

{Rel's POV}

[Pinnacle Academy, Stadium 1 - Arena A: Student Lobby]

[12:11 PM]

After a quick stop at the Hyperstasis chamber, The workers quickly had me go through a process; where they sprayed the burnt areas of my body and had a ray of energy quickly patch things up, I emerged feeling refreshed and surprisingly whole.

The burns and bruises were gone, But I was still tired and out of stamina after that match.

So I found myself in the student lounge, a nice comfortable room usually filled with tons of students before a match but now, it was awfully quiet. I slumped into a corner, away from the few scattered students who shot me weird glances.

Since I had some time to myself, I ended up pulling up my stats, and saying I wasn't impressed would be an exaggeration. in fact, I was disappointed.


[Base Stats (ONLY)]

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