
Clash of...?

A.N. Sorry for the less frequent uploads. I'm moving house soon, so you know all the troubles that come with it.

Shoutout to my patrons:

Noah Beyer



Alex Toledo

Brandon Mannella

Ryan Vidler

Kaptagon (Delgadito)

You are all legends!


Allen was the first to reach Steve, given that he was the fastest of his Familia of course and he had the long range weapon which he thrust straight towards Steve's face. But when there was only a hair's breadth between the tip of the spear and his eye, the gamer ducked down so fast that Allen didn't even realise that the spear had gone through an afterimage.

Steve allowed the weapon to pass over him until Allen was close enough before he grabbed the catman's arm. Allen's eyes widened as he suddenly felt the adamantite grip, before his world was suddenly turned upside-down as Steve flipped him into the air. Allen was an experienced fighter and had been in situations like this before, so he kicked his legs forward to make himself land on his feet.

With his arm still in Steve's grip, he tried to turn his spear around and skewer Steve again but found that Steve now had his arm through the gamer's legs. Steve ducked again quickly as several weapons of the other adventurers crossed over his head, planning to decapitate him. Steve looked at the Freya Familia and grinned a disturbing smile at them, making the raise their brows in anticipation of what could cause this sudden expression of sadism on his face.

He had both hands gripping Allen's arm. While maintaining eye contact with them, he used one to rip off Allen's forearm and hold it high in the air as the catman let out a scream. Ottar wasted no time as he swung his sword at Steve again, but the gamer held up his arm and stopped Ottar's dead in its track, the blade of his sword inches away from his face. Steve's leg kicked out and his boot connected with Ottar's stomach so hard that ripples travelled throughout the man's face.

Ottar went flying off the chunk and smashed through dozens of boulders in the anti gravity net before slamming into another chunk and shattering it into thousands of pieces, amongst which his body disappeared. The rest of the Freya Familia stared at the scene before looking back at Steve as he held up Allen by his stump while holding the severed limb in the other.

"It doesn't end here." Steve said as he stared them down. "Your captain going down like that only serves to stoke the desire in me to torture you more."

"You believe that is enough to intimidate us?" Hedin raised a brow.

"No." Steve shook his head. "I'd be disappointed if it was. It's only going to make it more fun. This..." He held up Allen. "...is only the beginning for you lot. I aim to take a piece out of all of you...then I'll hand you down to my siblings so I can have some alone time with the piggy. A King to a King."

"You talk too much." Hogni said as he blurred behind Steve and tried to stab him in the back. The sword struck the Netherite armour and but was not able to penetrate it even though Hogni wielded his best weapon. The Dark Elf frowned for a moment as he felt a funny sensation on his back before a mysterious wound suddenly opened on it and he felt blood dripping down the back of his shirt as he stumbled back in surprise, somehow experiencing the wound he was aiming to inflict on Steve on himself.

"And you don't think before you act." Steve looked back and smiled at him. "It's called Thorns. You'll get used to it."

Hedin brought his weapon around and tried to cut Steve's head off but the gamer simply opened his mouth and caught the blade between his teeth, which he promptly bit into pieces before he dropped Allen and his torn arm and grabbed Hedin by his own arm. He pulled the elf forwards and smashed a fearsome punch in his face, shattering the man's glasses and crunching his nose. He then grabbed a fistful of his hair as well as Hogni's and smashed their foreheads together so violently that a shockwave was emitted and he was most certain that the two elf kings now suffered severe concussions.

He looked at the Gulliver brothers who stared at him warily. He smiled at them before throwing both former elf kings high in the air and watched as their bodies sailed. He faced a palm at them and threw a fireball at them both empowered by {Cataclysm}, which collided with their bodies in an explosion so powerful and hot that the shockwave cracked the chunk they were standing on and the heat vaporised the bodies of the two elves. Up above, there was another crack of thunder as the elves were respawned into the fighting area, fully restored and regenerated.

The Gulliver brothers tightened their grips on their weapons and got into a stance as they stared the gamer down.

"Don't bother." He told them. "You're not worth the time."

He clapped his hands in front of him with enough power to blast the Pallums away with a shockwave into the gravity field. Where they went, he did not care. They would most likely get lost in the three miles' worth of floating mountain sized pieces of debris and the even bigger chunks. The image reminded Steve of an image of an Asteroid Belt, only replace space with the landscape of Genkai and you had a perfect picture of the current state of the battlefield.

He didn't even bother turning around as he tilted his unprotected head to the side and Allen's spear brushed past his ear. He grabbed the spearhead and pulled downwards so the shaft rested on his shoulder and flipped the catman over him to his front where he could see him. Blood poured out the stump in rivers but it was not enough to diminish the "fastest adventurer's" resolve.

"Kitty has learned how to fetch me a stick." Steve mocked. "Are you sure you're not getting your race mixed up?"

"Quit trying to patronize me!" Allen snarled. "How did you know about my sister?! How do you know anything about that?!"

"Doesn't matter to a dead cat." Steve said as he played in the tug of war over the spear. "You know, although she is exiled, she should still be carrying Freya's blessing. Am I right? I can't imagine your goddess is so eager to let go of something she's keeping within her hand's reach."

Allen's gritted teeth didn't seem to convey the answer he desired for some reason.

"Doesn't matter." Steve said. "Once I've beaten you all to a pulp, I'll go over to her and pick up the pieces you left behind myself. Perhaps then she'll appreciate some 'real' brotherly love." Steve said as he put an emphasis on the love part and Allen's sharp eyes became enraged as he began pushing against the spear, hoping to drive it into Steve's face. "Struck a nerve did I? Doesn't amount to much in the end. I can't imagine little Anya would ever forgive you for so callously abandoning her for Freya's love."

"She was not fit to serve our goddess." Allen spat. "She brought shame to us. It's her fault that she was made to go."

"And not the fact that the whole lot of you are just thirsty simps who keep getting cucked?" Steve raised a brow before he suddenly pulled on the spear and made Allen fly forwards and land his neck into Steve's grip. Steve pulled him close and looked him over with a strange grin that made Allen all the more infuriated. "You know you can never be her Odr right? You never have and never will be able to become worthy of that position since it was never meant for you."

"And what would you claim to know about that?" Allen spat. "You consider yourself the Odr? Is it any wonder you demanded complete submission of our Familia? You want to take her."

"Oh you poor fool." Steve smirked before he lowered his voice. "Let me bring you in on a little secret. Want to hear?" Allen spat at him in reply but Steve continued talking as the catman listened. "I know the identity of the REAL Odr." The gamer smiled at Allen's eyes widening.

"What?" The catman said, bewildered.

"That's right. I've had my eye on him for quite sometime, and he is pretty much in my palm at this point. He may as well soon be eating out of it." Steve's grip tightened on Allen's throat as his tone darkened considerably. "Your goddess has spread mischief and suffering everywhere in pursuit of her fated one. I'm going to enjoy keeping that person always away from her at arm's length. The best form of victory over your enemy is the one they can't even see."

"You lie!" Allen choked.

"On the contrary, I speak quite truthfully." Steve said. "And as for you, I have my own form of torture in store for you. Once I'm done with you and your goddess, I'll take your sister for myself. I've always had a thing for dense catgirls...and your sister is quite the looker too. I wonder how long it will be before she'll be yowling my name." Steve said suggestively.

Allen's face was filled with cold hatred as he started thrashing about, scratching as Steve with his remaining arm while kicking about. But with his neck in such a vice grip and being held at arm's length a few feet above ground, even he couldn't do anything.

"YOU WON'T TOUCH HER!" Allen screamed.

"No...I'm going to rock her world." Steve said. "I will entice her with my charms and I will penetrate her mind and body...much like this." Steve picked up Allen's spear and drove it through the man's gut and out his back as blood poured onto the ground. "Only much less bloody. I'm not aware of her having any partners so I assume she has still not been deflowered. They do say virgins are clingy and cats even clingier. Don't worry, I'll be gentle with her. It's so much more pleasurable when they're willing."

"You bastard!" Allen glared at him as blood bubbled out of his mouth. "You will pay for this."

"Say that when this situation is reversed." Steve said. "And the chance of that happening is, let me calculate real quick...non-existent." Without another word, Steve gripped the spear with both hands as he swung it around in a few circles with Allen still stuck on it and flung it towards another chunk. "So easy to wind him up where Anya is concerned. Not that I really meant all that."

Allen's body bounced off the hard surface as the spear was shaken about in his gut and rustled his organs as the urge to throw up became more prominent. Steve teleported above him and jack-hammered him downwards. Allen's body shot down like a comet, smashing through boulders after boulders for miles upon miles as he entered the Dungeon, where his body collided with ground of the 50th Floor, creating a massive crater and from what Steve could see was a massive splatter.

Steve stood on a floating boulder as he looked up to see hundreds of balls of lightning flocking towards him like a swarm of birds. He looked down to see Hedin staring at him, blood dripping from the elf's mouth for some reason as he grit his teeth. Steve noticed that the spectacles had not come back with the elf.

"Lightning magic is your specialty if I remember correctly." Steve said as he looked at the swarm unfazed. "My little bro however, is thousands of time the talented mage you are, elf."

Hedin scrunched his brows in confusion as his rain of lightning attacks suddenly came to a complete stop. The balls of lightning shivered for a moment in their frozen state before they began to swerve in another direction, clumping together as they formed a stream of lighting. Hedin followed the trail as he traced it to Zuri standing on a chunk, holding an adventurer over the edge by his ear while he held his staff in the air as a bright light shone from it.

Zuri made eye contact and smiled at him as he siphoned all of the lightning balls into his staff, vacuuming them in staff until they were completely snuffed out and devoured by Zuri's magic. Hedin squinted in shock at the other mage's abilities and the abnormal use of magic. Zuri shook his head with a smile and pointed the staff at him as the same lightning magic began to crackle crazily around the tip.

Hedin had no time to react as a stream of lightning engulfed him across that short distance, blasted by his own lightning magic as Zuri looked on with a smile.

"That's my bro." Steve nodded proudly as he sensed someone loom above him. He raised a hand and caught Hogni's sword between his fingers as the elf's elbows jarred at having his weapon stopped so suddenly. "You didn't learn, did you?"

"Every slight against our Lady must be re-"

"Didn't ask." Steve said.

He pulled on the sword and used Hogni's body as a bat to smack away the Gulliver brothers who had approached him from behind all the other debris. It seemed by now that the adventurers had managed to figure out a way in which they could navigate through the all the rubble floating in the air. They were now jumping from rock to rock in order to land on chunks where his teammates were.

He watched as Efe created crystals spikes in the air before firing them off at a swarm of mad adventurers who were fighting her in desperation of survival, the constant death and rebirth sending them mad, which made them sloppy enough that Efe could dispatch them easily. Though that only made the cycle repeat itself as the adventurers respawned.

Steve flicked Hogni in the air and palmed him in the stomach with enough force to make the elf's body travel right across the grasslands. Just in time as Steve saw a sudden shockwave in the distance break apart a boulder and a large dark shape come flying towards him. He drew out his Netherite sword just in time and held it up as a large black sword smashed into his own and he was greeted with Ottar's bloodshot eyes as Ottar's momentum carried them both across the gravity field and into the gravitational pull of another chunk as they collapsed onto the grass and rolled across the ground.

Steve stood upright first and pointed his netherite sword at Ottar as the Boaz held up his own weapon. There was a boot print still visible on his stomach and blood was dribbling out of the man's mouth but he was otherwise fine. Though Steve did notice the constant winces that the older adventurer made as they circled each other.

"I was certain a kick that strong was enough to put you out of commission." Steve said. "Long enough for me to dispose of your friends. You surprise me. You're even stronger than I gave you credit for."

"Why do you adventure?" Ottar suddenly asked.

"Well that's just random." Steve cocked his head. "What significance does that question pose?"

"Just answer." Ottar said. "For you to be this strong, you must have a reason. I want to know an answer."

"If you're expecting some reason like looking for the glory of an adventure or breaking my limits or becoming an icon, then I'm afraid you'll be sorely disappointed. I'm not like you Ottar. I don't chase lofty goals."

"What do you chase then?" Ottar asked. "What would possibly allow you to just walk around with powers such as this?" Ottar gestured to their surroundings.

One has to understand the situation all the contesting Familia were in. They were enclosed withing 3 miles worth of land. Further than the normal eye can see to make out proper detail. And it was nothing but an apocalyptic wreck as boulders from the sizes of pebbles to the size of small mountains floated around in an anti-gravity field between large chunks of earth suspended in the air. All around were magic explosions and the signs of battle as adventurers fought the members of the Ptah Familia, radiations of power enough to make people faint if they were anywhere near these battles.

To top it off, they were all hovering above what was now a second mouth to the Dungeon as they looked down miles upon miles into one of the deepest floors recorded to date. There was always the instinctual fear of falling down there, a height even adventurers would not survive.

"We're just better." Steve replied. "But tell you what, let's make a deal."

"A deal?" Ottar raised a brow.

"If you manage to land a single mark on me, I'll tell you why I adventure." Steve smiled. "So how-" He was cut off as he bent backwards to avoid being bisected by Ottar's swing. "I guess that's a yes." Ottar brought the sword back as he hoped that Steve could not dodge when he was in such an uncomfortable position like bending backwards.

But Steve surprised him as the gamer's arms locked around Ottar's waist and Steve performed some sort of forward suplex as he brought the Boaz down on his head, his skull burying into the dirt. Steve did not stop there though as he grabbed Ottar's ankle and swung him around at a large boulder in the distance, about the size of 5 normal sized houses.

Ottar's back made an imprint in the boulder as he shook his head to clear of the dizziness. In his blurry vision, the Boaz only just made out something swinging towards him and he dodged to the side as an axe buried itself in the rock where his head had been. Attached to the axe was a chain that led to Steve's hand. Steve grunted as he yanked on the chain and the boulder suddenly lurched forward as the sudden jolt pushed Ottar further into his imprint.

Steve watched as the boulder came closer to the chunk he was standing on and he clenched his fist as he timed his attack perfectly. When the boulder reached him, he buried his fist in Ottar's gut and the boulder shattered into thousands of fragments from the impact of the punch. Ottar bent forwards as his body shot through the air, soaring across the battlefield and smashing into another chunk on the other side of the grasslands.

He choked as he coughed up more blood, his head ringing as he tried to bear the pain he was going through. He'd been hit by punches from Balor before, but even the monster's blows were not as hard as what he was feeling right now. He was fortunate that Steve's hand was not that big, otherwise he was certain that he would be paste. As he focused, he saw Steve travelling to him, leaping from one floating boulder to another as he knocked adventurers out of his way that tried to intervene.

Ottar began doing the same, as much as his movements caused him pain. He too began using the boulders as platforms to jump and travelled just as Steve did to meet him in the middle. When both were sure they were close enough, they leapt at each other with their swords drawn.

Just before their sword clashed, Ottar activated his {Hildis Vini}, coating his greatsword in an aura of golden light, amplifying the strength of his physical attack as he swung with both arms while Steve swung with just one. The collision of the swords created a flash of light...before a blast wave erupted from the connection and somehow shook the very atmosphere of the contained space in the barrier as adventurers were dealt a powerful kick to their stomachs by the shockwave.

Steve and Ottar continued to do this as they exchanged more blows, leaping from boulder to boulder as they chased after one another. The collisions of their exchanges blasted apart boulders and chunks and even adventurers' bodies as Ottar's blood run hot, his focus fixated on nothing but his opponent as Steve countered his attacks blow for blow. Ottar managed to kick the flat of Steve's blade and send the Minecrafter flipping backwards in the air as his feet landed on a chunk.

Ottar charged the same attack again into his sword and swung his blade, creating a powerful shockwave that decimated the boulders in front of it and travelled towards the gamer. Steve stood straight and walked towards the attack, not even flinching as he walked right through the slash. The boulders and debris behind Steve was sliced apart but Steve smirked at the shocked Boaz as he walked away from his strongest attack unharmed.

Steve then returned the favour by punching forward with his fist, creating a shockwave that created a gale of wind, which blew Ottar away along with all the debris near him into the wall of a nearby chunk. Ottar landed on that one fortunately with his feet and he dug into the side with his fingers as he looked back at Steve.

The gamer lifted his own sword and slashed downwards with his own shockwave. Ottar leapt out of the way as the chunk he was clinging to was sliced in half. Ottar used his handhold to swing himself upwards to avoid an iron block that suddenly sank into the side of the chunk. He looked back to see Steve summon more iron blocks and launch them at him as they impacted the chunk with enough force to dig holes right through. One block smashed the sword out of his hand as Ottar found himself weapon-less.

Just then Steve impacted the side of the chunk where he was, and time slowed down for the Boaz as the point of the Netherite sword travelled towards his throat.


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