
Chapter 102 The Battle for Madrid

  "Whoosh ... Boom~!" A Panzerfaust rocket accurately hit a house that was spewing tongues of fire from its windows, the house had already been half caved in by the previous shelling, and after receiving such a blow, it shook a few times and finally collapsed helplessly.

  Not far away from the German position, several officers of the German Expeditionary Force were gathered in an observation post, observing the situation on the battlefield with clipped periscopes, when they happened to see this scene.

  "Your Highness is truly a genius, every weapon you design is so extraordinary. This thing looks like it would be perfect for use against enemy forts and tanks." An officer removed his eyes from the clipper periscope and sighed heartily.

  Another officer nodded. "This weapon is easy and inexpensive to produce, and it's no problem to deploy to platoon or even squad level. I heard from the frontline soldiers that it's very easy to operate, the instructor only needs to teach it once and most people will be able to operate it." The principle of this weapon is that a steel gunpowder tube provides the power to push the fighting part out of the chamber. When firing, the soldier holding the weapon only needs to snap off the firing mechanism on the outside of the gunpowder tube, allowing the percussion cap to ignite the firing charge inside the tube, creating the power to propel the fighting part.

  The first generation of Panzerfaust 30 in the original time and space only has a pathetic 30-meter range, and is simply a large handheld version of the two-kick, no matter whether you take it to the anti-tank or to blow up a bunker, the shooter can be said to be a one in nine deaths.

  Wilhelm of course do not see such a range, the range indicator set at more than fifty meters, the result of the R&D department to get out with the original time and space, the range of 60 meters of the Panzerfaust 60 version. And its depth of penetration reached a staggering 200 millimeters. This means that the German Army has a weapon that can take out all the tank armor in the world, even if the rat-type is alive and well, it can still put up a fight!

  The most important thing was that its total weight was only about ten pounds, making it perfectly suited for single soldier operation.

  "Guys, can we import this weapon?!" Just as they were discussing the weapon one sentence at a time next to each other, one of Franco's officers anxiously said.

  "..." Several Expeditionary Force officers looked at each other and smiled, and the officer at the head nodded affirmatively. "Of course, your country is our friend, and His Highness has ordered that we can export any weapons your country sees, and even authorize you to produce them. We will also help your country upgrade its industrial system when the war is over."

  "... " That Spanish officer's expression could simply be described as flattered.

  Losing the support of this fire point, the flanks of the government forces were immediately exposed and were violently attacked, and the defense line, which was already not very sturdy, collapsed immediately. "Retreat! Retreat!!!" The commander of the government forces also realized this and hurriedly ordered a retreat. Perhaps his shouts exposed his position, or perhaps it was simply bad luck that a grenade rolled down right under his feet, and with a violent explosion, the officer's shouts came to an abrupt end.

  "Chief, block three has been breached! The company commander is shrinking his defenses and resisting at every turn, we need reinforcements!!!" A liaison soldier with gauze wrapped around one eye ran into one of the command headquarters and anxiously reported.

  The regimental commander sighed with a face full of bitterness. "If I had, I would have sent them over long ago, would I have waited until now? You go back and tell him that if he really can't carry on, he'll be allowed to surrender, and I'll bear all the consequences!" Now that Madrid was completely surrounded, it was impossible for reinforcements to enter. You should know that the key to the alley war is a constant flow of reinforcements, once the lack of backup, the fall is only a matter of time.

  "Yes!" Frozen for a moment, the liaison soldier saluted and hurriedly ran out of the command headquarters, going back to convey the order.

  The command headquarters fell into silence again, and everyone quietly looked at their leader.

  The regimental commander stared straight at the battle map hanging on the wall, and sighed with incomparable despondency. "This damn German army can really fight!" The three lines of defense constructed west of Madrid had not even resisted for a week before being broken by the Germans. Even the Madrid to Valencia highway was cut off by them, which is why Madrid was completely surrounded and plunged into this desperate situation.

  They had fought with Franco's army and repulsed the Italian expeditionary force, but when they met the German expeditionary force, they were only able to retreat. All kinds of advanced weapons were used to defeat them.

  One of the most frightening is the German snipers. These ghosts on the battlefield ghosts, many soldiers died in the position, the result is that few soldiers dare to show their heads in the position, directly affecting the accuracy of their shooting, a lot of ammunition wasted, but the enemy casualties have been reduced.

  Previously, there was the deterrent of artillery, so that these abominable guys a little convergence, but now their ammunition is running out, these snipers' activities are increasingly rampant.


  At this moment there was an explosion not far away, with this loud noise, a thick smoke rushed into the command headquarters, smoked the people inside and coughed, all of them were in a mess and patted the dust on their bodies.

  Immediately after another shell exploded not far away, the head of the regiment heard that both were mortar shells, indicating that the enemy is not far from here.

  Sighing again, he drew a compact pistol from a holster on his belt and walked straight to the door.

  The others hurriedly called out to him. "Captain!"

  The regimental commander turned back, gravely. "Before I came here I swore that I would fight until the last moment and never back down, now it's time to honor my promise. As for you guys, you're still young, no need to follow me, stay here." After saying that, he walked out of the door without looking back, his guards followed closely behind, and a few staff officers grabbed their weapons from the corners, casually picked up their steel helmets and fastened them on their heads, and followed them out.

  Before he could walk out a few steps, the chief suddenly felt the earth beneath his feet tremble, accompanied by a loud explosion not far behind him, his body was lifted by a wave of air and flew out like a kite with broken strings.

  After a long time, he realized that he had fallen into a huge crater, his body was in excruciating pain, as if he was about to fall apart.

  Gritting his teeth, he was just about to sit up when he suddenly saw a silhouette appear at the side of the crater.

  After staring blankly for two seconds, the chief reacted to the fact that this was the uniform of Franco's army, because both the Italian and German expeditionary forces wore this kind of uniform in the war, and for a moment he couldn't tell which country this guy was from?

  But no matter which country he was from, since he was wearing this uniform, he was their enemy! Just when he was about to raise his hand to shoot, he saw that his right hand was empty and his pistol was long gone.

  Just as the chief was scrambling to find his pistol, the soldier at the edge of the crater didn't hesitate to raise his gun to aim and pull the trigger.

  "Bang!" A crisp gunshot rang out, I don't know if the soldier's marksmanship was a bit poor or if he wanted to capture this enemy, who looked like a high-ranking official, alive, but the bullet didn't hit the headmaster's vitals, but instead pierced through the thigh.

  "!!!" The strange thing was that the chief didn't feel a trace of pain, as if the leg didn't grow on his body, he was senseless.

  At that moment, he saw that his pistol was not far away, lunged forward, grabbed that pistol, aimed at the soldier who was toggling the bolt, and pulled the trigger repeatedly, emptying all six rounds in the magazine.

  But the explosion just now, resulting in the brain buzzing badly, eyes also a little floating, hand is more shivering, the first five rounds of bullets do not know where to fly, the last one, miraculously hit the soldier's arm.

  The soldier let out a scream, stepped back and out of his sight, and a few seconds later a white-smoking iron lump flung into the crater and landed right in front of the chief.


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