
Fashionic Icon of "Real World in Fashion".

The Purchase

The Purchase Tom had purchased her while on a trip to the islands. At the time he had wondered how it would work out. He had 3 other girls, but he loved the look of this one the moment he saw her. She was thin, with long honey colored hair and a bush that was the same color. It wasn't only her physical appearance that caused his dick to rise and throb, it was the look she gave him when she realized she was leaving "The Farm". She looked at him as though he were a god. None of the other girls looked at him that way, ever. He paid a paltry $2000.00 for her and left for home the next day. The ranch he lived on was small, only 25 acres. Still, it was private, and kept the girls from leaving. The electrified fence and dogs helped too, but he thought that this new girl would never require such measures. He re-named her on the first day of their arrival - "You will be called Chloe." He gave Chloe new clothes and fed her regular meals and took her out riding in the mornings. This is how it would be for the first 3 months she was there. There would be no intimate contact. Tom knew he had to break her in very slowly, as he wanted to keep her. At night he would visit the others and take out his frustrations on them. Nadia received a treatment with the boarbristle hairbrush the first night he was home. He paddled her with it until little drops of blood appeared and then he lodged the large wooden handle in her ass. He left her on the floor, in a begging position while he went to get Jane. Jane had been sleeping. He smacked her ass hard to awaken her and then grabbed her arm and pushed her out of bed and down the hall. None of the girls were allowed to wear anything to bed at night, so Jane's skin developed goosebumps as they walked down the cool hallway. When she saw Nadia, Jane begged and pleaded with Tom. He was in a bad mood, Jane knew. She had seen the new girl from her window when Tom had brought her home that morning. So she knew why he was angry. She knew he was going to hold back from doing the new girl until she was broken in. This breaking-in period usually lasted for a few days. Jane did not know, that this time, there would be hell to pay for weeks and weeks. Jane bent over Nadia while Tom left the room to pee. She stroked Nadia's hair and spoke softly to her. Nadia's breasts trembled with her sobs, her buttocks in the air, her knees and elbows on the floor, her face turned to the side. Jane looked at Nadia's bottom. The tiny spots of bright red blood, and the raw hot pinkness of her bottom screamed submission. Jane bent down to Nadia and kissed her gently on the tracks of her tears, and then full on the lips. Tom walked in on this tender moment and flew into a rage. He whacked Jane with one back-hand landing her solidly on the carpet where she tumbled and was stopped by hitting the wall. "Get over here Jane, now!" he yelled. Jane belly crawled as quickly as possible to his feet. "What were you doing Jane?" he growled. Jane mumbled, knowing that it didn't matter what she said. "What did you say?!" "Sorry," Jane replied in a whisper. Tom lifted one foot and stroked her cheek with it before he kicked her. Jane landed on her butt. "Get up Jane. Stand up. Turn around when you do." Jane complied, standing quickly and turning so that her buttocks were facing Tom. "Bend over Jane." Jane bent at the waist and grabbed her ankles, exposing her naked pussy. She was a bit wobbly, so he grabbed her roughly by the waist and placed her across the foot of Nadia's bed. It wouldn't do to be paddling her and have her fall over. He tied her wrists securely behind her back with his favorite - the lace and elastic trim cut from one of the girls panties. Tonights color was blood red. Then Tom pulled out his homemade paddle and began her punishment. Several times as she appeared to be close to fainting, he would stop and gently rub her bottom, speaking in a soothing manner. As she revived he would gently kiss her face and then begin with the paddle again. Each shot with the paddle his prick got harder, longer, thicker. It was engorged and ready for something tight and warm and wet. Finally, he could no longer hold himself back. He rolled Jane over, put the foam block pillow under her head and neck and climbed on top of her. He pictured Chloe as he rammed his enraged prick down Jane's throat. She gagged and gagged, until he came, his juice spilling into her throat. She gurgled and choked on his cum. There was so much of it, and it was thick and white and it stuck to sides of her throat. After he withdrew, he wiped his prick on her face and then got off of the bed. He left the room, locking it before he went to his own bedroom down the hall. "Ahh, Chloe," he thought, sliding beneath his sheets, "I am going to save you until I just cannot stand it any more..perhaps even a year!"

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