
Chapter 838 Snowy Night (2)

"Nan... Sister Nan Feng, what a coincidence, you're here too, haha, an acquaintance, an acquaintance. Let me introduce you to..." Liang Shuang had quite a thick skin as he pointed at the person across from him, but Nan Feng slapped his hand away: "Let me do the introductions instead. This is the swindling Liang Shuang. Where are those bank notes you took from me?"

Liang Shuang laughed nervously, "Wha-, what bank notes?"

"It seems that the more distinguished someone is, the poorer their memory. Where are the bank notes you stole from me?" Nan Feng asked.

"Sister Nan Feng... about that... once I finish fighting the war and get promoted to General, my salary will definitely be high. At that time, I will pay you back," Liang Shuang said, still smiling.

"No, you'll hand them over now," Nan Feng detested others taking advantage of her kindness, "If you can't produce them, I'll chop off one of your hands."

The people in the store were stunned.

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