
Extra 2! Vacation With Sibley!

1st Stop, (Elder's Recess.)

"This is the Elder's Recess, I would explain more, but it would take a while." Sibley said, introducing Furina and Focalors to the crystal covered location.

As the two half Gods looked around, they were quite speechless at the sight, "Can we take home some of the crystals?" Furina asked, hoping Sibley would say yes.

Giving a look around herself, "I don't see why not, there's a ton of them." Sibley agreed, bending down to pick a crystal up herself.

Having been given the okay, Furina and Focalors went to find a crystal they liked the best, "This is already great!" Focalors cheered, seeing how pretty the stones are.

"Sibley, you're forgetting that this place is home to some of the most dangerous creatures in this world." Akemi reminded her partner, making Furina and Focalors slightly worried.

"That doesn't sound good..." Furina contemplated, "Do we have to worry about them?" she asked, looking around just to be sure.

The Divine Fury brushed that worry off, "Most of them won't attack unless annoyed and either way I can just deal with them immediately." She reassured, "But hold on a moment, I got something to get." She informed before teleporting away for a second, coming back a moment later with a camera.

The two half Gods got closer to have a better look, "That kamera look pretty weird..." Furina commented, remembering those she uses.

"Oh no, this is a different thing from what you're thinking." Akemi corrected, remembering seeing kameras in Liyue, "They function the same, but they're two different devices." She explained.

"I was thinking of getting pictures of the creatures." Sibley explained her intentions, "You know, as souvenirs." She clarified.

Focalors gained a smile at that, "That's genius!" She commented, "But what are these creatures you keep mentioning?" She questioned.

"Yeah, you're making them sound like an incredible deal." Furina noted as well, "Are they really all that?" She asked.

Sibley glanced to the side when that question got asked, "Well there is that Nergigante over there." She said, pointing in a direction, prompting Furina and Focalors to look over and see a mountain of spikes.

They remained quiet since they didn't expect that at all, but Sibley walked up to the Nergigante and gave it a scratch on the base of the horns, "See? They're docile unless you anger them." She repeated, motioning for them to come closer, which they did.

2nd Stop (Great Plateau Botw).

Sibley used her powers to let Furina and Focalors fly along with her and Akemi, "This is one of my favorite places, honestly I can't believe I'm getting to see it real like this..." She told the three.

"I get what you mean, it's incredible to look at..." Furina agreed, "Where should we go first?" Focalors questioned.

A moment after the question got asked, Sibley flew towards a plateau, "The Great Plateau, this is where we'll go first." She stated, landing along with the other three.

"It seems to be before the events you know about." Akemi pointed out, having seen how Sibley knows the place.

"Not that early anyhow." Sibley responded, pointing to a broken down guardian, "Hey that looks like the technology in Fontaine now that I can give a comparison." She commented.

Focalors took a step closer to the guardian, "You know, that's actually true." She confirmed, "Although it looks like it runs on Electro, or something." She pointed out.

Suddenly, Sibley's chestplate started beeping, "Oh there's a poltegeist." Akemi said with a smile, "It's been a good while." She added

"Poltergeists are those that control things right" Furina asked, "Doesn't that mean-" Before she could finish, the guardian turned on, causing the whole group to yell in panic.

Last Stop. (Isle Delphino.)

"Welcome to Isle Delphino!" Sibley exclaimed, motioning aroud herself, for Focalors and Furina to see, "Don't worry about expenses, as members of M.L.E. me and Akemi don't have an issue with money." She reassured, knowing that buying souvenirs would be inevitable.

Furina and Focalors were surprised at the sights around them, "This place is great!" Furina exclaimed, "Exept for one thing though..." She said, thinking Sibley knew what it was.

Much to both Furina's and Focalor's disappointment, "I'm not sure what you're referring to." Sibley replied, looking to Akemi to see if she might have had a clue, but the spirit shook her head.

"We are falling at high speed... To the ground." Focalors decided to just point out, since the ground was quickly approaching.

"Oh you mean that!" Akemi said in realization, "It's not a problem." She reassured.

Sibley snapped her fingers and teleported them to the ground, where she and Akemi soon followed, "I'd say we get booked at Hotel Delfino." She suggested, "Before I pay for a boat though, can you two walk on water?" She asked.

"Yes, I'm taking we're cutting through the sea?" Furina asked to which Sibley nodded, "Point the way in that case." She instructed, taking her first step on the water.

In The Godly Plane.

"Isle Delphino was the best one out of the three, probably because it had more attractions..." Furina said, wondering what made it better than the other two.

O-Focalors and O-Furina sighed, feeling jealous that their counterpart were able to relax like that, "Do you think it's too much to ask Sibley to fix our Prophecy problem too?" O-Focalors asked.

"If you two want I can." Sibley offered, having heard the request, "I mean, different timeline or not it's still abuse of a Godly position." She pointed out.

At that O-Furina gave Sibley a tight hug, "Shiva Samba certainly made the right choice." Focalors told Furina.

Next Chapter: Sibley's Cardboard Theater.

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