
Chapter 288 Show Me the Full Sincerity of Your Invitation_1

Chapter 288 Reveal the sincerity of my invitation to you

Quan Lizhou went on and on about a lot of things, but stripping it to the barebone would reveal that his main concern was the fear of Liu Shiqing's retaliation. He worried that if he took the money and ran away, Liu Shiqing would come after him and make his life unbearable. Actually, when you think about it, this fear is understandable. Liu Shiqing is an individual, not a state, and Quan Lizhou is merely his employee, or in a nicer term, a senior employee. A corrupt official could possibly escape capital punishment even when he pockets millions or billions, due to various reasons, such as having someone cover for him or having a lawyer defending for him, and can exploit legal loopholes. He could spend a few years in jail, manage to secure medical parole and then get away with it.

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