
Dawn Breaker vs... Electro Archon?

The moment Sbley disappeard from the Godly plane, she woke up on the shore of Inazuma, "...Where am I?" She asked, "I thought I was in the Abyss." She pointed out.

Akemi came out of the staff Shiva Samba handed the new Dawn Breaker, "It's a thing members of M.L.E. have, they get regenerated away from danger." She explained, leaving Sibley flabbergasted.

"That's so broken I don't even know where to begin." Sibley stated as she got up, "So this is Inazuma? Like, the actual archipelago?" She questioned.

Activating the staff Sibley was holding, Akemi projected a map showing that they are indeed on Inazuma, "Yep, more specifically Inazuma City." she confirmed.

Hearing that the city is literally called Inazuma perturbed Sibley a little, "That is so redundant..." She commented, "Let's just go see if Aether and Paimon are here already." She said, heading up to the city.

As they went, the staff started vibrating slightly, lifting it up to see what it was about, a screen got projected from the tip, reading "Someone is abusing their Godly position, deal with them as seen fit."

Seeing the warning, Akemi and Sibley looked at eachother, "We should hurry up." The Dawn Breaker stated and the Spirit nodded in agreement, prompting Sibley to try and slam the staff on the ground to activate something, and the recoil launched her up in the sky.


"We just got here hoping to find Sibley and now this is happening!" Aether lamented, looking at the proceeding of a vision being seized, and the sight of a new friend being on the execution block.

Paimon looked panicked at the sight, "Aether we need to do something!" She exclaimed, covering her eyes from the sight.

Profile 27

Name: Thoma.

Age: ???

Occupation: Fixer/Kamisato Clan Housekeeper.

Element: Pyro.

Profile 28?

Name: Raiden Ei/Beelzebul?

Age: ??? 

Occupation: Electro Archon?

Element: Electro.

Before Thoma's Vision could reach Ei's grasp, Aether jumped in the way and grabbed it, surprising the onlookers and the Electro Archon, "You dare stand in the way of Eternity!?" She said angrily, looking down at Aether.

Seeing that now he was in the Archon's sight, Aether could only show a brave face, "I could be staring death in the face and I wouldn't sit by and let this happen!" He exclaimed, not really understanding why himself.

Ei pulled out her sword and pointed it to Aether, "If that's how it's going to be then-" She was saying, but stopped when the ground shook, making everyone lose their balance and in the distance, a giant dust cloud could be seen.

"Could that be..." Aether started, turning to Paimon who had a bright smile on her face, then turned to Ei with a smile of his own, "I don't know what Multiversal Laws are about, but I'm pretty sure you broke one." He said right when what looked like a meteor landed in front of the Electro Archon.

Looking down to the meteor, Ei saw that it wasn't a rook, but a person, that got up and looked her straight in the eyes, "First time I'll be murdering a God." Sibley stated, giving her neck a crack.

That statement made Ei take a step back, but she didn't lose her composure, "I'm not sure who you are, but you're certainly bold for saying-" She was talking, but got interrupted by Sibley's staff getting slammed against her cheek, causing her to be launched far, far away, and everything behind her to be destroyed by the resulting shockwave.

Before going to talk to Sibley, Aether went to give Thoma his Vision back, "This is yours to keep." He told his friend with certainty, then he went to talk to the Dawn Breaker, "Did you get some kind of promotion?" He asked curiously.

"Two in the time you were gone actually." Sibley corrected as she tapped Aether with her staff, causing something to break from him.

Standing there in front of Sibley, Aether felt like he hadn't in years, his body feeling much more powerful, "You're incredible." He said while unfurling his wings after all this time.

Sibley gave a thumbs up before turning to where she laucnhed the Archon, only to see her getting up, her expression seething with anger, "You..." She said with an edge in her voice, "YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS INSOLENCE!!" She yelled, charging up Electro around herself.

God of Eternity

Raiden Ei

"Come at me you nitwit!" Sibley taunted with a smile, Akemi giggling behind her in a semi translucent state.

At the taunt, Ei rushed at Sibley, traversing through Electro to make her movements more erratic and unpredictable, before swinging her sword, aiming at her adversaries neck.

Right before the attack could land, Sibley used her staff to block the attack and then slam it against Ei's chin, making her stumble backwards, allowing Sibley enough distance to jab her in the abdomnen.

Ei managed to grab the staff before the jab could connect, but almost subconsciously, Sibley channeled power in the staff, making it blast against the Archon, sending her to the ground.

(WHAT ARE YOU DOING!?) A voice called out in Ei's mind, which Sibley managed to hear somehow, (This is not an opponent you're suppoed to pick a fight with!) the voice scolded, (Retreat so I can think of what to say to avoid Inazuma being destroyed!) The voice instructed, prompting Ei to disappear in a burst of lightning.

"Who was that?" Sibley asked Akemi, who looked just as confused by the voice, "There's clearly something more to this woman..." Sibley realized.

Most of the people around her began cheering, while the Shogunate ran away realizing they couldn't do anything in this situation, "I don't know who you are, but you're probably the greatest thing that ever happened to Inazuma!" Thoma complimented getting closer to the Dawn Breaker.

Aether and Paimon approached too, "Say, I meant to ask, but where did you end up?" Paimon questioned, to which Sibley and Akemi looked at eachother, knowing they had a lot of explaining to do.

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