
Chapter 27

My best friend is straight (chapter 27)

Continuation from Last scene..

Mike: I say what are you doing here? He asked looking more serious

Kate: see this boy! Is he not your friend? Why asking him what is he doing here?

Mom: abi oo.. and he told us you are the one that refused to tell him our home address when you guys were still in school.. is that true?

Mike: no mom! It's not true...

Chigozie: it's true! He said in a funny way!

Mom: laughing... Because of the way chigozie said it's true..

Kate: 🤦🤦this mike eeh.. see his héàd.. why will you be hiding your home location from a close friend of yours.

Mike: 🙄🙄you guys are believing this boy?

Mom; who is boy? You're calling a married man with kid boy?

Chigozie: 😉😉😉 he was winking at Mike..as his mom was talking

Mike: hmm.... He's a bit abeg! Even him knows that..

Chigozie: I'm a man! And you know that better 😉

Mike: mstwwww..

Kate: 😳😳 Mike!

Mom: 😂😂 this boy eeh is like Canada has changed you.

Mike: 😂😂.. anyways I was busy Inside the room self... Let me go back and continue with what I was doing..

Mom: wait first. I wanted to ask you self. Maybe this is the best time to ask you..

Mike: what mom?

Mom: when are you getting marry?

Mike: busted into laughter 😂😂😂.. getting what?

Mom: marry na..

Kate: mom this boy doesn't look who is going to marry anytime soon.. remove it from your mind.

Mom: but I want grand children..

Chigozie: 😂😂ma.. don't worry he will soon get marry.

Mom: really? Are you both talking about it? Do you know his girlfriend?

Chigozie: yes I know!

Mike: you know what?

Kate: Don't worry Mom.. I'll soon give you grand children..

Mike: 😂😂😂 whahala.. oya go and give na..

Mom: with this your attitude and shakara I don't think you're getting any closer to that..

Kate: moooom! 😒😒

Mike: hahaha

Abeg I'm going back to the room..

Chigozie: stood up and wanted following Mike Inside

Mike: watin? 🙄

Chigozie: I want to tell you something in your room..

Mike: tell me here Oga!

Mom: smiling and looking at how the both of them were exchanging words...

Mike: talk na..why Are you quiet?

Chigozie: stop na.. I can't say it here.. he said reducing his voice..

Mom: see chigozie... You see that room facing the kitchen?

Chigozie: yes ma.

Mom: that's the room. Just go inside direct stop asking him questions

Chigozie: hahah thank you ma.. he said and walked towards the direction

Mike: mom! Why did you tell him? This chigozie you people are seeing is not that gentle and calm

He's just faking all this things.

Mom: eeh...we have heard you. Go and attend to your friend..

Mike: hmmm he said and left..

Kate: mom this your boy eeh..

Mom: what happened to him?

Kate: up till now he's still doing smee smee.. like one woman..

Mom: leave my son for me! Let him do like that.. how is that your business?

Kate: ok oo...no probs.

Scene 2 ( Mike and chigozie in Mike's room)

Chigozie: hmm so your room is this fine?

Mike:: before what are you expecting?

Chigozie: nothing less..

Mike: ok so what brought you here?

Chigozie: see question. I came to see you na..

I couldn't rest throughout the day!

Mike: 🙄🙄 Abeg oga talk watin bring you here.

Chigozie: hmmm... I just said it.. I was missing you.. and I had to come so I confirm if you actually gave me the right address... I was scàred you will run away again..

Mike: run away from what?

Chigozie: from me! Isn't that what you did the first time?

Mike: I didn't run away from you please.. I just needed to get over you.

Chigozie: so you have gotten over me?

Mike: yes! I told you before..

Chigozie: I don't believe you Mike. You can't get over me that easily

Mike: you dey créaze? Infact you're maad.. what do you mean by that?

Chigozie: 😂😂😂... I'm so sure about it.. it's showing clearly on your face.

Mike: hmm.. you're seeing the wrong thing..

Chigozie: you want me to prove it?

Mike: prove what?

Chigozie: that you haven't gotten over me.

Mike: and how do you intend to do it?

Chigozie: let me show you. He asked and stood up from the bed..

Mike: No! No! No! Don't come close to me😒😒

Chigozie: 😂😂😂.. why? What happen? Allow me show you na..

Mike: no I don't want..stop coming closer..

Chigozie: still walking towards him..

Mike: I say No. Go back to your sit. Don't show me again. I know what you're talking about..

Thank you thank you

Chigozie: 😂😂😂 see his face!

Mike: what happened to my face

Chigozie: it's so fine.

Mike: 🙄🙄.. ok

Chigozie: 😉😉😉...

Mike: see chigozie we need to talk seriously..jokes apart!

I'm being serious right now..

Chigozie: talk about what? Should I lock the door properly?

Mike: lock the door for what? I said talk!

Chigozie: oh I thought you said sexx!

Mike: you dey madd..you and who?

Chigozie:😂😂😂... Me and you na

Mike: I'm not joking around with you now! Let talk..

Chigozie: okay.. what is it?

Mike: what do you want from me?

Chigozie: 😂😂😂which kind question be this?

Mike: I'm not laughing please

Chigozie: ok ok! It's fine..

Let get serious now..

I don't think I have word to use and answer what you just asked me...

Mike: meaning..

Chigozie: at first I thought it's Normal something.... But seeing you again brought out another phase of emotion Inside me..

I don't know if it's friendship or anything better than that... But I feel it's something nice and I cherish it so much!

Mike: you're married chigozie. And I have a new boyfriend now! And I'm still not clear of what you actually explained about your emotions..

Chigozie: Mike listen to me.. forget about my wife and kids... Leave them out of the picture..

This is something that came all sudden to me! I still can't understand the energy... Before I find fvcking girls amazing... I never for once ever thought of you in a romantic way. I just see you as a close friend that I need and want to keep for a very long time..

And that night that stuff happened... It was like a spirit entered me.. immediately I kissèd you that day.. evrything Changed... And ever since then I always long for you..

Mike: long for me for sexx?

Chigozie: I seriously do not know! I don't want to lie to you! You know me..if I want to be honest I'll be fully.

Mike: hmmm.

Chigozie: don't give me that look please.. I'm not following you because I find fvcking you really amazing and different from all my previous sexx... I'm here and longing for you because I feel I need to and the eagerness is always there... I hope you understand me now better..

Mike: hmm I do. But what you are asking for is not possible.

Chigozie: why is it not possible? He asked as he faced changed..

Mike: why you dey change your face?

Chigozie; answer me? Because of your boyfriend?

Mike: yes! I can't end things with him. He didn't do anything wrong to me.

Chigozie: but we both know you love me!

Mike: that was before?

Chigozie: which before? It's a lie! You still do. And i I know you enjoyed me fvcking you than any other person..

Mike: are you serious right now? You think it's all about the sexx?

Chigozie: I never said it's all about the sexx...but don't you think it's better to stay with someone you love Better irrespective of the relationship you have found yourself in.

Mike: not in my case..

Chigozie: so you want to continue húrting the guy? When you know you love me more than him?

Mike: can you just keep quiet please? Please just keep quiet.. who told you I love you more than him?

Chigozie: I'm 💯 sure!

Let not lie to ourselves.. let not make this difficult.

This is an emotion I just got my self Into...I'm entangled to Mike. You won't understand what I'm passing through because you're not in my heart now! I don't think I can survive properly knowing fully well you're with someone else..

Even before everything change between us, I don't appreciate seeing you with a different. Talk more of now that you have successfully made me this way..

Mike: made you what way? I didn't make you anyway please.

Chigozie: Mike you made me this way please. I thought I was feeling pity for you because I couldn't reciprocate the love but it wasn't that way.. it was actually love.

Mike: love?

Chigozie: Yes! A friendship that developed to love... I never planned for this and it happened..

I'm sure you never planned for this either.. but you couldn't help yourself but fall for me..

So please can we just be Happy this way?

Mike: hmmm... You think we can be happy?

Chigozie: yes why not? I'll do whatsoever you want.. anything! Just anything.. tell me I'll do it.. all you have to do is that just don't run away from me please...

Mike: hmmm...

Chigozie: see Mike I don't know how to express my self better than this.. I have never expressed my self for a Lady like this..even the woman I married.. all I want from you is YOU! Just stay with me please...

Mike: chigozie wait please... Don't take this too far..

Chigozie: I'm not taking it too far.. I'm just telling you how I feel.. funny enough I'm not even able to express my self to the full because I don't know what else to say or do that will make you believe me.. so many hidden feelings that I can't express are still here Inside me..

Mike: you Know what?

I'll give you time to think properly.. all I can see now is anxious chigozie..

Chigozie: I'm not anxious.. please! I'm not.. I'm just letting out my emotions.. am I wrong for doing that? He said as his emotions changed along with his facial expressions...

Mike: please don't look at me that way.. stop giving me a pity face. I need to be sure.

Chigozie: you still don't believe me? Huh? Mike? You don't believe me? So you think I'll just come and cook up all this stories for you? For what reasons?

Mike; I never said so...

Chigozie: then what is it please? Hmmm? He said calmly with a soft voice..

Mike: I don't know chigozie.. I seriously don't know..

Chigozie: I guess am rushing you right? Or am I forcing things?

Mike: I don't know please.. I don't want to say anything now!

See chigozie you're just overwhelmed by the sexx you enjoyed having with me... You're yet to set out your feelings..

Chigozie: no Mike.. not like that. I'm sure of what I'm saying please...

Mike: so now you want me to break up with my guy and be with you?

Chigozie: YES! That is what I want.

Mike: funny!... Things ain't done that way.. you can't eat your cake and have it..

Chigozie: but you're the only cake I have.. I can eàt you anytime I want..

Mike: hmmm... No please. This is not the kind of life I have planned for myself..

Chigozie: what kind of life do you want? Tell me!

Mike: I want a live where I'll be with the person I love and he loves me back, a life outside this judgemental socîety. Where I can freely express my self for whom I'm truly.. not living in fears and bondàge. Probably adopt kíds with my partner and live together!

Chigozie: hmmmm...

Mike: can you do that?

Chigozie: Mike! You know that is not possible.. there is no place you will go in this life that the won't judge you!

Mike: is that your excuse now?

Chigozie: no please.. that is not I mean...it's not an excuse...

Take a look at our environment now.. my family for instance.. should I just leave them and follow you to outside country? Is that ok by you? Is that normal?

Mike: that is why I said we can't be together because you do not share the kind of dreams that I do.. we both have different dreams and vision

Chigozie: hmmm but Rome isn't built in a day... We can take this slowly..

Mike: no I don't want chigozie. Yes I love chigozie. I love you so much but sometimes some things aren't just meant to be.. I guess we aren't meant to be

Chigozie: kept quiet looking at Mike..

Mike: yes! Chigozie let not stress what will not be fruitful at all..

Chigozie; no, common please.. let talk more about this and see how we can work things out..

Mike: no please I don't want to please..

Chigozie: stood up moved closer to Mike..

What na? Why are you making things difficult for us! We can be in this Lagos and still make things memorable for us.

Let start from here ok?

He said looking at Mike in the eyes trying so hard to convince him

Mike: No, no I don't think it will go well..

Chigozie: oh Jesus! Mike what is it na! Eeh? I have been trying so hard since just please you and dance to your tune but you're just making it more difficult for me! Do you think it's easy saying this to you? All of this started after the first sexx.. now you know have cagèd me into this feelings and decide to húrt me more by not accepting what I want..

He said raising his voice slightly and looking angriéd

Mike: are you now shouting at me? Like seriously? You want to be shouting at me?

Chigozie: no please Mike I'm not.. sorry..he said as he placed his hands on Mike's left cheek region..

Mike: don't touch me.. he said angrilyy as he pushedd chigozie hands away..

Chigozie: still reaching to touch him..

Mike: I said don't touch me! Shea you want start shouting at me now! Go on.. continue ok..

Chigozie: no na.. I'm not! I'm sorry.. okay.. he said apologizing..

Mike: leave me alone please.. infact come and be going to your house.. I don't want to talk again..

Chigozie: stop na.. stop please! You're chasing me away?

Mike: yes! I'm. Please go away... From the looks of things I don't think it will work óut for us...

Chigozie: hmmm... You're already concluding?

Mike: see chigozie it's ok please I'm tired of this talk ok... Just stop it please..

Chigozie: no please.. I can't stop.. please stop húrting me with your words.. he said as he gets more closer to Mike

Mike: shift away from me! Please move back.. chigozie I don't want to shout please..

Chigozie: NO! I'm not going.. he said holding Mike's hands..

Mike: leave my hand now.. why are you holding me?

Chigozie: let talk! Just listen to me..

Then Mike's phone rang out..

Mike: quickly rushed to carry it..

Chigozie: followed him towards the phone

On call..

Mike: hello baby!☺️☺️

He said smiling

Chigozie: hmmm... Then he maintain an eye contact with Mike. Watching him talk on phone

Boyfriend: I'm fine moi love. I call you earlier you didn't pick..

Mike: sorry moi love...

Then he put the phone on speaker so that chigozie can hear the conversation..

Boyfriend: oh ok baby. Have you eaten? I'm eating now

Mike: what are you eating baby?

Boyfriend: spaghetti! With liver sauce

Mike: awwwn.. keep mine.. I'll come collect it tomorrow..

Chigozie: exhaling loudly... Getting angryy with the whole conversation..

Boyfriend: sure. Anything for my baby.. I miss you.

Mike: I miss you more...😩😩 He said... looking at chigozie

Chigozie: still looking at him.. without saying anything

Boyfriend: awwwn thank you moi love.. can I call you video call?

Mike: yeah sure on WhatsApp right?

Boyfriend: yeah!

Call ended.. then they switched to video call on WhatsApp..

Mike: sat on his bed opposite where chigozie was standing..

Then they continue talking for few minutes..

Boom... Chigozie collected the phone suddenly...

Mike: 😳😳 are you màd? What are you doing? Give me my phone. He said while trying to collect the phone back from chigozie

Chigozie: looking at the guy on the video call..

Senior man! Howfer

Mike: chigozie are you stupeed? He shoutéd..

Mike's mom and Kate sitting at the living room heard some noise coming from Mike's room..

Chigozie: used one hands and pushedd Mike on the bed😂 while holding the phone on the second hand...

Senior man! Mike is babe! Please stop calling him from today..

Mike: Jesussss Christ 😳.. he shoutéd..

Chigozie: ended the call and threw the phone on the bed..

Mike: carried and Stonè chigozie angrilyy.. you dey mahd ni?

Chigozie: I should be asking you that.. how dare you talk to him in my front? What is the meaning of that? To get me angryy or what? Well you have succeded

Mike: got more angrier and slaaped chigozie!

Very loud

Chigozie: raised his hands and did as if he wanted to Mike back

Mike: got angryy and quickly used his hands to his face looking scàred..

Chigozie: dropped his hands.. and kisséd Mike

Mike: pushedd him away

Chigozie: kisséd him again holding his hands very tight..

(Mom in the living with Kate)

Mom; Kate please go and check what is going on... I just heard another sound..

Kate: ok ma she said and stood up immediately heading to Mike's room

Chigozie and Mike already kissin passionately and slowly..

Boom... Kate opened the door!

Kate: 😳😳😳😳...

Chapter 28?... loading!

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