

Oleandra would have liked to explore the castle to look for some more clues, but unfortunately, the teachers wouldn't let any of the students out of their sight, not even the Slytherins, who weren't at risk of being attacked. In fact, the teachers scrutinized them even more, like the little future criminals they all were. Oleandra was beginning to feel more and more like she was in jail!

And then came the kicker: there were still going to be exams! How could anyone possibly study under such conditions? As twisted as it may sound, it did make some sense. After all, even after all these attacks, the school was still open, so they might as well have the usual exams. And so, a week flew by without any more attacks happening, and the exams started as planned.

First was Snape's Potions exam, which Oleandra and Daphne aced without any issues. After brewing an incredibly complicated tincture, brewing a simple Swelling Solution was not a problem. Then, at a rate of one exam per day, would come Charms, Transfiguration, Herbology, History of Magic, Astronomy and Defense Against the Dark Arts. As always, Oleandra had some trouble with Transfiguration, but she just barely managed to scrape by a passing grade, using the extra time from having nothing else to do to study. If she hadn't been monitored all day, she would have been out adventuring or practising her runes!

A few hours after finishing the Astronomy exam, the school finally received good news; the Mandrakes, if a little scrawny, were fully grown! This bought the Greengrass family a lot of goodwill, which naturally included Oleandra. People finally realized that the Greengrasses wouldn't have lent a helping hand if it meant it would incriminate them, which meant Oleandra was innocent! They also realized it meant they would at the very least finally be learning the creature's identity, and maybe the Heir's as well!


Oleandra enthusiastically tucked into some pudding at breakfast time. After today's Defense Against the Dark Arts exam, she would finally be free from this infernal school! As much as she liked to put up a tough front, of all the members of her little group, she was perhaps the one who feared facing the creature the most.

"This is such a waste of time," snapped Daphne, slamming her copy of Holidays with Hags onto the table. "It's nice knowing about these creatures' weaknesses, but what's the use of knowing these things without the chance to practise the spells?"

"Mmhm," nodded Oleandra, before swallowing a mouthful of pudding. "Yes, I suppose the exam will be all about his achievements. Like all the quizzes."

"Say," said Daphne. "You don't suppose he actually made it all up? I'm not sure he actually has the skills he describes using in his books."

"That's not possible. All of the people he's ever helped back up his claims. I've also asked the teachers, and apparently the man was quite gifted when he attended Hogwarts. He was a Ravenclaw, you know? Brilliant, but lazy."

"Then why does he act like this? It doesn't make any—" 

Daphne's sentence was interrupted when a small, portly witch burst through the Great Hall's double doors. It was Professor Sprout, her face covered in bruises, and her tough gardener's clothes bloodied and ripped!

"Pomona dear, what on earth has happened to you?" Professor McGonagall came rushing to help her. "Let's get you to the Hospital Wing at once!"

"There's no time!" shouted Professor Sprout hoarsely. "We need to get everyone out of here!"

"Take a deep breath," suggested Professor Flitwick gently. "What exactly is going on?"

"It's all my fault!" sobbed Professor Sprout. "It's all my fault! We all thought he was full of hot air, but he's just as he said he was, a true hero! And it's all my fault he's DEAD!"

"What?" exclaimed Professor McGonagall. "Who's dead? Pomona, please!"

Professor Snape strode forward and offered Professor Sprout a Calming Draught, which she promptly drank to the last drop. Finally, she was ready to tell her story coherently, and Oleandra came forward to listen in. Professor McGonagall was about to shoo the rubberneckers away, but Professor Sprout stopped her.

"It's all right, they need to hear this," she said, putting her hand on Professor McGonagall's arm. "It all happened in the greenhouse. Madam Greengrass and I, along with some prefects, were getting ready to send the Mandrakes to Professor Snape. Lockhart burst in, and I thought he was about to give some more unsolicited advice, but he was shouting about how he had discovered the Chamber of Secret's entrance, and that the monster was coming here to destroy the Mandrakes."

Professor Sprout sniffed.

"He said Slytherin's creature was actually a Basilisk, and that the prefects needed to leave straight away. He was right, of course, so we sent away the prefects, and the three of us packed up as many Mandrakes as we could."

Professor Sprout took a deep breath.

"And then, an enormous snake flattened the greenhouse. We took cover as shards of glass rained down everywhere, and the Heir of Slytherin walked in. I could tell it was a young girl, but she wasn't wearing her House's colours, and she was wearing a mask. Professor Lockhart reacted instantly; without even looking, he accurately cast the Conjunctivitis Curse at the creature's eyes, blinding it."

Professor Sprout shuddered.

"The young girl was incredibly powerful, but Professor Lockhart matched her blow for blow, keeping both opponents away from Madam Greengrass and me. I tried to help by tossing Chinese Chomping Cabbages at her, but she sent them back at me. I was momentarily disabled. The girl hissed, and the Basilisk coiled up and unhinged its jaws. So many teeth…"

Professor Sprout paused a moment to recollect her thoughts.

"Then all of a sudden, all I could see was its gaping maw. It flicked forward so fast I didn't even realize it until I was done for. But Professor Lockhart jumped in front of me and cast a Shield Charm, but it wasn't enough. The Basilisk ate him whole. If I had just trusted him and let him handle it, he would still be alive."

The teachers collectively gasped. They had all thought that Professor Lockhart was a phoney, but it seemed like he was everything he had said, and more. He died a true hero as a Hogwarts teacher, even though he thoroughly sucked at teaching.

"Then, if you're here," said Professor McGonagall hopefully, "that means you and Madam Greengrass managed to beat them?"

Professor Sprout shook her head.

"The young girl got us both with stunners. When I came to, Madam Greengrass was gone, and there was a message written in blood next to me. 'The blood traitor's and the Muggle lover's skeletons will lie in the Chamber forever.'"

"The blood traitor must be Madam Greengrass, but who's the Muggle lover?" asked Madam Hooch in shock, looking like she might fall at any moment.

"I found all of the prefects knocked out nearby, but there was one missing…" whispered Professor Sprout.

"Pomona, who was it?" asked Professor McGonagall gently.

"Percy Weasley!" moaned Professor Sprout.

A thought suddenly occurred to Professor McGonagall and Professor Snape.

"The Greengrass twins, Potter and Weasley, where are they?" asked Professor Snape.

The teachers fanned out to find them, but they were nowhere to be found.

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