
Movie Night

(9pm, Elijah's apartment)

3 movies in, and honestly? Not bad. We were watching it in chronological order, whatever the fuck that means. 

Currently, we were halfway through with Episode III, both of us engrossed in the movie.

Gwen was sitting on my left on the couch, a bucket of popcorn between us and a blanket on top of us. We both had our feet up on a shared footstool and were reclined comfortably on the couch.

We had been mostly silent throughout the movies, except for the occasional laughs and shouts during the action scenes. 

However, although we weren't saying much to each other, it was clear where our attention tended to wander. Throughout the movies, we kept shooting each other glances when we thought the other wasn't looking. 

As movie reached it's crescendo, my new furred friend jumped up onto Gwen's lap, causing her to shriek in surprise. I burst out laughing at the noise she made as she realized what had happened. She turned to me, still laughing at the situation, and slapped my shoulder to make me shut up.

The kitten curled up in her lap as we got back to watching the movie.

After a few minutes, Gwen sighed and proceeded to raise my heart-rate higher than any combat situation I could ever be in.

She scooched closer and laid her head on my chest.

I looked down at her, but before I could even say a word, she quickly interjected, not taking her eyes off the screen.

"Shut up and watch the movie."

"I...Uh...Yes ma'am" I stammered out in response.

It was dark so I couldn't exactly see her face, but I could still make out the wide smile on her face, showcasing that tiny, adorable gap between her front teeth.

With her head laid on my chest, I had no doubt she could hear my heartbeat loud and clear. She knew exactly the effect she was having on me.

I remembered the talk I had with Natasha just a week ago.


Natasha: *chuckling* "Let me get this straight. She makes your heart race, you feel happier around her, and you can't stop thinking about her?"

"Exactly. Is she using some mind control on me or something? I have no idea what's happening to me"

Natasha: *Laughing yet again* "Oh my god, there's no way you're this unaware"

"Well, I'm sorry my social skills aren't the most polished. That may have stemmed from my years of talking to PRACTICALLY NO-ONE MY AGE"

Natasha: "Okay, okay, kid. My bad, forgot about that part. Look, it's pretty obvious what this is. And no, it's not mind control.

"Okay, great! What is it?"

Natasha: "Love"



As Gwen continued to lay her head on my chest, I felt my face get warmer and warmer. It had been about 10 minutes since she made the move, and a multiple glances down towards her proved that she was blushing just as hard as I assumed I was.

And then, out of nowhere, the universe apparently decided to try to play matchmaker.

Anakin and Padme's love scene came on.

Gwen and I both froze at seeing what was happening on screen.

After a few seconds of silence, she removed her head from my chest and looked up at me.

We stared at each other, and I got lost in her deep, ocean blue eyes.

She was staring right back into mine, and it felt as if she was staring directly into my soul.

As if there was a gravitational force between us, we began to inch closer and closer to each other, until I could feel her breath against my face. We slowly closed our eyes, mere inches separating us, the distance slowly closing. And then, out of nowhere, the universe decided it didn't want to play matchmaker anymore.


Gwen's phone went off, causing both of our eyes to shoot open. We immediately backed up, and Gwen answered her phone.

"Hello? Yeah, I'm at a friend's house. Yeah Dad, I'll be back soon. Love you too."

She put down her phone and turned to look at me. Our eyes met, and both our faces flushed.

She got up from the couch, and grabbed her stuff from the counter.

"I should probably get going. It's pretty late."

"Yeah, I didn't even realize it was almost 10." I replied, looking at the clock mounted on the wall.

"Thanks for having me over. I enjoyed it a lot"

"Yeah, me too. It was a lot of fun"

"Glad you enjoyed it...maybe we can do it again, sometime?" She asked, her face hopeful for a positive response.

"I'd like that. We'll have to pick a different series, though."

*chuckling* "Don't worry, I'm sure we'll find something"

I walked her out of the apartment, the cold air of the night nipping my skin.

"It's pretty late. I'll walk you home"

"Oh, you don't have to" She replied, but I could tell that wasn't what she wanted.

"Of course I have to, I can't let you walk home alone at this time of night. Now, come on."

We walked a few blocks to her apartment building, enjoying the cool air of the night and each other's company. As we reached the front of her building, she turned to me.

"You can just walk me till here. I'll be fine getting up to my apartment"

"Alright. Well, I had a good time today. Goodnight Gwen."

She walked up to me and enveloped me in a hug. I reciprocated, my arms around her. 

She broke off the hug, saying a quick goodbye and rushing into her apartment while trying to conceal her blush.

I chuckled, watching her scurry away.

I turned around and began the walk back to my apartment.

I sighed and looked up towards the sky.

"Love, huh?"

End of Chapter 17~

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