

"Babe, the hour has come; we step out into the town," Lily said to Adrain.


Adrian: "What time is it?"


Lily: "It's 5 (5:00pm).


Adrian: "Okay, let's go. I'm more than happy to perambulate the streets of Lutua.


The two romantic partners stepped out into Lutua, the capital city of Jupiter. On the street of Lagu, people were slowly moving and chatting. They were immediately met with a cacophony of sights and sounds. The towering skyscrapers, adorned with vibrant lights and holographic displays, cast an outwardly glowing glow on the bustling street. Sleek, futuristic vehicles zipped past them.


Still walking hand in hand, Adrian said, "I really love this city. Everything is just beautiful. All this is not on earth. Jupiter is so lovely."

Lily: "Yeah, but the one thing we lack is faithfulness. Guys here are just fake, unlike on earth.

Adrian: "That's a common issue on earth too."

Lily: "But at least I got one faithful guy, you from there."


Adrian smiled 


As they walked, Adrian couldn't help but notice how all eyes turned to him. The juvian women, with their shimmering skin and gravity-defying hair, were especially captivated. They found his earthly charm irresistible; his dark hair and piercing blue eyes were a stark contrast to their own platinum-blonde locks and emerald green eyes.

"All eyes seem to be on me," said Adrian.

"Of course, you know you are so cute. You must be ladies first choice," Lily said.

"But you live in me already. No one can change the music."

"Hahahaha." Lily laughed.


One woman, a lithe beauty with skin the color of the night sky, approached Adrian with a smile that could melt glaciers.


"Greetings, traveler, greetings, my princess, she purred, her voice like the tinkling of  windchimes."Welcome to Lutua. I'm Kuta. May I know your name?"


Adrian, flustered bet fluttered, stammered out his introduction. "I'm Adrian.


"You are so cute, so different from Lutua men," said Kuta to Adrian.

Adrian knew this would not go down well with Lily. He turned and looked at Lily; her face said it all—that she's no longer comfortable with the compliment. But Adrian managed to say "thank you" with a skipping voice.


Kuta: "I'm a dancer at the Prestige Chi event center down the street; please join me for a drink and watch me make my dancing steps."


Adrian had a pang of guilt towards Lily, so he resisted himself and declined the request. "Thanks; that won't be necessary. I just came in. I can't go to a party today. There may be some other time."


To Adrian's greatest surprise, smiling, Lily said, Don't worry, he will come. She wants him to have some fun, but under her strict watch, as she won't give him breathing space. On the other hand, Adrian was confused and wondered why Lily would say he should go to a party with another girl.


Adrian looked at Lily but offered no words. Asking himself, "Is this how they behave here, gals give out there guys? I will see how it goes."


"Thanks," said Kuta with excitement, as if she had hit a jackpot.


"Let's go this way," Kuta said. Andrian and Lily walked along with Kuta as they headed towards the Chi event center. Finally, as they entered the large hall, everyone was just buzzing, with a lot of gals around and fewer men.


"Please sit here. Kuta said to Adrian and Lily. They sat down while Kuta joined the dancers to display her skills. She's a very good dancer with the way she wined her waist; it calls every man, but neither Adrian wanted to compliment her before Lily so he could maintain his integrity nor join her to dance.


Adrian and Lily were really enjoying the show; their attention was fully diverted from each other and they focused on the stage.


As the night wore on, Adrian found himself surrounded by admirers. He was showered with compliments and invitations, and he felt like a king holding a court.

Lily said, "Go join them." So he stepped on the dance floor. He danced with Kuta and other women, their bodies moving in perfect harmony to the pulsating music. He felt a sense of exhilaration he had never known before—a feeling of being completely desired and adored.


Lily, however, remained on the sidelines, watching with a mixture of amusement and unease. While she was happy for Adrain's newfound popularity, she couldn't help but feel a little bit left out. She was used to being the center of attention, and it was strange to see all the attention being directed towards someone else. 


Whispering to Lily's ear, Adrian said, "Come and join me; let's rock together."

"No, continue to have fun. Enjoy the show," Lily said as she was reluctant to dance.


As the night drew to a close, at about 11:00 p.m., Adrian and Lily stumbled back to the palace, Adrian exhausted but exhilarated by his experience. He enjoyed every bit of it, but he still hasn't really understood Lily's motive for doing so. Adrian was still reeling from the attention he had received, and he couldn't help but wonder if he would ever be able to accomplish his aim (getting well fortified). That was the main reason he traveled to Jupiter all the way from the mortal world, the earth. Lily, on the other hand, was more grounded. While she enjoyed the excitement of the night, she knew that their time in Lutua was just a brief interlude in their lives. They had a mission to complete—the fortification—and she knew that she had to help Adrian stay focused on the goal.

"My love, by tomorrow we shall make the move towards achieving the main desire, the fortification. What do you think?" Lily asked Adrian.

"On the same page with you, sweetie," replied Adrian.


Despite the challenge that lay ahead, Adrian knew that his experience in Lutua would stay forever with him. It was a night of magic and wonder, a night that reminded him of the beauty and diversity of realms.

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