
34: The Demon king 2


A huge explosion echoed through the arena, sending a shockwave that knocked everyone unconscious except for Leorg, who barely clung to consciousness.

"Oh, you do have some skill to survive. Since that's the case, let me give you a little reward," Anos said, striding towards Zepes's corpse. He cast a dark, ominous magic circle.

"<Igram >."

Zepes's corpse twitched and, like a zombie, began to move around.

"You monster! What have you done?" Leorg shouted, appalled at the sight of his brother's reanimated body.

"Now, now, don't jump to conclusions just yet. I'm giving you a chance. Team up with your brother and face me together," Anos replied, a smirk playing on his lips.

"It hurts, brother. It hurts. Why did you kill me, brother? Why?" screamed the zombified Zepes.

"Are you joking? Can that thing even think? Isn't it better to end its misery?" Leorg said, casting an attack spell towards Zepes. To his shock, Zepes retaliated with an even fiercer magic, forcing Leorg to dodge.

"How is this possible? He didn't have that kind of magic power before," Leorg exclaimed.

"It is because of <Igram >, which resurrects the user as a zombie. In this state, the user feels all their previous negative emotions and seeks revenge, using those emotions as a catalyst. Now you can team up with your brother. Since he's more powerful than you, teaming up might at least allow you to survive a bit longer against me," Anos explained.

"Are you out of your mind? That thing will kill me before anything else!" Leorg cursed.

"No, it won't. Even in this state, Zepes is still your brother. Call out to him, make him remember the times you shared as a family. Show me that the bonds of family are still strong," Anos shouted passionately.

Zepes leaped towards Leorg with magic circles in his hands. As he approached, Leorg's mind flooded with memories of their childhood, the times they played together, and all the happy moments they shared. Instinctively, he shouted, "Zepes—"


A huge explosion engulfed them both. When the smoke cleared, the corpses of Zepes and Leorg lay motionless, Zepes clutching Leorg's heart.

"Well, that was anticlimactic. Who would have thought that the bonds between family members are so fragile? In the old days, even in a zombified state, they never lost their bond with their family. Sigh, what a disappointment. Well, at least he remembered who he was fighting. That's a plus, right?" Anos mumbled as he walked towards the duo.

Misha, who had been observing, thought, 'He is brutal.'

As Anos approached, the arena began to collapse due to the two rapid explosions.

"Sigh, what a tiresome duo. If I leave you there and try to stabilize this arena, you won't be resurrected. If I ignore it and try to revive you guys, the others will be dead. You really are making me work a lot," Anos said, already creating various magic circles in the air.

Misha, seeing this, thought, 'As expected, he can defy common sense like it's breathing.'


"So, now do you understand your mistakes?" Anos asked, smiling at the kneeling Zepes and Leorg.

After saving everyone, Anos had made the culprits reflect on their actions. But as expected, neither sibling would openly admit their mistakes, especially not to him.

"Well then, see you guys later. Oh, and if you want to come and play again, tell me beforehand, okay?" Anos waved at them and resumed his journey with Misha.

"Never, you monster!"

"I would rather die than face you again!"

Ignoring their ramblings, Anos turned to Misha and said apologetically, "I'm sorry about that, Misha. I hope you didn't mind too much."

Misha shook her head and replied, "It's no problem. I watched a good show."

"Is that so?" Anos responded, unable to understand what was so interesting about a childish fight.

Without further interruptions, Anos safely escorted Misha to her home and then used <Gathom > to return to his own home. He went to bed, eager to enjoy his sleep before going to school the next day. Unbeknownst to him, a pair of glowing yellow eyes watched from the darkness.

"Hmm, looks like he used more magic than before and is tired. Just when I was free to beat some sense into him. Sigh, whatever, I'll teach him tomorrow," the mysterious figure muttered before disappearing into the shadows.


It was a grand day for the Demon King Academy. Today marked the day the generation of chaos, prophesied to include the reincarnation of the Demon King of Tyranny, would begin their studies. In one of the classrooms, the door opened, revealing a unique pair.

One was a boy wearing the white Demon King Academy uniform for commoners, but with a different badge from the rest. The other was a girl with silvery blue hair, wearing the red uniform for royals, also with a unique badge.

As soon as they entered, they garnered everyone's attention. Most people would have been nervous under such scrutiny, but for these two, it was nothing. They had faced larger crowds before.

The boy smiled cockily and announced, "Good morning, everyone. The class is under my control now. I will kill anyone who opposes me."













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