

What we've all been waiting for has finally arrived. I had a blast writing this chapter and it is probably one of my favourites. Enjoy.


Aizen smiles. 

"It is time."

Realizing something is wrong, Yoruichi looks up and sees the danger. She screams at Soi Fon.

"Get away, Soi Fon!"

Aizen, Gin and Tousen are bathed in yellow light, that shines on them from the sky. The sky opens up and Menos Grande hold their head out. 

"Menos Grande ...", Soi Fon remarks. 

The Menos Grande come out and we see a lot of them in the Garganta looking down on the Shinigami.

"Gillians ... just how many are there?", Ōmaeda, the Lieutenant of the 2nd Division asks. 

"Wait! There's still something behind them."

Behind the Gillians a purple eye is visible, looking eerily at the people. The ground under each of the three breaks off and they slowly start to rise into the air. 

"You think you're getting away? Dammit!", Tetsuzaemon Iba, the Lieutenant of the 7th Division asks and is just about to jump and attack the three, when Yamamoto intervenes. 


"Head Commander."

"That light is called Negacion. Menos use it when helping their own. It was over once they were wrapped up in that light. Inside that light is a completely isolated, unaffectable world.

Anyone who has ever fought with a Menos knows ... the moment that light came down, we could no longer even touch Aizen."


Captain Komamura was angry with this development and screamed into the sky. 

"Tousen! Come down here Tousen! Unfathomable! Why did you become a Shinigami? Wasn't it for your deceased friend? Wasn't it to follow justice?! Where has your justice disappeared to?!"

"I told you, Komamura. The only thing these eyes see ... is the path of least bloodshed. Justice is always there. The path I walk is ... justice!"

"Tousen ..."


Ukitake also addresses Aizen. 

"You've even joined hands with Menos? For what reason?"

"To seek new heights.", Aizen answers.

"Have you fallen that low, Aizen?", Ukitake asks.

"Your arrogance is excessive, Ukitake. No one was standing in Heaven, to begin with. Not you, not me, not even the Soul King."

Aizen then proceeds to do the craziest transformation ever and takes off his glasses. Superman wishes he had such a transformation.

"That unbearable vacancy in the throne of Heaven will end." 

Aizen brushes his hair back and destroys the glasses.

"From now on ... I will stand in Heaven."

Everyone is perplexed by the bold statement of Aizen. But only a few truly understand what Aizen means by this. Because to stand in Heaven means ... 

"Farewell ... Shinigami."

"And farewe-"

"Yare yare, this sure is high up.", a voice interrupts Aizen.


Aizen whips around and sees Toji Fushiguro standing behind him on his little piece of land, looking to the ground. 

"My oh my. I'm not free from vertigo. How about we get back down? ...eh, Aizen?", Toji says and grabs Aizen's shoulder.

The latter is far too surprised that someone has made it to his platform and him not noticing. But he catches himself quickly.

"Toji Fushiguro. The Captain of the 3rd Division. A surprise seeing you here. What are you doing?"

"Well I'm here to get you from your high ... pedestal ... hehe, got him.", Toji smiles at his joke. 

Aizen narrows his eyes and uses Toji's moment of unfocus, grabs him and throws him into the Negacion. Normally this would hurt or even kill a Shinigami. But Aizen knows about Toji's Zanpakuto abilities. 

Just as he expects, Toji fazes through the Negacion and lands on the ground. He manages to turn in the air and land on his feet. 

"Phew, that was close.", Toji says and wipes the non-existent sweat from his forehead.

Everyone is perplexed for a moment at what just happened when Soi Fon explodes and grabs Toji by the collar.

"What was that?!? Why did you talk to him and alert him of your position? You imbecile!!!", she screames and shakes Toji until a hand stops her.

Unohana gently stops Soi Fon from continuing. She does not like to see someone treat her former Lieutenant that way, especially Toji. She knows that he is far smarter and more powerful than he lets on and never does something without thinking it through.

She also knows that he is seriously powerful, like seriously seriously and had he wanted to, he could have seriously injured or killed Aizen right then. The fact that he didn't, meant that something was more important. 

"Captain Soi Fon, please unhand Captain Fushiguro.", Unohana said. And the look in her eyes left no room for discussion.


Soi Fon was still angry and wanted to continue, but she wasn't able to in this situation. 

"Yare Yare daze. That was intense right there. All that power in such a small woman. Where does all that anger come from though? Are you on yo-", Toji asks, but gets interrupted by Unohana.

And just as Soi Fon was about to strangle Toji, Yamamoto interfered. 

"Enough! Captain Fushiguro, you better explain yourself."

"Ah, so much pressure. Well, I didn't leave entirely empty-handed...", Toji said and pulled something from his Shihakushō. A glowing orb in his hands he smiles and looks at Aizen. 

"The Hogyoku!!"

"He stole the Hogyoku while Aizen was distracted."

"Ah, you always had fast hands, Toji.", Shunsui says while smiling. He remembers the past when he and Jushiro were still in the Academy with Toji, learning from Yamamoto. 

"You know it, Shunsui. You're not the first one who said that ... although you're the first male who said that...", Toji answers.

"Hm, always ready for some mischief Toji.", Ukitake says.

In the sky, Aizen realizes with wide eyes that Toji has stolen the Hogyoku from him. The part of the Hogyoku that Urahara had created and tried to hide from him. That Hogyoku which he spent so long planning to get from him and which he just thought he had finally succeeded. 

Only to realize that it was stolen from him, right under his nose!!!! And by that Captain of all people. One that was the most unassuming of them all. He was furious, he should have listened to his instincts. Those things Toji did and said couldn't have been a coincidence. 

But ... there was something which he knew. He still had his half, not all was lost. He had more than enough to complete his own Hogyoku now that he had taken control over Hueco Mundo.

And there was no way, to destroy the Hogyoku anyway. He will get it back sooner or later. 

"... An impressive display Toji Fushiguro. But it won't help you. I will get it back one way or the other."

"Ah is that so? Did you forget what my Zanpakuto could do? Despite all your planning? I thought you were some kind of self-proclaimed mastermind/model/non-glasses-needing powerhouse or not?", Toji smirked.

"No matter what your Zanpakuto can do, you won't be able to destroy the Hogyoku. I'll get it back one way or- ... hm?"

Toji held the Hogyoku in the air and smiled. He had mastered his Bankai long ago and knew that he didn't have to say the phrase to release his Shikai, but he still did it for the dramatic effects and because it was time that he showed a tiny fraction of his power. 

"Shape the world, Jūtai no Utagaki!" 

Toji's Reiatsu spiked for a second before he controlled it again, for dramatic effects of course. 

The wave of Reiatsu spread through the surroundings. And then something unbelievable happened. 

All the Shinigami watched as the Hogyoku in Toji's hands ... slowly dissolved ...




No one was more shocked than Aizen himself. He knew how impossible it was to destroy the Hogyoku. And yet he saw it dissolve before his very eyes. The power of Toji's Zanpakuto, Jūtai no Utagaki should not have been able to ... do ... this. How was that possible?

He had seriously underestimated Toji Fushiguro. That was his first and worst mistake and now he was seeing the fruits of this mistake. The Hogyoku dissolved and ceased to exist. 

Yamamoto looked at Toji with open eyes. He usually had his eyes closed so for him to have them open was a big deal. He knew about this man before him. He knew that he was so much stronger than he let on. After all, he was his former student.

And yet ... he stayed an unassuming Captain by choice. He usually said that he enjoyed his former job as a Lieutenant and healing others was also fun. Not being very famous allowed him to pursue other hobbies like hanging around the 12th Division and helping with some research, or developing new Kido and whatnot. 

He had seen the true power of Jūtai no Utagaki, and he knew that Toji had a Bankai. He had seen it once when he forced him to take the test to become Captain. But that was mandatory since Toji had to show that he had mastered his Bankai to become a Captain. 

For him to not attack Aizen when he had the chance and instead steal the Hogyoku, only to then destroy it with his Zanpakuto power was a show of strong character. 

He could have used it for himself instead, but he decided to destroy it and stop Aizen from having it. He was still the same he knew when he was a child and he chased him around the training grounds. However, he wished that Toji had killed Aizen when he had the chance instead of doing this...

"You have done well, Captain Fushiguro. The less power Aizen wields the easier it will be for us to destroy him and all his allies."

"We will see each other again ... Toji Fushiguro.", Aizen said and he and the others disappeared into the Garganta. 


"Oh? And where do you think you're going?", Toji asked. 

"There is nothing you can do to stop me. Even your Zanpakuto can't do anything now, I am already in Hueco Mundo.", Aizen said.

"It's not all about you ... Aizen.", Toji says and puts his hand on his Zanpakuto hilt.

Toji got into a drawing position and bent his knees slightly. After he did that ... a monstrous power and pressure emanated from him and the once unassuming and famously 'useless and weak' Captain turned into a monster of apocalyptic proportions. 

His presence turned dangerous and this wasn't even his Reiatsu, it was his mere aura and killing intent. He had enough of the useless hiding and was now ready for some long-awaited action. 

F*ck his fellow Quincy in the Wandenreich who were watching, he was going to kill someone today. 


"Atomic Move: Normal Series ...", Toji started. Toji had become good friends with the Capted Baldy, even though it was only his imagination and the Saitama he imagined wasn't the real one, he knew that they would be good friends... Toji could imagine money after all ...

"...Consecutive Normal Slashes" ...



Toji disappeared and then reappeared behind the three Negacion with his Zanpakuto in a position that showed that he had just swung it.

He straightened up again and then slowly sheathed his Zanpakuto. 

No one moved a muscle or made one tiny sound. Most were looking at Toji but not all. Yamamoto looked at Toji but then looked up to the three Shinigami. Aizen was already with his upper body in the Garganta, Gin was fully in and the only one that was still outside was ... Kaname Tousen.

Suddenly there seemed to be lines visible in the air and Tousen ... lines started to appear all over his body. It looked like 1000 or so sword slashes had cut him. (Picture)

After another second ... he fell into thousands of pieces...

"To-TOUSEEEEN!!!", Sajin Komamura screamed as he watched his former friend fall into all those pieces of flesh and gore. 

Blood rained from the sky but surprisingly ... not all of the blood was from Tousen. Our friend Aizen also got cut ... a lot. 

Since he was already inside the Garganta about 2/3, the pieces of his flesh that rained down were not fatal, but he would not walk to Las Noches that was certain. And all of the dead Gillians wouldn't either ... never again.

"Phew, yare yare that was intense. I could use some tea right about now. Or maybe tea is not the right thing? Would sake be better? I mean I could also get both but .....", Toji continued to ramble along as he walked to his barracks. 

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