

Cattleya took gentle and quiet steps backwards as she tried to Carry on the show, in the hope she had successfully impressed the VIPS and as well the manager as she disappeared into the darkness. 

After the dance of seduction, Cattleya Sánchez retired to the dressing room at the back of the club, she sat for a few seconds while recalling all she had displayed and how she had not gotten even a smile off the face of Genevieve Rodríguez She sighed at the verged giving up.

Cattleya began to wonder if Genevieve Rodríguez was as coldhearted as the rumours said.


I cleaned the makeup off my face and applied lip gloss on my lips.

"Did you get the job?." I turned slightly towards the girl standing next to me.

I shook my head and then said. "No, did you?." I replied.

"Yeah!." She smiled happily at me which I reciprocated.

I listened to the angry steps rushing towards my soon-to-be changing room when the door suddenly flung open and three girls stood right in front of me and the nice young girl.

"Who the hell do you think you are?!." They yelled at me. 

 I took a step forward in an attempt to walk away, I felt the hand of the biggest girl amongst them pull me back while the other slapped me across the face. I savoured the sting of the pain on my cheek as I rubbed the spot with the tips of my fingers delicately.

I lifted my face and then stepped up to the lady

"Look here you little bitch!!." I yelled.

She glared at me as though she was an animal ready to devour me. "Don't you ever get close to the VIPs like you did today!." She pinched my ear lobe and yanked it hard.

I threw a punch at her and missed my aim.

"That's enough!!." I could recognize the voice of the manager despite it being my first day on the job.

"But sir!!, she started it by breaking the roles and then went ahead to Em… kiss a new employee! you said it yourself that there can be no romance between us!." 

How dare this low-budget Britney Spears lie about me for what reason exactly?

"You! Follow me!."

I felt my heart begin to race, I walked behind him nervously, and I could feel a bug in my stomach.

What could he want?, was this one of those interviews where I have to sleep with the boss to get it?

With all the thoughts running through my mind, I missed my step and fell into his arms. My head bumped into his head causing me an instant headache.

I felt as though he had remembered an instruction which made him suddenly let go of me, my weak confused body crashed on the tiled ground of his office.

I began to wail in pain, I could feel my head throbbing, my ass and lower back aching and all I earned from this was an apology from the clumsy boss of "Midnight Club."

I looked up at him angrily, I stood up at the speed of light and was about to launch my body towards him when I remembered what I was here for.

I was already standing on my toes with my fists folded in front of me. I placed my arms beside my body and stood straight.

"I am sorry for being so clumsy." He apologised.

The manager walked towards his desk and drew a chair out, he waved his hands at me and asked that I sit on the seat. For a few seconds, I hesitated before I succumbed to his persistent request.

He walked to the side of the desk and stood while addressing me.

"I have a few more questions." He told me.

I didn't say a word but rather I kept my eyes fixed on his figure while I anticipated his questions.

"Are you gay?." He asked.

"Huh?." I flinched.

His face palmed himself, I squeezed my lips to the side and my eyes narrowed.

"What's your sexuality?." He reconstructed his question while he adjusted his tie nervously.

"Why is he wearing a suit when he manages a club? and why wear it if you're gonna wear it all wrong?." I thought, judging his appearance.

"And how is that needed in this line of work?." I asked him.

He coughed and leaned in. "Some of the clients like the taste of the dancers so we like to know their sexualities." He stepped back and then leaned forward once more. "It's more like we can protect you from having sex with men if you are a lesbian." He smiled at me.

I sighed. "I am a lesbian," I replied.

My eyelids fluttered when I saw the disappointed look on his face like someone who had expected more.

"Okay…" he spoke grumpily. "You got the job."

I slid my cylinder body through the small opening in the manager's office door and walked into the changing room when the door flung open.

"Hey!!." I ignored the screaming of a girl.

I glanced at the corner where I last saw the nice girl and she was gone, I wore my sling bag, and face cap and pulled out my glasses to wear.

"Aww little Miss Lesy wants to disguise herself!!." One of the girls snatched my glasses out of my hand and broke it in the process. "Wops." She dropped it on the ground.

She looked down at it and smiled, her line of sight trailed up to my face but I didn't give her the satisfaction she craved.

"Only a broke bitch would expect a girl to cry over spilt milk." I spat my words at her face and walked out.


I walked down three blocks from the club before my car began to come into sight, I was so exhausted by the time I got to my car.

I unlocked it and drove straight back home.

I slammed my car door shut and locked it. I dragged my tired limbs towards the front door in the middle of the night when a bolt of lightning struck. At the corner of my eyes, I spotted the shadow of a woman.

I twisted the door knob and the door cracked open.

"Did you bring me her head?." I heard the moment I closed the front door behind me.

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