
Chapter 118 Coronation of the English King (4)

After walking a few steps, he heard someone calling his name next to him. "His Royal Highness Wilhelm." Although the other party spoke German, he was obviously not proficient in it and was a bit stiff. Wilhelm turned to look and saw that it was Zhu Jiaqi, the second prince of the Ming Dynasty, with several oriental faces around him.

"Your Highness Jiaqi, it's been a long time no see." Wilhelm stepped forward and shook hands warmly. "Is His Majesty the Emperor of your country in good health?"

"Father, everything is well. Thank you, His Highness Wilhelm, for your concern."

After chatting for a while, Zhu Jiaqi glanced around and whispered. "The warships of your country have begun to undergo modernization and modification, and the keels of the three aircraft carriers ordered by your country have also begun to be laid."

Wilhelm smiled slightly. "What great news."

At this time, the German fleet after the defeat in space and time also carried out "Operation Rainbow", but it was not the 74 warships that were seized by the Allies.

Just when defeat was about to become a reality, the German fleet trapped in the harbor suddenly launched a breakout operation.

When the British thought that the Germans were preparing for a fight to the death, the German fleet had no intention of engaging in an artillery battle with them, and braved the fierce artillery fire of the British fleet to desperately attack the encirclement of the British fleet.

Although the British fleet tried its best to intercept, a dozen battleships led by the battleship Oldenburg finally broke through the encirclement and escaped.

What is even more strange is that just when the escaped battleship was about to run out of fuel, it happened to encounter a Ming Dynasty squadron in the Indian Ocean. As a result, these German warships fired a few shells at the Ming warships indiscriminately and then all hoisted white flags. They were captured by the Ming squadron and escorted back to the Ming Dynasty.

Of course, the Allies were not fools. They naturally saw the trick and solemnly demanded that the Ming Dynasty return those German warships. The Ming Dynasty refused to return these warships on the grounds that they were their spoils of war. Then he verbally condemned Germany for a few words, saying that provoking neutral countries was a serious violation of international morality, etc., and finally let it go. Those warships are still anchored in the port of Ming Dynasty.

When he visited the Ming Dynasty last time, the Ming Prince made it clear that they had no intention of taking those battleships as their own. In gratitude, Wilhelm asked them to modernize those warships. Those are all outdated products from the last war. The power system is even coal-fired. If it is not improved, it will not be much better than a pile of scrap metal.

However, even if it is modified, it is better than nothing. Fortunately, the current German Navy only seeks quantity and not quality. Even if it is a pile of scrap metal, it is better than nothing.

After chatting for a few more words, Zhu Jiaqi glanced around again and asked in a low voice. "When is your country going to take action?"

Wilhelm thought for a while and felt that there was nothing to hide from them. After all, there were still many German soldiers training in Ming Dynasty. Once they were all recalled, it would be the signal to start war. "It will take a few months to finish Czechoslovakia, and it will take mid-1939 to prepare again."

Zhu Jiaqi said with some doubts. "If your country wants to annex Czechoslovakia, wouldn't that mean going to war?" After all, the Czech Republic is a protectorate of France. Can France just watch Germany take action?

Wilhelm laughed. "Czechoslovakia is just an appetizer. As for Britain and France, I don't think they will break this rare peace just to stand up for the Czech Republic." The war that drained the blood of a generation of young people made the whole country of Britain and France aware of the war. Feeling disgusted, who is willing to launch another world war for a country that is only likely to launch aggression (before the complete annexation of the Czech Republic, Britain and France still held the idea that Germany would only unify the German nation, hoping that the Sudetenland would really be Germany's last territorial claim) A big war?

"I see, is this a policy of appeasement?" Zhu Jiaqi nodded thoughtfully. "Czechoslovakia is a powerful military and industrial country. If it can really annex it, your country's military strength will be doubled. So who does your country plan to form an alliance with this time?"

The last alliance was between the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Ottoman Empire, and the Kingdom of Bulgaria.

As a result, after the defeat, the Austro-Hungarian Empire was divided into multiple countries, and four new countries were established on its territory: Austria, Hungary, the Czech Republic, and Slovakia. At the same time part of its territory was occupied by Italy, Romania, Poland and Yugoslavia.

The Ottoman Empire was even worse. After its defeat, it was broken up into Turkey, Hungary, Bulgaria, Albania, Serbia, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Macedonia, Greece, Syria, Lebanon, Israel, Jordan, Iraq, Kuwait, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates, Qatar, Bahrain, and Oman. , Yemen, Egypt, Libya, Tunisia, Algeria, Morocco.

Wilhelm shrugged, rather helplessly. "Basically not." At present, Germany's neighbors are either enemies, neutral countries, or weaklings, and it is hard to find a good teammate.

"No?!" Zhu Jiaqi said in surprise. "Is it possible that your country wants to challenge Britain and France?"

"Who says it's not?" In fact, other European countries, including France, are weak chickens. Germany can easily defeat them by itself. It is not a big problem for Britain to work harder. The most troublesome thing is the two giants, the United States and the Soviet Union. "I'm quite optimistic about your country. I wonder if your country is interested in changing the world structure with us?" In the last war, Ming Dynasty maintained a neutral policy. If it is willing to join this time, it will attract the northern furry bears on land and go to the Pacific Ocean from time to time. Turn around and stimulate America's nerves, and his chances of winning will be greatly improved.

"Our aim is that we will not offend others unless they offend us." Zhu Jiaqi's tone was very indifferent, but he was unquestionably firm.

"..." The ancient Chinese golden mean, Wilhelm rolled his eyes helplessly in his heart. It seems that there is no hope for the Ming Dynasty, and he still has to rely on himself.

At this moment, Anna reminded in a low voice. "Your Highness, that General Marshall is coming this way."

Did the old man figure it out so quickly? Wilhelm bowed slightly. "Then I'll take my leave first." After saying that, he turned around and left in a hurry.

I didn't know what the old man Marshall wanted to find out from him, so he was quite persistent in pursuing him. Fortunately, this banquet hall is big enough and there are many people. After playing hide and seek for a long time, we finally waited until today's protagonist appeared.

The guests present stopped moving, and all eyes were focused on the stage.

I saw George VI walking on stage in a gorgeous dress. I have to say that although George VI is not as smart and handsome as his brother Edward VIII, he is also good-looking and has an elegant temperament. People can't help but sigh at the power of royal genes. It even improved the appearance of the entire royal family.

I saw King George VI walking to the microphone and speaking slowly. "Thank you... very much... for coming... to this special... dinner today..." It was very difficult to say this short sentence.

Anna beside her whispered. "Is he too nervous or is he just articulate?"

Wilhelm replied casually. "He's pretty good now. When he was in serious condition before, he couldn't even speak a word." Rumor has it that his speech was an indirect consequence of George VI's strict and powerful father who insisted on correcting his left-handedness. In severe cases, you can't even speak in public. In order to help her husband overcome his stuttering problem, Queen Elizabeth visited famous doctors and finally found relief with the help of doctors.

Although he continued to receive treatment, he did not get a radical cure, only some relief. In other words, George VI's stuttering problem persisted throughout his life.

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