
Chapter 5 Defense

Kept you waiting, huh?

This chapter was a bit of pain to write. This is my first time writing an action scene, so it took me longer than I thought. I ended up rewriting this chapter a few times because I just didn't like how it read, and this ended up as the final product. I was also busy with college, so this chapter is shorter than what I would usually write and might seem rushed. Anyway, tell me what you think and if there are anyways for me to improve. 



Automatic gunfire and nearby explosions echoed throughout the building. Hordes of zombie like creatures swarmed into the building from all sides.


[Warning: next wave inbound]

"Give me a break already, why are there so many zombies!?"

[Report: They are not zombies as they are still technically alive]

"Wow, thanks for the useful information, Ava".


An explosion ringed out from inside the building.

"HAHA, I love myself for setting up those trip wire traps".


During the one hour of prep time Mordred was given she managed to set up basic fortifications on the second floor of the building that would delay the enemies with traps and lead them into choke points, while she had barricades that surrounded her from all sides with no way out and only small openings for her to shoot out of that faced the set choke points. Mordred had become a turtle.

One opening faced the stairs that were in the hallway in next to the reception room, another opening faced the windows in the room, at first Mordred was skeptical to create defenses there but quickly became thankful that she did when she saw the creatures began climbing through the windows. And the last opening faced a door that led to a catwalk into the main factory area.

Mordred kept running back and forth to these opening in her tiny fortress, spraying out lead reloading then switching to the next. This strategy that Mordred implemented was working very well, if the creatures got close, they wouldn't have time to break down the barricades and the openings were too small for them to crawl into.


More creatures fell and Mordred had noticed that there was a lack of corpses given the amount that she had killed.

"Ava, are they dragging away the dead ones?"

[Report: Corpses will despawn after two minutes]


"I was trying to make a wall of corpses that would block them!"


As soon as Mordred heard the scratching she quickly turned around and saw a few rotted hands trying to make their way through the opening.


Mordred had begun to stop thinking about anything other than shoot, reload, switch, repeat. She couldn't allow herself to get distracted as more and more poured in. 

Mordred's strategy was good, Ava had told her the type of enemies she would be facing while she was setting up the defenses. But Mordred had underestimated the number of enemies that she would face. There were hundreds of the zombie like creatures trying to make their way into the building. She didn't need to worry about ammo since the system had provided it but she was only one person with only one gun and with each wave the enemies numbers only increased.

[Final wave inbound]

Mordred was pulled out of her focus from those words. She felt relieved that this would soon be over, but that sense of comfort was quickly shattered as the creatures began to pry apart her barricades in the blind spots. 


Now there was a new opening that she had to watch, she would have thrown a grenade, but she had already used all of them. 


Another opening was being forcefully made in another blind spot. Her tiny fortress was now entirely surrounded, and the main openings were slowly being pried open. She now only focused on the openings that looked like they would burst open immediately. 

[One minute till mission complete]


Mordred quickened her speed of switching and reloading but now the barricades was on its last legs and would collapse any second.

[10 seconds]


The barricades gave way and collapsed.


Mordred was trapped under the debris and the endless tide of creatures.


The creatures began clawing their way through.


One creature managed to catch a glimpse of Mordred before a bullet was shot into it's skull from Mordred's pistol.


Mordred pulled its corpse onto her to try and shield herself.


The creatures clawed away at the corpse in a final attempt to reach Mordred.

[Mission complete]

Mordred's vision became white, and she felt that familiar discomfort from when she first teleported. Then she found herself laying on the forest floor.

"Hah Hah Hah".

Her breathing was heavy, and her eyes were filled with shock due to the near-death experience.

"HA, death must hate me for always slipping away". She said trying to calm herself down.

Then the system panel displayed in front of her eyes.

[Congratulations for completing the tutorial mission]

[You have passed with a combat evaluation rank of B]


-You have now unlocked the inventory function

-You have now unlocked the world travel function

-You have been awarded 1,000 shop points

"Ava, what the hell type of tutorial mission was that".


"Anyway, I'm gonna take a quick well-earned nap, wake me if anything happens".


Mordred then fell fast asleep.

End of chapter, now the traveling to different worlds begins. Comment any recommendations on anime, games or movies you would like to see. Also, NO WARHAMMER 40K, that's too much for me.

Creation is hard, cheer me up!

HonestOathcreators' thoughts
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