
How many children we have to kidnap?

Standing under the sun's glory, Mechamaru had his eyes while bathing with the sun rays.

"How does it feel?"

"So damn hot, I feel like I will collapse from the heat, I am sweating."

"Is that so."

Even though Mechamaru said that, he had a smile on his face.

"I am glad you are enjoying yourself, but we must go. People will start coming thanks to the explosion."

"And who's fault is that?"


"Oi!! I am not the only one to blame."

Not wanting to take all the fault, Gojo objected the agusation.

"Satoru, you shouldn't run away from your responsibilities."

"Shoko, on whose side are you?"


While the two were joking, Ichigo approached Mechamru.

 "Kokichi, do you have any clothes or items you need to take with you?"

"No, I never needed clothes. These bandages are all I have; if we speak of any items, my puppets are the only thing that matters."

"I see. Then we can go right away."

"Yeah, I will look for a new place right away."

"Hmm? What do you mean."

"Huh? Well, I need to look for a new place."

"But I am taking you with me."



Ichigo and Mechamaru looked at each other with questioning eyes.

"What are you talking about?"

"No, do you expect me to let an eight-year-old child roam alone?"

".....What happen to my freedom."

"You can have that when you are eighteen."

Picking Mechmaru up, Ichigo waved his hand, and a garganta appeared.

"Let's go, Shoko, Sataru."


"Wait Wait Wait, what about my choice?"

"I don't feel like hearing it out."

"I only asked for your help removing the heavenly pact."

"Yeah, you did that."

"I didn't ask for this kind of help."

"True, you didn't, but I don't care."


With nothing else to say, Ichigo stepped into the Garganta followed by Shoko and Gojo.

'I swear, one day I will escape.'

After coming out of the garganta, they appeared at Ichigo's house.

"Man, I am tire, I will take a nap."

Without wasting any time, Gojo fell on the couch and started snorting.

"Me too, I am going to sleep for a bit."

"H-hey! That is my bedroom."

"I know."

Seeing how Shoko and Gojo, acted as if this was their home, Ichigo just gave up and put Mechamaru down.

"So what is going to happen now."

Agter sitting down Mechamru asked Ichigo.

"Let's see, we need to buy you some clothes, get some stuff for your room, and sign you up for school."

"Wait, what?"


"You want me to go attend a school?"

"Yeah, what about it?"

"How can I attend a school!?"

"What are you talking about?"

"I mean, how can I?"

"Hmm? Kokichi, do you forget that you can move as you want now?"


"You can walk to school and run around with other people. You can make friends without worrying about how you look."

"...You are right. I can speak with people now."

"You always could, but I get what you mean."

Looking down, Mechamaru was thinking of his future and what he would do now.

'Do I really need to escape?'

Looking up and seeing Ichigp's face, Mechamru began to think.

'I know Kurosaki Ichigo. In the past year, I have been looking into him and observed his relationship with Maki and Mai Zenin. He never hurt them or asked for something in return.'

Thinking back on his investigation, Mechamaru had a slight smirk on his face.

'No, he asked for something....for them to be children.'

"I understand, I don't mind going to a school, Kurosaki Ichigo."


"I am glad, and just call me Ichigo. For now, let's wait for Maki and Mai, and we will go to buy some clothes, we can also ask a Yuji to lend you a set of clothes."

"Why don't we just go now?"

".....You want to go to a mall while only wearing bandages? I don't know about you, but if someone saw me with an eight-year-old kid only wearing rags, people would think I am into some weird fetish and probably get arrested."

"I get it, but why must Maki and Mai Zenin come?"

"Because they have to meet their new sibling. Oh! By the way, when is your birthday?"

"Sinbling? Whatever, I was born on October 4, 2001."

"AH! I guess you will be their big brother, don't you like that, big bro Kokichi ahahahaha."

"Ugh! Can you stop that? Have you thought about what they will think about this? I mean, a boy suddenly started to live with them."

"Don't worry, they are adaptable, plus they are used to having sleepovers with a boy. Yuji stays over once in a while."


A few hours later

"We are home!!"

"Good evening!!"

After waiting for a while, Maki and Mai got home, accompanied by Yuji.

"Ah! Gojo-San Good after noon."

"Hello, Yuji. How are you doing."

"Doing fine."

In the past year, Ichigo and the girls have been living here, Yuji visits almost every day and Gojo was in the house a lot of times.....a lot, and got familiar with Yuji.

"Oi! Gojo, where is Ichigo?"

Maki asked while putting her school bag down.

"Ah! He went to buy all kinds of food for Mechamaru to try."


"Your new brother."


"Gojo-san, did you finally snap and are imagining things?"

"Mai-chan, your word can hurt people, you know?"

"it is your fault for saying strange things, Gojo-san."

"I didn't say anything weird. If you don't believe me, go and see him. He is in the guest room, waiting for Ichigo."

Looking to where the guest room was, Maki and Mai nodded at eacother and went to take a look.

"Wait, now I am curious too."

Yuji followed out of curiosity.

"Maki, You think he is telling the truth?"

"Normally, I would just think he is trying to fool us, but he looked earnest. That is not like him."

"Hmmm, usually, he likes to act like a clown."

"You guys are that far away!!!! I can still hear you!!"

Reaching the door of the guest room, Maki slamed the door and the next moment she had a shocked expression on her face.


Mai, who was behind Maki, noticed her sister's face and soon she understood what had happened.

"R-Robot!!! Yuji there is a robot!!"

"Huh!! Robot? What Do yo- R-Robot!!!"

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