
Chapter 1: I Like Dinosaurs, but Not to That Extent!

My name is Axel Rojas, I am a humble engineer who was fed up with labor exploitation.

In Mexico, it is very common to be exploited at work, especially at my age of 25, as they say, "You're still young, you can do more" "¡Hum! F** You"

As the night arrived, I was able to end my work shift.

My routine consisted of coming to my modest apartment after an exhausting day of work, exercising, meditating, having dinner alone, taking a long and relaxing shower, and then immersing myself in the world of video games.

This was my only way to relax after the monotony of my day-to-day life. Fortunately, it was the weekend, and I wouldn't have to work the next day.

This meant I had the opportunity to stay up late playing games.

However, that night was different...

I was determined to replay those old classics that gave me quite a few scares in my childhood to reminisce about the good times.

I turned on my computer and waited for Windows to start, launched my PS1 game emulator, and there, the folder of those games I still enjoyed despite the passage of time opened up - Dino Crisis, Resident Evil, Parasite Eve, and so on.

I enjoyed some time playing Dino Crisis and Parasite Eve.

By the time it was 2 in the morning, I decided it was enough, and it was time to go to sleep. I went to the bathroom, brushed my teeth, lay down in bed, and closed my eyes to sleep.

During the night, I felt a very uncomfortable and painful tug that made me open my eyes. It was shocking, to say the least, to find myself in a place that was anything but familiar.

My surroundings had changed drastically. I was in a dark corridor, the floor littered with debris, broken glass, and dried blood.

The tense atmosphere made my body hair stand on end.

I panicked, and the idea that I had been kidnapped crossed my mind.

I urgently checked my body to see if I was bound, but the idea of kidnapping was discarded when I saw that I wasn't tied up or gagged.

What surprised me even more was the fact that I wasn't in my usual sleepwear. No, I was dressed in a lab coat.

Checking the lab coat, I found an ID with the name, "Ing. Axel Rojas, Intern Scientist."

looked around, confused and scared. "Where the hell am I?!" I didn't understand anything.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw a body lying on its back with a twisted neck, missing an arm and bearing enormous scratches on its chest. I nearly screamed in fright.

Despite my fear, something inside me urged me to get closer.

With trembling steps, I approached the body to examine it closely.

When I was just a few inches from the body, I noticed that next to the missing arm, there was a disk-shaped key and a P99 pistol.

It appeared that the body belonged to a security guard.

With a mix of calm and fear, I picked up the gun and the disk, something about the key disk felt familiar, so I examined it.

"DDK Key H? What is this? Alright, I need to calm down; being like this won't help me at all."

It took me a few minutes to compose myself and assess the situation.

With a clear and calm mind, I realized that this was all too familiar—eerily so.

While I was lost in thought, gunshots and bestial roars interrupted me.

When I looked ahead at the intersection to my right, flickering lights revealed the silhouette of a bipedal creature devouring something resembling a human being.

In that moment, I was paralyzed.

After a few moments, I decided to take very cautious steps backward, reaching the door behind me.

With composure, I opened it and entered a vestibule.

Terrified by what I had just witnessed, I collapsed on the floor with my back against the closed door.

"This can't be possible. Was that the silhouette of a velociraptor? Am I in Jurassic Park? Oh my God! Wait a minute... This vestibule seems familiar."

As I stood up awkwardly from my fear, I noticed that there were four doors in the hallway, one of which seemed to have a somewhat peculiar lock.

With staggering steps , I approached the first door.

"Darn, it's locked." so I approached the door that had the peculiar lock

it indicated that I should insert the DDK H disk.

"DDK H? Isn't that the name of the key disk I picked up?". At that moment something clicked in my mind—the key disk, velociraptors, the vestibule...

"¡Oh my God!" I was in the game Dino Crisis, a place I only knew from the videogame.

"Doesn't this door lead to the office where the T-rex devours the injured scientist?" As soon as I realized this, I dropped the disk key and took a few steps back.

"What will I do in these facilities teeming with dinosaurs? Be their dessert after they've devoured all the scientists?."

I wasn't a brave protagonist or a valiant soldier like the game's characters.

I was just an ordinary citizen trapped in a scenario I had never imagined.

I doubted that my limited experience in martial arts and shooting would be of any help.

Realizing this, survival became my sole priority as I struggled to understand how the hell I had ended up in this world and, most importantly, how to survive in it.

My destiny had become entwined with that of the inhabitants of Dino Crisis, and now, the only thing I would have to concentrate on is how to survive this Jurassic nightmare.

As I mentioned earlier, I'm not from the US, so this will serve me to practice my English and my grammar. Please have patience; I will get better over time.

If you enjoyed it, don't hesitate to support me and provide me with ideas. In advance, thank you very much.

Ax_nevermay_crycreators' thoughts
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