
On The Way - day 1

"Hey, babe, pick up your maillot; it's extremely cold over there (Jupiter)." Lily said to Adrain as they are set to begin their journey to Jupiter: the journey in search of superpower for Adrian in Jupiter.


Adrian: "Okay, sweetie. What else do I need to carry along?"

Lily, "Your spectatles too; Jupiter is very dusty."


As every journey to be embarked on needs adequate preparation, now they are fully set for the journey. It's now Friday; they have to cross the Cozaza-Judu boundary before 10:00 p.m. before the gate will be closed due to the weekend lockdown. The Cozaza-Judu boundary is a 13-hour drive from Chuwana Street, where they are. Hence the need to move latest 6:00 a.m.


Adrian: "Babe, let me lock the door and let's be on our way."

Lily: "Please do it in a hurry."


Adrain locked the door. "Let's go," he said. He leads the way, and step by step, they descend from the stirs. Finally, they are on the man road, boarded a taxi, and zoomed off.


In the vehicle Adrian brought out his cell phone, scrolled to his mom's number, dialed it, and waited for it to connect. Kudos! It's connected. "Hello, mom, good morning."


"Hi, my son, good morning. How are you and Lily?"

"We are good. I just want to inform you that we have moved, on our way out from Cozaza to Jupiter," said Adrian.

Adrian's mom, Mrs. Ju, said, "Alright, my son. Please give the phone to Lily."


He handed over the phone to Lily. "Mum, want to talk with you" said Adrian.

Lily: "Hello, good morning, ma."

Mrs. Ju: "Good morning, my daughter. Hope you are good."

"Yes, I'm," replied Lily.

Mrs. Ju, "Alright.  Safe trip for you both and take care of my son."

"Certainly I will, ma. Take care of yourself. I hope to see you again."

Mrs. Ju: "bye-bye."


Last Friday, when Lily was coming to Cozaza, it was dark; she couldn't see much of the surroundings along the way. Now that it's daytime, she has the opportunity to do so. She looked outside the car through the window she was sitting close to. Her attention was completely carried away by a very tall mountain, Mount Jasa of the Jasa town. "Wow, this mountain is very high," she said.


Adrian replied, "Yeah, it's one of the tallest mountains on earth here. The people of Jasa here worship it. It's nicknamed the great defender."


Lily, " why the nickname, great defender?"

Adrian: "It's named so because during the Buru War, it was the mountain that blocked the atomic warhead thrown to Jasa Town by the dangerous Osasa fighters. Else, Jasa would have gone into extinction.


"Very interesting. We don't have such a mountain on Jupiter," said Lily.


Adrian: "As we progress, I will sure you were the fighters from your realm. Jupiter first landed on earth as they came to destroy the Cozaza people 100 years ago. My father told me this: " 


Lily, wow, it means I will have a glimpse of more history today. I love history.


The journey is progressing fine; it has been a smooth ride so far. Though the road is windy, the driver is perfect at his job. One of the bends almost got the vehicle off its lane, but everyone in the vehicle was surprised at how the driver managed to keep the car on the lane. He was applauded by everyone as they nodded their heads in appreciation for his good job. Four hours have already been spent on the road.


As they move a bit farther, there's a major obstacle waiting ahead. Pointing to five men in black garments standing a distance ahead, half a kilometer, Adrain whispered to Lily's ear, "If those men stop the car and ask you, say no word, pretend to be deaf and dumb. They have a sound detector that can differentiate between mortal voices and those from other worlds. If you talk, your voice will be detected as one from a foreign world. Consequently, you will be detained in their custody for a complete calendar month."


"Okay, but why this?" Lily asked Adrian.

Adrian: "It's a measure put in place to prevent terrorists from from foreign worlds terrorizing this realm, the earth, the land of the mortals."


Lily: "But when I was coming last Friday, I didn't encounter them."

Adrian: "You were really lucky then."

Now the vehicle they are in has reached the 5-man anti-mortal detector. The driver, knowing he had to stop, retarded the vehicle, and eventually the car stopped.

Everyone in the vehicle was asked by one of the men (the detectors). reaching Lily as she and Adrain sat at the rear seat, "Hello, beautiful one." Lily didn't answer. "Hello, beautiful one." Still, she altered no word.

Adrian: "My sister is deaf and dumb."

The detector guy looked intently at Lily, his instinct telling him something unusual, but he had no choice but to let the vehicle move. The check is over, and the vehicle took off.

Adrian's smartness paid off, saving Lily from being detected and eventually detained.

They continued to enjoy their smooth ride. From a distance, Adrian sighted the olive tree where the warriors from Jupiter had landed 100 years ago.

Quickly, he curled his left arm around Lily's neck and pointed to the tree through the wind screen. "That tree over there, the olive tree, is where the fighters from your realm had descended and first seen. Till now, the tree is called the fighters port."

Lily kept looking at the olive tree, the fighters port, until the car ran past it. "Very interesting; this tree has made a remarkable history," Lily said.

"Yeah, but till now, no other foreign bodies have been able to follow the same mysterious route to earth."It seems the gods themselves closed the port to protect the people of Cozaza from enemies," Adrian said.

It's now 9:20 p.m.; they have reached the Cozaza-Judu boundary, they crossed over. The car stopped at judu garage, the final bus stop for this vehicle. The driver packed the car off the express, and everyone alighted.

Adrian and Lily continue their journey tomorrow.





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