
Incoming (Part 5)

There seemed to be nothing around Adam, dozens of blades heading towards him, and he should do something about it, not having the option to summon a red sound wave.

Still, he had at least two objects he could interact with somehow: the air and its energy.

The downside of fighting in the training hall covered in amber resin was that the arena was a perfect cube, with straight walls and angles that were impossible to move or affect in any way.

If Adam was in a mountainous or forested area, he could hit the ground and use the landscape to defend himself from the glass blades. In the Dead Lands, this would be possible since everything was infused with energy.

But... here, especially under the glass dome, Adam's options were severely limited, but there was a way out of any situation if the necessary resources were available.

Tremble. Tremble. Tremble.

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