

Stepping into Chuwana Street, one of the bustling streets in Cozaza, with his newly found boyfriend, Adrian, the real man, at about 5:00 p.m., the street stood still as the striking beauty of Lily, the Jupiter lady, pulled the attention of every creature. Passersby stood still, hawkers stopped selling, workers in offices peeped through windows, vehicles were packed on the road, causing traffic, and floras shook their braches in appraisal. Non-living people momentarily gained life to witness the occasion.

"Here comes the angel from heaven

More beautiful than Lucifer

Fresher than the freshest bread

The shiniest of the stars

In the land of the mortals".


This was the hymn in the mouth of every baby, the young and the old, boys and girls, men and women, great and small, that witnessed her occasion of strolling along the street with her guy. Truly, she deserves the praise. No woman ever seen in the land of the mortal can be compared to Lily. She is exceptionally beautiful.


Lily asked Adrian, "What's going on here? It seems we are not safe". 


Adrian replied, "There's no call for alarm, my love; you are exceptionally beautiful; we have no women of your kind here". They are only drawn to your beauty.


As they moved a little further, young men came to her, pleading to have a snapshot with her. Gladly, she allowed them.


More came requesting, but Adrian said "We have to go now". 


A little further as they move, looking to her right, there stands a gigantic mantion. Pointing at it, she said, "This place is really beautiful". 


"Yeah, that's the Cozaza Club I earlier told you about. This coming Friday, we are going to be partying there," said Adrian.


"Wow, that will be awesome. It's got to be a lot of fun. For the first time, I'm going to be listening to the melody of this realm," she said.


Adrian smiled and said "A lot for you that day". 


As they were having a good time along the way, suddenly Adrian grabbed her by the hand and drew her backward. "Be careful; that's the oracle mat; if you step on it, you are gone."


She looked at the mat, knowing that she wasn't going to be harmed if she stepped on it. She dared it and matched it with her right foot.


Quickly, Adrian drew her from the mat and said, "Hey! What did you just do? I'm afraid I will lose you, he said."


Smiling… "Relax, nothing is going to happen", she said.


"There must be something special about you. Anyone that ever steps on this mat never lives to see the next minute, but here you are unhurt," Andrian said.


Still smiling… "Have you forgotten where I came from? Jupiter, the land of the immortal," she said.


"No, I haven't. My grandfather told me that the mat is powerful enough to kill anyone, even the immortals. He told me that some 100 years ago, warriors from your world, Jupiter, came to this realm to destroy our kingdom and capture our great king, Aja, but this same mat was placed on their part, and as they stepped on it, they all died. And my father didn't lie; I confirmed it from another elder, Jua.". 


Still smiling… "You are right, but don't worry about me". Lily knew that, as a princess from Jupiter, nothing could render her mortal except royal blood. A sword from royal blood can get rid of her. But she just wants to keep this a secret. Because she doesn't want Adrian to know she's a princess. He may become pretentious once he knows she's a princess.


In ewe of what just happened, "Adrian said to himself "What a special bae, even the gods cannot kill her"? Hand in hand, they continued their journey.


As they continue, romantically holding hands, all the men that saw them wish they were Adrian. What a lucky guy, they will say.

"Oh! Sweetie, I'm tired; let's go back. It's 10 munites past 7 already", said Lily.


"My angel, let's go yonder". Adrian said this because he's the number one man in town right now, feeling on top of his world". 


"Let's go back, she persisted. They might be danger in the dark". She knew Adrian's life might be in danger, seeing all the men wishing they could have her for themselves. On her own, she's immortal; no harm can befall her except a conflict with royal blood.


And Adrian said, "Okay, if you insist". Holding each other tight as if rapture would happen and disturb their joy.


On their way back, Lily, still seeing how busy and crowded the street was, opened the discussion by saying, "One of the things I love about this realm is the ever-busy nature of it. In Jupiter, one will hardly see a single soul on the street by this time".

"Good observation; that's how we live here. You mean Jupiter is so serene? That's the difference between two realms. At least your tour here has just begun with a good observation of remarkable differences. Sooner than later, I will like to visit your world". 


"Jupiter is going to treat you well," said Lily.




It's getting dark; people are not taking notice of them as before. "Let's get some pizza from here", Adrian said.


"Pizza, what is it?" she asked.


"It's an Italian kind of dish. You're going to love it", said Adrian.


He bought some, enough for the two. They romantically ate it.


"So delicious; I love it",  she said.


"I told you. Tomorrow I will get more for you, Adrian said.


Gradually, they approached the Morris estate. "Lily, I'm still in awe of how you were not hurt by that mat", Adrian said.


"Oh, you are still on that? Maybe one day you will know why". She's referring to that day when she will finally reveal to him her royal link.


Adrian asked, "Why not now"? 


"Hmmm…there's just a perfect time for everything, my dear", she replied.


"I'm waiting for that day," said Adrian.


The two lovers continued their romantic display even as they ascend the stairs.

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