the laziness in their clan genetic?' Renjiro could not help but smile.

With a composed demeanour, Ryuji Mataka arrived to review the applications for early graduation. The aspiring ninja stood in a line, their faces reflecting a mixture of determination and anticipation.

After a thoughtful pause, Ryuji nodded in approval, signifying his acceptance of their collective decision. 

"You've made a bold choice," he remarked, his voice carrying a blend of pride and responsibility. 

"Early graduation is not an easy path, but it's a testament to your readiness to face the realities beyond these academy walls."

As he accepted the applications, Ryuji offered words of encouragement to the small group. 

"Remember, the village trusts in your potential. Embrace this opportunity, and may your journey be one of growth and resilience."

[Let's hit our weekly target of 500 Powerstones and I will upload a bonus Chapter on Sunday]


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