
Chapter 12 World 1: Hydra's First Military Battle!

"Lord Mistress Boss..." Aldo stuttered as he wasn't sure how to refer to this monster in the form of a lady. 

Bruises were present all over his body, along with swollen black eyes. Behind Aldo stood the only people he could call family in this world—his brothers and sisters, who were also abandoned by their parents. As the eldest, he couldn't show fear in front of this woman for the sake of his siblings. Even if they were nearly beaten to death because of her, he would secretly hide his hatred and plans of revenge deep down inside. One day, he'll pay this evil woman back for what she did to him and his family. 

"Boss, I don't like the look in the kid's eyes. He looks like the type to bite the hand that feeds. We should get rid of him and keep the rest. Trust me, I would know. I had that same look on my face after my father got done beating me after drinking." Leo idly chatted. 

"He does, doesn't he? Too young to realize his emotions are showing right on his face." Lydia giggled in amusement. 

Aldo wanted to respond with rage, with fury, and yell at them that they were wrong. But now wasn't the time. He couldn't prove them right, especially in front of his siblings. If they had any thoughts in their heads that were similar to his in any way, they wouldn't be able to survive in this town anymore, especially since that wicked woman had bought the loyalty of most of the people in the slums. Aldo dropped to his knees completely and bowed with his forehead to the floor. 

"Look at that." Leo laughed, also amused. "He knows when to put away the pride. This kid definitely has the will to wait several years to take revenge." 

Aldo was in disbelief. How could they see through him so easily?! However, he didn't change his stance or say anything. He continued to bow with all his being, hoping that they give him a chance to prove his loyalty or something! While he didn't want to die, if that was what it took to keep his siblings safe, he would be willing... 

"There's no logical reason I can see to keeping such a dangerous factor around in our group. Hydra is a group full of happily content people who joined for all sorts of reasons but none that would endanger the entire group. Get rid of him." Lydia coldly gave the order, and Leo followed. 

With a single toss of his folded spinning blade, it sunk into the skull of Aldo. At the same time, all the orphans screamed for her to spare their eldest brother, but unfortunately, it was too late. Aldo's body went still as cries rang out from the orphans. Neither Lydia nor Leo showed any joy in this situation. 

"Have the monks arrived yet?" Lydia asked, the execution already out of her mind. 

"August said a few have, but they've been staying at an inn while helping those out in the slum through lessons and medical services," Leo responded. 

"Ah, give them this to start up a monastery here. If they run into any trouble, tell them to contact me or Pete." Lydia handed him an embraided purse with a hydra etched on the surface of it. 

"We're really spreading all over the world, huh?" Excitement built up inside Leo. 

"As long as this battle with Lord Edmund goes well, this is only the beginning." Lydia also brightly smiled. 

The two bandits ignored the children, still loudly crying and sobbing over the death of their eldest brother. Soon enough, a group of miscreants came in and took them away to become future monks. While the church was for the worship and sharing of Christ's teachings, it was directly funded by Hydra. Lydia may or may not have bribed the Abbot for a few new inclusions into the religion for the sake of saving the souls of the bandits in Hydra and creating future snakes for Hydra. 

As the time for battle came closer, Lydia quickly and firmly made Hydra a solid foundation within Kinter. It turns out that with a seemingly limitless amount of money that her husband received from Lord Feedback, it isn't hard to do whatever you want. Of course, there were still limits. Eventually, Lord Rohan caught on to their expansive building and tried to put a hard stop to it, but it was a bit too late for the noble. Lydia had effectively captured both the commoners and the slum dwellers. It didn't really matter, even if Lord Rohan wanted them to stop. After Pete marries his daughter, they would own Kinter in no time. 


Hydra looked down on the opposing army with sneers and mockery. They stood atop of a giant hill with fortifications, horses, armor, and the high ground. Lydia grumbled as she waddled in the armor that John gave her. She could barely move or see out of this thing! Couldn't he have at least given her something in her size!? 

"If they manage to get up here, I'm going to be a training dummy for them to whack on!" Lydia complained. 

"I trust you," John replied with love as he took off his wife's helmet. This way, she could at least see while she waddles around. 

The Golden Snakes giggled at the sight of their usually positive and terrifying Boss waddling around like a baby bear cub struggling to walk. John refused to let her go into battle in just her dress, so he forced her into that abomination. It wasn't that he didn't trust in the plan. He just knew that even the best plans don't always go well. Anything and everything could go wrong. Might as well prepare for the worst. 

"I'd be more useful in my dress than this stupid hunk of metal! Even if, on the slightest chance, everything went wrong and they somehow made it up the hill, I wouldn't even be able to flee or fight back! It would be smarter to get me out of this than to keep me in it!" Lydia argued. 

"Leo, looks like it's your time to shine. I'll stay here and protect Lydia. You lead the Golden Snakes and take the enemy commander's head." John said. 

"No! That's going to ruin everything!" Lydia whined. 

"The armor stays on, and I go fight. The armor comes off. I stay." John didn't back down at Lydia's glare. 

Lydia sucked in her teeth angrily before saying, "Fine! But you better make sure nothing goes wrong, or I'll willingly let them beat me to death!" Lydia put back on her helmet, pouting all the way inside. John smiled inside his armor. "Thank you, Lydia. Leo, I'll still leave the commander's head to you." John knew how much Leo loved the limelight and fame. 

"Sweet. I can't wait." Leo was already spinning his two blades. 

Everyone knew the plan, even Lord Rohan's soldiers and conscripted commoners. It was made by Lydia, Pete, Lord Rohan, and Knight Commander Giles. Lydia and Pete took charge of the planning due to their higher experience. This was Lord Rohan's first real battle with his soldiers. Although it was also Hydra's first real battle in a war-like setting as well, they had something to pull on as experience to help them strategize. 

Lydia was still upset with John but was also very excited about this battle. Golden Snakes desperately needed this type of experience. Well, not just her branch in Hydra but all of the snakes. They've been cooped up inside Desmont this entire time, doing nothing but training till their bodies broke, soaking in expensive medicine baths, and partying. If it was up to Lydia, she'd have them raiding, pillaging, and starting fights with the surrounding towns and villages. Unfortunately, Pete said that was pointless since they would be doing it for no reason. They lacked no food, no water, and no coinage. Lydia was forced to agree at that point. Experience was valuable, yes, but the unneeded risk was not. 


"Hmph! You aren't the only one willing to hire mercenaries." Lord Edmund scoffed as he looked up the giant hill filled with defensive fortifications and enemy soldiers. "We'll distract them by charging head-on. It's your job to charge from the right to sneak up the hill and take care of Lord Rohan's commanding knight or capture him personally. If you screw up, this entire battle is lost. So, don't screw up, and you get your gold and land, got it, Ivar?" 

"Aye, aye, boss man. Alright, boys, we'll hit them fast and hard, then get the hell out of there. We're here to make some money, not lose our lives. Don't forget that." Ivar reminded his men on top of their horses. 

"Everyone else, get ready for a long battle. I didn't bring these toys for playing." Edmund smiled when looking at his multiple catapults being wheeled forward. 

Edmund didn't know what Lord Rohan was up to when deciding to ambush them on their way to his territory, but regardless, he wouldn't be stupid. This battle was too important for Edmund to assume he'd win cleanly and easily, even if he had superior numbers. Just to be safe, he brought those catapults and hired some mercenaries. Edmund may have promised those mercenaries land and coins, but how could he stay true to his words to a bunch of criminals? They have neither loyalty, nor honor, nor respect for the common man. It should be their greatest honor to serve and aid Lord Edmund at his behest. Yet, they place their eyes on more materialistic things. Coinage instead of honor. Fear instead of respect. Vices instead of virtues. 

"CHARGE!!!" Lord Edmund commanded. 

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