
Chapter 40: The Chapter of Hilarity

Raven hummed softly as he channeled his Dawn Energy to his hands. The brilliant shadowed light easily coming at his call, glowing at the tips of his hands.

"It shouldn't mix, but it does. Light and Darkness are opposing elements and shouldn't mix, but perhaps they can due to the fact they are seperate entities. Yahweh and Erebus. God of Light. Good of Darkness/Shadows." Raven mused his theory as he conjured up a ball of light and a ball of shadows.

"Half my soul was light energy, and the other half was dark energy. Yet, they so easily combined together. Which doesn't make sense. My soul was predominantly Shadows, perhaps the Fire in mean could be mistaken very weakly as light, and combined with the Angel, it fully awoke the light element, I need to check." Raven mused as he caught a knife and cut his palm as he started drawing a runic circle on the ground with it.

A brief infusion of his energy into the circle had it lighting up and the results known to him.

"Origin, Nothingness, Creation and Void. Elements, Fire, Shadow, Light and Void. Ok, shit is getting weird now. Very weird. I'm an incarnation now. That could go very good, or very bad for me." With a wave of his hand he caused the circle to disappear as he shrugged and transformed into his crow form, it was time to clear his mind and relax.

With a flap of his wings, he was careening across the sky after he flew out a window in the castle.

"Cawwww!" He let out a caw as he flew faster and faster. Each flap of his wings increasing his speed, he also noted now that his speed wasn't limited to that of a normal crows speed, as he was flying past cars in a city at extreme speeds.

Another note of that was the fact he managed to reach Downtown London, a city literally an eight hour train ride away. Though he also changed his mind a moment later, the Hogwarts express wasn't that fast, it barley moved faster then eight miles per hour. Hell, normal humans can move about fifty to seventy five percent that speed.

Hell, some of the humans can run at twenty seven miles per hour. The train was slow. An amusing thought played in his mind for next year as he flapped his wings, idly smacked another bird aiming to attack him.

Showed them.

"Hey wait a minute… a spooky dark cave, score!" Raven cawed out as he flapped his wings harder and flew for it.

His inner dark souls player, Lori of all people got him hooked to it, demanded he check it. Of course alongside a torch in hand.

Raven giggled as he remembered late night gaming sessions with her. Oh she was so mad when he easily beat the bosses she struggled with. Of course his laughing made him pay for it in training the next day, but still, good memories.

One final flap of his wings had him standing at the entrance of the cave changed back. A torch formed in his hands, a casual scratch against the stone lite the torch up.

Walking in, he looked around and saw intricate markings on the wall, runic langauge he didn't know, not one letter was familiar to him, a wave of his hand had a camera in the other hand taking pictures of the cave for further study in the future. Pleased with that, he stored the pictures and vanished the camera.

However as he moved past the spot with runic markings, he noted the cave started to have life in it. Beautiful plants, trees, small water streams and more. Yet, it all seemed to form a path.

"I… can't understand it. How curious." Raven mused as he created a spear in his free hand and started moving forward again.

As he moved deeper in, he was sure that this cave was linked to a different realm, or at least a seperate space connected to this cave.

"Ok, this is most interesting. The greenery just seems to become more and more alive. As if it's living off something, and the closer I get, the more alive it is." He noted curious, everything at this point almost seemed impossible to be alive and in such condition. It was foreign to this time.

"Could this be something from a previous era?" He mused before stopping as he stared at a curious scene.

A stone bed surrounded by water laid in the center of the caves ending. Runes written all over the stone bed.

The most curious thing was the body, he knew it was dead, his sight told him so.

The body had only a pair of black worn out pants on, alongside a torn up blue shirt. Its feet bare to the world.

Yet, he pondered on the runes surrounded the body, they mostly were ones he could understand, a few he didn't. He assumed some of them preserved the body since it was mostly in good condition. You know, besides the hole he could see poking through the stomach area, it looked like a extremly hot substance went through it by the burned edges.

Pleased with that, he looked at the body more. The hair was white, or so he assumed, could have changed over time due to age. The skin was pale. The most curious things were the blue lines alongside the chest area, what remained of it anyway. Matching patterns.

Moving closer to the body, after being sure he wouldn't be hurt by something, he noted something now, held in one hand was a beautiful ring. Made of silver and a blue gem. A symbol he'd never seen etched into the gem. It was a pair of wings stretched out wide, a spear pointing downwards on both sides of the wings from the middle of each. Written in the middle of all of it, was a single word he couldn't translate.

However suddenly the ring flew out the hand and onto his rind finger. Raven moved to remove it, but suddenly he couldn't move. From inside the body of the man, a spirit seemed to rise, as if the man was finally free.

"Thank you, you'll understand everything in the future, for now, I hope you enjoy the benefits." The man's spirit said as it flew into Raven as the body turned into dark blue energy and also flew into Raven.

Raven grunted before he lost consciousness.


Raven opened his eyes and found himself half laying on the stone bed. The ring laying on his finger felt comforting now.

He cast a self diagnostic charm on himself and noted he was fine, at least on the outside, nothing had changed. Internally though, oh boy.

He now had two hearts beating at the same time. His organs had moved into the places best for them. His bowl organs had vanished. He still retained his stomach and all that, but it would now convert anything left into energy.

His ribs had become more compact and dense. His bones as well. The most important thing to note, was the increase in his energy level. His magic also felt more… natural now.

Before he could call it out on command and it would rise, but now, it almost felt alive and giddy. Screaming to be free to run wild, but it was also controlled. Fully in his command.

"Ok, this was interesting. Now the real question is, what the hell was that old man." Raven asked himself out loud.

"At least it wasn't a waste of my time." He mused as he casted a Tempus and saw it was still only four in the afternoon, so with much more ease then before, he took on his crow form and was zooming out the cave.

However after he flew out of it, the cave seemed to fall apart. Raven sighed, what a waste of research time.

With a flap of his wings, he let the wind guide him to wherever. He could just apperate or use a portkey to near Hogwarts when he was ready to go back.


Raven didn't know where he was, but all he could see was hills filled with flowers and one single giant tree in the distance. Landing on one side of it, he saw the initials PxH. A small heart symbol around it.

Moving around the tree, he saw a man laying down asleep. He had curly black hair, pale skin and wore nice, but basic black clothing, with some white thrown in.

However as he blinked, he was suddenly looking into a pairing of stunning blue eyes.

"Apologies if I interrupted your nap, I was just exploring and ended up here. Wherever here is." Raven said, he did feel apologetic, for waking the man up at least, he too, loved his naps.

"It's fine." The man's voice was rough, but rich. Honestly, Raven was sure if his inclination didn't fall into girls more then guys, he would try to seduce the man, despite the fact he himself was still only fifteen. He was bisexual, he just preferred woman more then men.

"Though, I'm surprised you don't know where you are." The man said dryly and Raven laughed.

"Well, I took flight and just explored." Raven said as the man shrugged, he could understand that.

"Hm, understandable. Tell me stranger, why do you wander so young?" Was that a touch of concern Raven pondered, before mentally shrugging, the man seemed a bit older, perhaps he wanted to ensure he was safe.

"I get bored staying in one place, and school was boring, so I tested out." It wasn't untrue, mostly, he didn't test out of school, but he definitely could have if he wanted to. Hm, perhaps he should get his GED and collage diploma to get it done with.

Thoughts for later, he decided.

"I see. Now then, let me ask a different question, what's a human doing here, and how did you enter a gods domain?" He asked before suddenly a giant pressure was forced onto Raven who felt his knees buckle, but he remained standing.

However the man had stood up and changed forms. He was now a giant skeleton with glowing blue eyes and brilliant multicolored robes.

"I am the god of the dead, Hades. I demand to know why you trespasses onto my wife's realm. Answer now, or he smited." His tone was serious, and Raven sighed mentally, this was his life wasn't it?

"Couldn't tell you Hades. All I know is that I was flying around as a crow and I was in this realm as you call it eventually. Though perhaps it had to do with that dead man in the cave. Stupid fucking corpse, stupid fucking ring. Stupid spirit." Raven started cursing.

Hades felt impressed by such a mouth. Not even his best of a nephew Ares was that bad. The only person he could think that matched that level was himself when he got pissed at Zeus for sending more souls to his realm then needed.

However he also knew the teen spoke the truth. He could also feel the wand of Lady Death inside the boy. It spoke up for the boy. He was speaking the truth. So with a sigh, he returned to his human form.

"Alright, that's enough. I'm impressed with such language. What's your name?" Hades asked.

"Raven Inanis. Wizard, Magician and Mage." Raven grinned at the god who went wide eye for a moment as both eyes focused.

"Your words boy, you claim to be a magician, which Magic do you wield?"

"The first." Raven said with an innocent smile as he stared down Hades who tried not to grit his teeth. Magicians. Truly annoying people.

"I see." Hades said as he sighed and decided to say fuck it. "You like pizza?"

"Bitch, who doesn't?"

"My idiotic brother Zeus. Poseidon likes pineapple on it, but he's technically Hawaiian/Greek due to his ocean domain, so can't blame him for that." Hades said and Raven gasped.

"Blasphemy! Should have him smitted for that." Raven said and Hades laughed. Oh yes, that would be great. His idiotic brother did deserve it at this point.

"I agree, but for now, let us go, I know a good pizza place in Newhaven Connecticut. It's called Frank Pepe's." Hades said and Raven idly made his appearance slightly more human looking right before they teleported out.


A few mins after ordering, while they waited, Hades asked for his backstory.

"Well, I supposed it all started when I was born." Raven said as Hades had that, oh shit I'm in it for the long run now, look.

An so he told Hades his backstory. He didn't bother hiding anything. He didn't say everything obviously, but he did explain his life.


"I see. That's very interesting. I am however interested and invested now. Especially with how you mention about this being called Legion. If there could be more beings out there like that, I'd like to ensure they get put to rest. How do you feel about working for me?"

"Benefits?" Raven asked.

"I like you brat. I'll pay you one hundred million for beings like that, other types can be discussed. Also I'll provide you rare minerals for your research. Also a backer if you piss someone off. I'm in the top strength of the world after all." Hades bragged, just a little.

"So in short, you're my sugar daddy/tactical nuke." Raven said and Hades let out a booming laugh. Luckily all the humans had spells set on them to ignore the two.

"Whatever you wanna call it brat. Now let's finish up and we can work out a proper contract." Hades said and Raven smiled.

Perhaps, he had found another friend.


So I've had the time to sit around, and my medication has kicked in, so I feel better. Now if this fucking runny/sniffy nose could go the fuck away, I'd appreciate it.

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed, I also just want to mention one thing. We're ten more chapters away from reaching the end of Year 2/Year 2 summer time.

Till next chapter.

-Voidy, The Sick Insomniac

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