
The Owner Asked For it

"So," Olivia drawled. "Why is Mister Holz with us again?"

"Oh!" Eternity exclaimed as she looked around the bookshelves, admiring the vast collection of books and inhaling the smell of ink printed on old paper as if it were a drug. "He has free time today!"

Olivia raised an eyebrow as she followed Eternity as she browsed through the aisle. Trailing behind her, Evan followed. 

He was fresh from work, so he was wearing his expensive office attire, causing him to stand out in the library. Partly, it was because he was dashing in his outfit, with his slicked brown hair, his navy blue business suit, and tanned leather Oxford shoes.

But mainly, it was because he just completely seemed out of place in this mundane place.

"Isn't 17:00 the regular end of office hours?" Olivia pointed out. "Not… 13:30."

"He's the CEO of his company," Eternity reminded her. "Technically, he could do whatever he wanted, whenever he wanted."

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